Take out your baby when it’s cold: the right actions to adopt

During the first months of life, a baby does not have a mature thermal regulation system, which makes it particularly sensitive to temperature changes. In addition, it should be remembered that a newborn cannot move and move to warm up. There is no question of keeping it confined indoors, but some precautions are in order

Dress it well:

There is no shortage of equipment and clothes so that baby does not catch cold. They are generally intended to be as warm as they are cozy and comfortable. Pilot type suits are very practical. Underneath, adopt the onion technique by superimposing the layers: long-sleeved cotton bodysuit + long-sleeved wool sweater or bra + tights + warm slippers. Thus, it will be both well armed against the cold, and it will be easier for you to discover it if you enter a warm place.

The good portage:

Before 2-3 months, avoid baby carriers which compress baby’s legs and risk cooling very quickly. The baby wrap can be a solution, because it will be well wrapped up against you, but be careful not to dress it too much to avoid overheating. Best for short outings and if you avoid sudden changes in temperature (store type). Otherwise, the carrycot is very practical and comfortable until its 6 months, baby installed in a sleeping bag and covered with a blanket. After 6 months, you can install it in the stroller by equipping yourself with a cover for the feet and a hood against the rain or the icy wind.

Back to home :

Avoid going out for more than an hour and choose the hottest hours of the day for your ride. When you get home, make sure your baby warms up. Immediately remove any wet clothes. If it still looks cool, take its temperature, and warm it in a warm room, in your arms, with a hot bath or a hot meal. If her temperature does not return to normal, see your doctor.

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