Hearing is a sense that we often forget about in the context of health prevention. Hearing is so natural for us that until problems arise with it, we usually do not realize that we have an indirect influence on hearing, i.e. receiving external sound stimuli from the environment.
There is a stereotype that hearing problems affect only elderly people. It’s a myth! Currently, poor hearing is a lifestyle disease that even teenage people struggle with. Its first symptoms are:
- watching TV loudly, listening to music, radio,
- louder and louder way of talking
- the impression that our interlocutors speak too quietly and indistinctly, when others have no problem understanding them.
Untreated hearing loss has very serious consequences. It can even lead to complete deafness. Therefore, it is extremely important to take care of proper hearing prevention in advance. So we suggest how to do it.
1 step
Protect your ears from noise
It is best to simply avoid it, i.e. do not consciously expose yourself to noisy sounds: do not listen to the TV and music too loud, do not use earphones too often, pay attention to the volume level of the home appliances you buy. Sometimes being around noise is unavoidable, for example due to the nature of your job. Then it is worth using special muting headphones or earplugs that will provide adequate protection.
2 step
Use appropriate hygiene measures
Ears need cleaning as earwax accumulates in them. If it is not removed systematically, it hardens over time and forms a so-called earwax plug, which closes the ear canal giving the impression of a clogged ear. Ultimately, it can even lead to serious inflammation and hearing damage. Therefore, the ears must be washed regularly. It is best to simply do this with warm water and a mild soap using your own fingers. Do not use cotton buds as they can damage the sensitive ear canal or eardrum.
3 step
Make sure to fully cure any infection
Any untreated inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, including even a common runny nose, poses a serious threat to our hearing. They are associated with a high risk of complications in the form of a disease such as otitis media
4 step
Protect your ears well against frost and wind
This is another proof that when it gets cold and windy outside, a hat and scarf are the best solution. Ears should be protected against freezing and wind, which are extremely unhelpful and cause severe and painful ear diseases.
5 step
Follow a properly composed diet
Elderly people, whose hearing naturally deteriorates with age, should eat plenty of sea fish, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Scientists also emphasize that good hearing is supported by the right combination of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C and E as well as magnesium, folic acid and omega-3 acids.