Take care of your family’s health! A nationwide educational campaign was launched

Educational campaign of The Point publishing house – «Your Family. Health and lifestyle ». The whole was published in the press on September 13 as a special thematic supplement in Gazeta Wyborcza, in an online version at wpunktozdrowiu.pl and on many websites dealing with family and health issues.

Concern for family health starts with small decisions, ranging from daily shopping to specialist medical care. The choice of food products or cleaning products, how we spend time together, how we approach the issue of examinations and visits to the GP and individual specialists, as well as prevention in the form of e.g. vaccinations, has a huge impact on the condition and health of us and our loved ones. Our conscious choices and the search for healthy solutions will allow us to enjoy every moment with our loved ones. They will also help to pass on healthy eating habits to the youngest family members, show the benefits of spending free time in an active way or convince them to conduct regular tests in their future, adult life.

  1. We talk to Dr. hab. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas – Head of the Chair and Department of Family Medicine at the Medical University of Wrocław, Vice-President of the Polish Society of Family Medicine – p. 2
  2. Dr. Anna Zimny-Zając, Ph.D., Biotechnologist, Journalist, Publisher of MedTvoiLokony writes about HIV testing and the necessity to perform them in pregnant women – p. 2
  3. Prof. dr hab. Brygida Knysz – Head of the Department and Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Liver Diseases and Acquired Immunodeficiencies, Wroclaw Medical University – p. 2
  4. WUModa na Zdrowie is a pro-health campaign of the Medical University of Warsaw. How to start living healthy? Let’s start with small steps – suggests Prof. dr hab. n. med. Mirosław Wielgoś – Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw, initiator of the WUModa na Zdrowie campaign – p. 4
  5. How to deal with the autumn cold, what is nebulization and how to choose the right device for it, we can read on p. 5
  6. Is autumn a safe time for allergy sufferers? What are the causes of allergies during this period? These questions are answered by Prof. dr hab. med. Marek Kulus – President of the Polish Society of Allergology, Head of the Department of Pneumology and Children’s Allergology, Pediatric Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw – p. 6
  7. We will learn about the role of a family doctor and what should be the coordination of patient care from the statement by Dr. Tomasz Tomasik from the Department of Family Medicine of the Jagiellonian University and the College of Family Physicians in Poland – p. 6
  8. How to take care of the skin of the whole family, how to choose a safe detergent and how our daily choices affect the natural environment, see the article on p. 6.
  9. The topic of allergy, its causes, the most common allergens in our homes, as well as ways to safely clean the allergy’s home are discussed on p. 7

The main content partners of the project were: Polish Society of Family Medicine and Polish Society of Allergology.

Medonet became the Media Partner. You can read all the articles here: «Your Family. Health and lifestyle »

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