Take care of the immunity of the whole family
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An efficient immune system is the best way to successfully fend off virus attacks

Regardless of the season, our body is often exposed to stress, lack of adequate sleep and sun exposure, which weakens its natural immunity. If this happens with regular medication, processed foods, and a deficient diet, we will gradually begin to lose our stores of the active substances that build this immunity. In children, an additional burden is caused by recurrent infections resulting from the not yet fully formed immune system.

Therefore, in order to take care of the health of the whole family, it is necessary to support each of its members according to their needs. The sooner we think about it, the better, because reaching for immunity enhancers only during an infection is less effective than prophylaxis, which, in the event of an illness, also helps shorten the duration of the disease, alleviates its course and reduces the risk of complications.

Vitamin Shield

So what does the immune system need to function properly? Above all vitamin C. – a real specialist when it comes to accelerating the body’s defensive reaction against viruses from the very beginning. It is she who reduces the duration and severity of infection, and in people exposed to physical and environmental stress, it reduces the frequency of their occurrence1. Additionally, as a strong antioxidant, vitamin C can stop damage caused by free radicals and improve energy production, and thus reduce fatigue.

It is no less important vitamin D3, which participates in the production of the so-called natural antibiotics (i.e. cathelicidin and defensin) and regulates the functions of T lymphocytes, i.e. cells of the immune system2. Every fourth person with D3 deficiency struggles with recurring infections of the upper respiratory tract, and in our latitude – with little sunlight – most of the population struggle with them.

Mineral support

Similarly, a zinc deficiency causes disorders the immune systemas this element plays an important role at the earliest stages of the immune response3. Its shortage, among others weakens the mucosa, which makes it easier for viruses to enter the body. Meaning that cynkallows us to avoid the invasion of pathogens, their penetration into the body and multiplication.

Also selenium protects cells against the harmful effects of free radicals, and additionally supports the development and mobility of white blood cells. It also builds proteins that are part of our immune system.

The power of synergy

At the same time, studies show that selenium has an even stronger effect in combination with vitamins D and C and zinc. This combination allowed to reduce the risk of infection by about 40% and shorten its duration by 54%4.

According to experts, the combination of selenium with probiotics. The use of these ingredients allowed to reduce the frequency of viral infections in the respiratory tract by 15% and fever attacks by more than half compared to the group of people taking placebo5.

Which bacteria will be especially helpful? It is primarily about the microorganisms of the strains Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium i Enterococcus, which provide natural cell protection and strengthen the immune system against pathogens, as they act as a barrier to them6. As a result, they eliminate the possibility of multiplication of intruders in the body.

Sets for special tasks

Following an extremely strong synergistic effect, it is worth looking for supplements containing all these substances necessary to support immunity. You will find them in preparations Acute Immune-Intercell and Immun-Intercel for children. These are unique compositions tailored to the needs and age of all members of your family.

Immun-Intercell akut consists of 10 bacterial cultures in the amount of 5 billion colony forming units (CFU) and gradually released vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and selenium in the most digestible and active forms. On the other hand Immun-Intercel for children in addition to the vitamins and elements necessary for immunity, it contains 5 bacterial strains appropriate for their organisms in the amount of 2 billion CFU and beta-glucan – a component of dietary fiber, which (as research shows) reduces the incidence of respiratory infections by 50-65%, and all related diseases with infection by about 45-62%, and also shortens the duration of the disease by up to 5-6 days7.

These specially prepared formulas available on the site Mito-pharma.pl are real health concentrates that strengthen the immune system of children and adults to cope with viral attack and infections.


1. Am Fam Physician 2007;75(4):515-520

2. J Immunol 2009;182:4289-4295; J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010;126:52-58

3. Exp. Med., 2000,13:1

4. Ann Intern Med. 2003; 138(5):365-71; J Am Geriatric Soc. 2004; 52(1):3-12

5. Beneficial Microbes 2013; 4(1):39-51

6. Urology. 1976;7(2):169-77; Biochem.J. 2003;372:473-483

7. Meng F. J Nutr Food Sci 2016; 6:518

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