Take care of our seniors during the end of year celebrations

The Christmas and end-of-year celebrations are approaching and with them their share of family reunions, exchanges of gifts, extended lunches… How can we help our seniors to live these intense moments well? How to reach them in their needs?
Give gifts that make sense
When we think of giving something for our seniors, it is sometimes difficult to choose the ideal gift because, very often, they already have a lot of things. Sweater, scarf, gloves, handbag, it’s already seen … Parachute jumping or unusual weekends are unfortunately no longer suitable! So we thought of a gift that makes sense and that lasts over time. What if we committed this year, the whole family, to sending news from each of us every week? Thanks to photos received regularly, your granny who often feels alone will follow you more. This is the concept developed in particular by the company Picintouch. Take a tour of their site to find out more.
Another gift that will make your grandfather so happy: visits! On a nice calendar, children and grandchildren, if they are old enough, choose on a specific date and sign up for a visit. And that day we apply ourselves so that the day or the few hours shared are joyful and memorable. Martin commits for March 5, Adèle chooses May 18, Lily chooses September 7, etc. Grandma knows about it and her week seems shorter because she knows the weekend is coming soon! What could be better than a gift that lasts all year round!
Beware of the hustle and bustle during the holidays
Who says family reunion also says noise, agitation, meals that last, lively conversations, watered aperitifs … Unfortunately, everything is not always suitable for an elderly person not used to so much movement in his daily life. So yes, she will be happy to have the little ones in her arms while listening to the older ones tell her their crazy school stories, but very soon grandfather or grandmother will feel tired.
So, if we can, we pull the armchair into a somewhat quieter room, we talk in a small committee, and why not, we can agree that the person who sits next to him at the table favors two-way conversations. Also note that if your grandmother is deaf, loud conversations quickly turn into nightmare and cacophony.
Support the return on a daily basis
If your grandmother or grandmother lives alone, is widowed or lives in a retirement home, the days of celebration can be very sad. Loneliness is harder to accept after such a family bath and our seniors can, like anyone, be affected by a stroke of the blues – even an episode of depression.
If you don’t live far from where they live, keep regular visits or make phone calls to take and give news: “ Lucas plays a lot with the train you offered, I’ll pass it to you, he’ll tell you about his day … “ It’s very simple, but when everyday life takes back its rights, it’s hard to think about it. And yet… It is so essential to take care of intergenerational bonds as a family. And when we say to ourselves that it will not be eternal, it gives a great boost of motivation!
Maylis Choné
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