Take Baby to the Pool

Baby at the pool: tips for safe swimming

From the age of 6 months, you can take your child to a public swimming pool. The only condition: an up-to-date vaccination record. But so young, it will catch cold very quickly, even if the water is heated to 30 ° C. Not to mention the drafts between the exit of the bath and the changing rooms. For more suitable conditions, consider signing up for baby swimmers instead. Rather, wait until he is 2 years old, he will then play 10 to 15 minutes without immediately having goosebumps. Around 5-6 years old, if it is dynamic in the pool, swimming can last half an hour.

Equipping Baby

You can put armbands on it to help it float better. But beware, these small buoys are never a guarantee of safety: they are only recommended when the child is accompanied by an adult and when he is on foot. When the time comes to learn to swim, it is rather the belt with loaves of foam that is recommended.

 Should we complete this hat / swimsuit / armband outfit with swimming goggles? No, this material is not useful for a very young child. Sooner or later he will find that the water in his eyes stings. Better that he immediately learns about this new environment. Thus, it becomes more careful and able to anticipate waves or other hazards.


At the swimming pool, vigilance is essential

He does not leave the steps of the small bath? However, your vigilance should not weaken: a child can drown in 20 cm of water. Teach him not to stray from you and teach him the essential notions of good manners : we do not run around a swimming pool, we cannot dive anywhere like in the aquatic garden, we are in a public space.

 Also be sure to respect your child’s pace. The expanse of water seemed immense to him, difficult for him to be as comfortable as in his bathtub. Think about fragmenting the space by positioning yourself in front of it, use buoys or chips, if they are available, to create a small quiet place for it.

Is he scared and doesn’t want to put his foot in the water? No forcing. Give him time. Another day, perhaps he himself will show the desire to bathe. There is no standard schedule, set goals based on your child’s progress and desires. Anyway, learning to swim does not start before 6 years old, because of the child’s psychomotor abilities and attention.

Game ideas to entertain Baby at the pool

The board is essential. Thanks to it, your child can learn the different positions: sitting / lying / standing, and thus acquire more ease in the water. Another exercise, “playing the crocodile”: the child lies down in the water, his arms bent on the steps of the small bath. A tip to help her relax. Finally, we can simulate the shower or the bath. We put small games in the water, we rinse ourselves with a watering can …

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