Take advantage of the summer to wake up your sexuality

Take advantage of the summer to wake up your sexuality

Take advantage of the summer to wake up your sexuality

It is well known: summer often allows you to reconnect with your sexuality. But while an active and fulfilling sex life contributes to good health, it is not always easy to live on a daily basis.

Why summer puts us in “good shape”

Take advantage of the summer to wake up your sexuality

We often notice it for ourselves: we are better mood during summer. The average luminosity is 100 lux (unit of measurement of luminosity) against 000 lux for winter days. This strong luminosity stimulates specific areas of the brain and in particular, the pinéale glans. It releases a neurohormone, melatonin, synthesized from serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood and emotionality. In conclusion, summer and its greater brightness help send a message of “relaxation” and good humor to our brain. Freed from the stress and fatigue of everyday life, we are in a better position to take time for ourselves and for our partner. Finally, sex pheromones whose role is to arouse a physical attraction between men and women, and which are secreted through sweat (and we sweat more of course during the summer) would also be conducive to rapprochement, although this has not been clearly proven.

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