Take a doctor for a picnic

What if you had the best doctor always with you? Not one, but a whole galaxy of leading specialists ready at any place and at any time to advise you? It is possible! The application facilitating contact with an expert was created by ENEL-MED.

The idea is quite simple and very bold: to make ENEL-MED clinics available to each of us, anywhere in the world. It sounds fantastic, but how do you do it? Technology comes to the rescue. Most of us have a smartphone. The classic contact with a doctor using this device consists in finding a doctor that interests us, then we look for a facility where he or she is visiting, a telephone number, contact the hotline, we wait for a connection. What if the time of performing all these activities was shortened? Click on the appropriate application on the phone, choose a doctor who is valued by other patients, even get to know his professional experience and easily choose a suitable date?

The creators of the application bringing patients closer to ENEL-MED clinics faced such a challenge. The effect of their work is really impressive.

– While working on the application, we thought not only about the comfort of our patients, but also about how to help them take care of their health even more effectively. Therefore, to enable them to manage their health from anywhere in the world, we were the first to introduce two innovative functions. The first is the possibility of direct contact with the doctor regardless of where you are, via voice, video or chat, i.e. e-visit. The second is access to the ranking of doctors who are assessed daily by thousands of our patients – says Jacek Rozwadowski, Vice President of ENEL-MED.

And so we get an application pleasing to the eye and intuitive to use, which takes no more than 2 minutes to download, install and log in. The process of registering new users is child’s play and takes a few moments, after which we enter the “virtual clinic”.

A helpful option is the aforementioned possibility of finding a good doctor, checking information about him and arranging or canceling your or your child’s visit. The ranking of doctors created by the patients themselves, available in the application, guarantees a good choice. In 2017 alone, over 128 people participated in the patient satisfaction survey. Their average total satisfaction rating is 407 on a 5,46-point scale. It is hard to find a better recommendation.

However, this is just the beginning of making things easier!

There is a long May weekend ahead of us, a period of holidays away from the cities, clinics. Each of us wants to feel safe at this time, we take the first aid kit, check if we have emergency numbers entered in the telephone address book. What if you took your doctor with you? The ENEL-MED application allows for quick contact with a specialist via video, chat or voice connection and discussing, for example, the child’s malaise or consulting disturbing symptoms noticed at home. When you are worried about an unusual rash in your baby, you just send a photo to the doctor and wait to be told what to do. Such an e-visit is a perfect solution when we spend our free time away from classic doctor’s offices. From the smartphone level, we can take advantage of consultations, among others allergist, dietitian, internist, family medicine doctor, dermatologist, endocrinologist, psychologist or consult a midwife. The list will surely grow over time. And already at the beginning of May, due to the changed regulations, after e-consultation, the doctor will be able to remotely issue a prescription for almost all medications and issue you a certificate of exemption!

This is not the end of new solutions. Let’s imagine that we are already patients and we were on the first visit to the ENEL-MED clinic. We decided that the selected specialist is a specialist in whom we trust and we want to return to him. Nothing is easier than adding him to the ranks of your favorite doctors and not looking for him among hundreds of experts before your next visit. Ba! We can also evaluate it, which will help other people choose an expert.

Another facilitation that allows you to save time and money is the ability to check the results of the ordered tests in the application itself. We don’t have to go to the clinic to pick them up, just click and we’ll find the results. Not sure what they mean? It doesn’t matter, you can also ask about it during the e-visit in the application.

Many people will also be pleased to be able to check their medical recommendations after the visit. They are also easy to find in the archives of your clinic visits.

Therefore, it can be safely said that the technological revolution thanks to mobile devices also makes it easier for us to take care of our own health and comfort in using the knowledge of the best doctors. #health with the ENEL-MED application.

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