It is often said that every body is different. No wonder then that among the factors that may affect the success of weight loss, special attention is paid to adjusting the diet to the shape of the figure. If other slimming programs have failed so far, it is worth considering implementing a menu based on our figure.
A figure deserves the name of a pear, in which adipose tissue tends to accumulate on the hips, thighs and buttocks. It is extremely rare to find fat on the belly. The feeling of heaviness is added by the merging of the buttocks with the hip line during weight gain. If we have doubts whether a pear is our figure type, let’s use a simple converter in which the waist circumference should be divided by the hip circumference. A result below 0,84 finally settles this issue, determining the type of pear.
What should a pear diet look like?
- Due to problems with joints, include foods rich in calcium in your daily menu, which, apart from having a beneficial effect on bone structure, facilitates weight loss. Yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir are ideal.
- Do not include canned or smoked products in your meals.
- Eat fish or seafood several times a week, as they contain protein and calcium, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for joints and the heart.
- Make sure the food you choose to accompany your meal is low on the glycemic index.
- Do not skimp on products full of vitamin C, in particular parsley, broccoli, celery, leek, beets, legumes and sprouts. Eat vegetables raw or steam them. As for fruits, currants, citrus and apples are recommended. Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, which is important for the health of joints and tendons.
- Avoid animal fats, prefer vegetable oils.
- Give up the use of sauces and roux.
- Try not to eat white bread and products with a lot of salt, which promotes the accumulation of water in the body.
- Drink 2 liters of mineral water every day, as it has a beneficial effect on digestion and also fills the stomach, so it is worth drinking it between meals. Eliminate alcohol and choose green tea instead of coffee.
Choose exercises for yourself!
Take care of an upright figure, thanks to which the body will look slimmer. Do not exaggerate with exercises in the hip and thigh area, because exaggerated musculature of the lower parts of the body will additionally highlight defects in the proportions of the figure. Instead, exercise with dumbbells, look for exercises to shape the bust and buttocks.