
Taiga vodka is produced by the Sarapul distillery. The company is one of the largest Russian producers of alcoholic beverages and produces more than 60 types of alcoholic beverages. Most of the recipes are developed in our own laboratories. Sarapul Distillery is a diploma winner of the competition “100 Best Goods of Russia – 2017”. A number of dessert tinctures and liqueurs were marked with a silver badge.

Historical reference. The plant in the Udmurt city of Sarapul was founded in 1869 by the merchant Tyunin. The place was not chosen by chance – the region was famous for its sources of pure drinking water. At the end of the XNUMXth century, the distillery was transformed into a state-owned wine warehouse. During the years of the revolution, the enterprise was plundered and resumed full-fledged work only in the fifties. The assortment included vodkas of different varieties and sweet tinctures.

The Taiga brand appeared in early 2010. Up to this point, the production lines have been completely modernized for the production of premium products. The company has invested more than a million dollars in the development of production. The area increased, new bottling lines were purchased, and the line was supplemented with new premium brands.

Feature of “Taiga” – alcohol of the highest purification “Alpha”. The plant was among the first in Russia to start producing vodka from this raw material, which is characterized by the lowest content of harmful impurities. Strong drinks based on Alpha alcohol are rarely produced for mass consumption, since this requires the introduction of special technologies. The products are in demand by Russian buyers and are exported to Armenia, Kazakhstan, Estonia and Latvia.


“Best Product 2010”, Moscow – gold medal.

Prodexpo, Moscow:

  • 2011 – bronze and gold medal;
  • 2012 – bronze medal;
  • 2013 – gold medal.

Interesting Facts

In 2010, simultaneously with the start of sales of Taiga vodka, an original souvenir set was released. A bottle of strong drink, a metal mug, a compass and a tourist knife with many blades are enclosed in a wooden box. Despite the rather high cost, the souvenir has become popular with buyers.

Non-standard products of the Sarapul distillery – vodka “Rus Matushka”, in which a real wheat ear is placed. Since durum grain is not grown in Udmurtia, raw materials have to be ordered from the Orenburg region. The most beautiful ears, which are selected and cut by hand, fall into the bottle.

Types of Taiga vodka

Taiga, 40%

A classic variety with a smooth smell and pure taste based on Alpha alcohol. Previously, raw materials of the Lux brand were used, but then the plant changed the recipe for the better. The composition includes water, malt extract, fructose and lactose. Alcoholic vinegar has been added to act as an acidity regulator and soften the taste. All ingredients are made from natural raw materials. The drink belongs to the high price segment and is available in different volumes – from 0,1 to 0,7 liters.

Taiga Premium, 40%

When developing the recipe for this variety, the manufacturer set the task of creating a clean and fresh drink that would slightly burn the throat like water from an icy taiga stream. The premium class variety is made on the basis of Alpha alcohol with the addition of barley malt, natural honey and ginseng extract. Vodka leaves behind a grainy aftertaste. The product is bottled in 0,5 and 0,7 liter bottles. The novelty of the plant is the originally designed bottle “Taiga Premium”.

Taiga Platinum, 40%

An elite variety with light fruity notes, for which fruit juice from pear fruits is responsible. The taste is softened by ginseng extract, sugar syrup and a complex of herbal supplements. Crystal clear vodka is easy to drink and will suit lovers of the classic Russian drink. The brand “Taiga Platinum” was awarded a gold medal at the tasting competition “Prodexpo 2014”. Available volumes – 0,5 and 0,7 liters.


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