Taifi grapes
Grape “Taifi” is a table, hybrid cultivar, a distinctive feature of which is the pink color of the berries. It is in demand among breeders and gardeners due to large, sweet berries that are well transported and suitable for consumption over a long period of time.
The variety comes from Uzbekistan and has been known throughout the world for 12 centuries. It is famous for its high thermophilicity, excellent presentation and high taste. It is considered late maturing.
The Taifi grape is famous for its juicy and sweet berries.
Outwardly, the plant is a massive tall bushes with large leaves and bisexual flowers. Large brushes are formed on the shoots, the weight of one brush can reach 2,5 kg. The shape of the brush resembles a cone, the berries on it are large, slightly oblong, the skin is dense, dark pink or pale red. Inside there is a fleshy pulp, very juicy, with a moderately sweet taste.
The grapes of this variety are in demand in the preparation of salads and are in perfect harmony with cheese snacks.
How to grow the “Taifi” grape variety
If you decide to plant and grow “Taifi” on your plot, you must familiarize yourself with the basic rules for breeding and caring for the plant, and also strictly observe them:
- Decide on a landing site, giving preference to lighted areas without drafts.
- Prepare the planting holes, not forgetting to make high-quality drainage so that the roots of the plant do not die in a large amount of moisture.
- Feed the soil with humus and organic fertilizers.
- Immediately before planting, treat the roots of the plant with growth stimulants.
- Place the seedlings in the holes and cover with fertile soil.
The plant does not require any special attention and is grown according to a scheme suitable for any grape variety. As for maintenance, it is very important to tie up the vineyard so that the bushes grow vertically and are fixed on additional supports. Pruning is also necessary in the spring or fall season.
Do not flood the crop by watering more than twice a week. If natural precipitation falls abundantly, watering is reduced to once every 7 days or less. In arid climates, it is necessary to mulch the soil to avoid drying out the roots.
Care is simple and does not take much time, and if you follow all the recommendations, you can easily get a rich harvest of pink juicy berries.