Tae-bo training (Tae-bo)

Tai-bo is often characterized as a combat fitness. This reflects the very essence of this direction. Techniques borrowed from karateka, boxers, muay thai and taekwondo fighters are used here not for sparring and self-defense, but for physical development and stress relief caused by physical inactivity.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Martial arts is not only a technique of self-defense, but also a set of movements that develop the body. The abundance of high jumps, stretches and other exercises that increase strength and flexibility have made it possible to use martial arts techniques in aerobics and fitness. This is how tai-bo appeared – a new direction of gymnastics, which has already managed to gain popularity all over the world.

Important: tae-bo includes movements that are complex enough to be done exclusively in groups under the guidance of professional trainers. See also: karate training

What is Tai-bo training for?

Tai-bo includes quite complex movements, it is necessary to engage in this type of fitness only in groups under the guidance of professional trainers.

In tae-bo, the centuries-old experience of martial arts is used for the purpose of physical improvement and healing of the body. At the same time, stretching, strength training and percussion techniques worked out in the process of training can be successfully used with the necessary self-defense. See also: MMA training

Since tai-bo does not involve contact sparring, there is no need for protective equipment. Fingerless protective gloves and knee pads can be used to prevent accidental injury from falls. Comfortable clothing and sturdy sports shoes are also required.

Benefits of Tai-bo training

The main advantages of tai-bo are the following features: reduction of cholesterol deposits in the circulatory system; weight loss building muscle relief; gaining confidence and firmness of gait; improvement of motor coordination and sense of balance; flexibility of the musculoskeletal system; correct execution of percussion technique.

The skills and abilities that the human body acquires in the process of practicing tai-bo can be successfully used in hand-to-hand combat. See also: aikido training

Recommendations and contraindications for training

  • Recommendations – The benefits of tai-bo are obvious for physical inactivity, underdevelopment of muscles and ligaments, as well as for nervous stress caused by the modern lifestyle.
  • Противопоказания – Contraindications are problems with the thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system, as well as osteoporosis.

A new direction based on fitness, aerobics and martial arts is useful for most practitioners. However, in addition to the indications for tai-bo, there are contraindications for such training. See also: kickboxing training

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