Film «Pretty Woman»

A tactful person will not pay attention to the mistakes and helplessness of another, he will make sure that an inexperienced person feels safe.

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Tact is one of the most remarkable character traits. A tactful person attracts others to himself, he knows how to make people feel good with him. We call a tactful person who:

  • won’t be intrusive
  • won’t tire
  • won’t offend
  • will not joke inappropriately.

He will not unceremoniously look at a stranger or acquaintance, releasing remarks about his appearance. He will not give advice when he is not asked for it. He will not publicly criticize anyone and anything without reason.

A tactful person always knows how to do the right thing in a given situation. How does he know this? He is helped by inner flair and education. Such people are called thin, delicate, sensitive.

To learn tact, remember the rule more often: treat people the way you would like to be treated. If you often «estimate» your actions, jokes, behavior, you will learn to understand the needs of other people. And if you don’t like it, the other person probably won’t like it either. What offends you, offends the other! Be patient and attentive.

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