Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

With the arrival of winter, many anglers are arming themselves with ice fishing gear and heading to ice-covered waters. Some of them just want to relax in nature and have a good time, some do not lose hope of catching trophy fish, and some just want to enjoy frequent bites, although not a big fish. Whatever it was, but each of them is quite seriously preparing for this process. As a rule, the most common prey for winter fishing enthusiasts is perch. Despite the fact that it is not so easy to clean a perch, especially a small one, none of the anglers refused to catch it. After all, with this fish you can cook a delicious fish soup or fry in a pan until crispy. These are dishes that the rest of the family will always enjoy.

Winter gear for perch

Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

Catching fish from ice can be both productive and interesting, especially if bites follow one after another. For this to be so, you should seriously prepare your gear for winter perch fishing.

The most famous are:

  1. Tackle with mormyshkas.
  2. Tackle with spinners and balancers.
  3. Perch pits.

A fishing rod, where a mormyshka is used as a bait, consists of a fishing rod, to which a reel is attached, on which a fishing line is wound, a whip and a nod, which serves as a bite signaling device. With the help of a nod, a certain character of the game of the mormyshka is ensured, without which an active bite will not work.

Mormyshka without nozzle and with nozzle

Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

There are mormyshkas without attachments and with a nozzle, although they all consist of a mormyshka body and a hook. In fact, this is a classic artificial bait of a certain shape, having the appropriate weight. You should pay attention to some of the mormyshkas that are popular with fans of winter fishing. For example:

  • Mormyshka “Nymph”. Its body length is three times its width. Mormyshka works well at shallow depths and in still water, as it has a small weight.
  • “Klop” the monster. The width of the body of this mormyshka can be equal to its length or be 2/3 of its length. This is a light type of mormyshka, the crown of which is made of red copper, and the head is black. For greater attractiveness, the bait is completed with cambrics of various colors. The most attractive are yellow colors, in combination with red or white.
  • Flat mormyshka from tungsten. Heavy tungsten mormyshkas are usually used in currents or at considerable depths. For greater catchability, it is equipped with one movable yellow cambric.

According to many experienced anglers, the effectiveness of fishing directly depends on its game. The more interesting the vibrations of the mormyshka in the water column for the perch, the more likely it is to catch it. In this regard, most of them are caught on jig without baits, fixing it at some angle to the line. When using nozzles, the mormyshka is attached purely vertically.

TOP 5 gear for perch in winter from Fedor Andrusenko. The best ice fishing methods.

As nozzles can be:

  1. Bloodworm.
  2. Darkness.
  3. Worms.
  4. Grasshoppers, flies, etc.

Mormyshka fishing is easy to master and make it effective, if you take into account the features of winter fishing and the nature of the reservoir. In this regard, fishing will always be productive.

In order not to be left without fish you need:

  • Find out from the anglers exactly where the perch is biting and at what depth.
  • Find out what kind of bait he chooses for his attack.
  • Before it stops biting, it is advisable to count how many fish are caught in one place.
  • When using groundbait, you should determine how the fish reacts to it and how quickly they move to the groundbait.

Which is better: spinner or balancer?

Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

Spinning is the use of lures such as a spinner or balancer. In contrast to the summer use of spinners, when they are held horizontally, in winter, the spinners are held vertically, which eliminates the possibility of their hooking on algae or other “surprises” under the ice.

Due to the fact that fishing is carried out through a punched hole, it is desirable that the lure does not deviate too far from the center of the hole. The nature of the spinner depends on the nature of the reservoir. If the reservoir is not deep, then light baits are suitable for fishing, and if there is a current, then heavy bait is indispensable.

Each spinner can have one or more hooks, which can be either suspended or fixed by soldering. In addition, each spinner may contain multi-colored cambric, although their number should be limited.

A balancer is a type of spinner, resembling a fish in shape, which moves up / down, or stands motionless in the water column. It is called a balancer because it is attached to the tackle in such a way that it is strictly in a horizontal position. A hook is attached to the belly of this fish (balancer). As a rule, triple hooks are used, as they are more effective.

And again, in order for the balancer to attract a predator, it is necessary that it be in motion. There are many ways to bring the balancer to life so that predators such as perch are interested in it.

Balancers vary in size and color.

Catchable tackle for catching perch in winter – Obyeba!


Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

Only a small part of anglers prefer zherlitsa as a tackle that can actively catch perch. The rest, most of the anglers believe that bait fishing for perch is a waste of time.

The design of the zherlitsa is quite simple and consists of a base with a reel, a hole for fishing line and a flag with a spring, as a bite signaling device.

The tactic of fishing on vents is associated with the constant drilling of holes and the movement of tackle from hole to hole, in search of bites. The perch zherlitsa is characterized by the use of thin fishing line. This is due to the fact that weighty specimens are rarely found among perches.

Bait for perch in winter

Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

Perch in winter can be caught both on a worm and on a bloodworm. Sometimes there are moments when a striped predator begins to peck at a crust or bread crumb. Such bait, in order to attract perch, is simply thrown into the hole. In addition, the perch does not disdain its relatives and pieces of this fish, as well as eyes or fins, will go as bait.

It is not clear why, but the perch does not really react to such bait as maggot, regardless of whether it is winter fishing or summer fishing. Although there are exceptions.

Where and when to catch perch in winter

Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

Perch activity in winter is distributed over periods, depending on the beginning, middle or end of winter. For example:

  1. With the advent of winter, striped predators prefer to be in shallow water, where the depth reaches only a few meters. No less attractive for him are places overgrown with reeds. In these places, “little things” are usually hidden, which attracts perch. In this regard, the best place for fishing is a quiet backwater. Despite this, more than one hole will have to be drilled before a striped predator can be found.
  2. With the advent of real cold weather, the perch moves to deeper places in the water area, where the water temperature is more stable.
  3. With the approach of spring, the perch again moves to places where the depth is not great.

How to improve your fishing performance

Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

Perch bite in winter is not stable at all. With the onset of cold weather, he goes to the depths, so you have to lure him out of there. Although this is difficult, it is possible.

There are several ways to activate the bite:

  • First, you should decide on the weather and choose a calm day for fishing. Other than that, it shouldn’t be too cold a day.
  • Secondly, you need to properly adjust the tackle, improving its sensitivity.
  • Thirdly, it is desirable to engage in the selection of appropriate baits that could attract a striped predator.
  • Fourthly, the most suitable time for perch fishing is the morning hours.

Tips from seasoned fishermen

Tackle for winter fishing for perch: types of gear, lures and places for fishing

On some reservoirs perch is caught all winter. Moreover, in certain areas of the water area. Such interesting areas can be:

  • Shallow water, where flocks of small perches like to hunt. If these areas are bordered by holes or depressions, then the likelihood of finding perch will increase.
  • If you choose between the middle of the river and the coastal zone, then it is better to choose the latter. This is especially true of places that are marked by thickets of reeds or branches frozen in ice. This is where holes should be drilled.
  • Alternatively, these are places that can serve as a kind of shelter for a striped hunter. It can be both natural elements and objects of artificial origin.
  • Areas with hard, sandy bottoms are areas where perch will always be caught.
  • If you drill a hole in shallow water, where the water thickness is 20 cm, then you can also count on the catch. Such places always attract “little things”, and where it is, there is a perch.


Perch is considered a very cautious fish that prefers a schooling lifestyle. If the perch pecked, then it is not alone in the hole and you can count on the capture of several individuals. At the same time, any gear is suitable: it is well caught on mormyshkas, baubles and balancers.

At the same time, you can immediately voice the fact that a small perch pecks at the mormyshka, a larger perch bites at the spinners, and a large predator can peck at the balancer. The use of certain baits depends on many factors, but if the perch bites, then he bites, and if he refuses to attack the bait, then it is difficult to interest him in something. This is especially true during periods when the weather is not stable.

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