Tablets and medicines for lamblia

Giardia are microscopic organisms that belong to the order of protozoa and affect the human intestine. Giardia provoke a disease called giardiasis, in which multiple digestive disorders are observed. However, modern medicine has drugs that can effectively deal with Giardia.

Tablets for the treatment of lamblia

Many people are sure that if at least once an infection with Giardia has occurred, then it is almost impossible to get rid of them in the future. However, doctors say that it is necessary to treat giardiasis, and the effect of competent therapy will not be long in coming. There are drugs that quickly rid the human body of these parasites. As a rule, it is not difficult for a doctor to choose the optimal drug for each patient.

The choice of the drug is based on the criteria of maximum safety and the minimum set of side effects for each patient. Tinidazole is considered to be the most effective drug for the treatment of giardiasis. It must be taken orally.

Dosage of Tinidazole for adults: 2 g of the drug per day. The course of treatment is 1 day. That is, the patient should take 4 tablets of 500 mg per day.

The dosage for children is reduced. Her calculation: 50-60 mg / kg of body weight. Children are treated for 3 days.

The drug is not prescribed to children under the age of 12, as well as in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug.

For the treatment of children aged 3-7 years, 1,5 tablets of Trichopolum are prescribed once a day. The course of treatment should be 5 days. To get rid of giardiasis in children 7-10 years old, 1 tablet is prescribed 2 times a day. The course of treatment is also 5 days. Children over 10 years old and adults are recommended to take 2 tablets of Trichopolum, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.

Trichopol is not prescribed for renal and hepatic insufficiency, epilepsy, cancer, pathologies of the central nervous system, during lactation and during pregnancy.

If the patient does not experience symptoms of giardiasis, but is a carrier of these protozoal microorganisms, then treatment with medications is contraindicated. Such patients are recommended to take herbal remedies and diuretics. In addition, the patient must adhere to a dietary diet.

When giardiasis has a chronic course, doctors recommend undergoing a two-stage treatment. At the first stage, the patient receives therapy with drugs aimed at the destruction of Giardia. At the second stage, the patient is shown the correction of immunity and the normalization of the intestines. For this, the patient is recommended to take probiotics and prebiotics, as well as immunomodulators.

As an immunostimulant, it is possible to use the drug Grippferon. It is used intranasally. For children under one year old, 1 drop is instilled into each nasal passage. The number of instillations can reach 5 times a day. The daily dose is 5000 IU.

For children 1-3 years old, 2 drops are injected into each nostril 4 times a day. Children aged 3 to 14 years are instilled 2 drops in each nostril up to 6 times a day. Adults are prescribed 3 drops in each nostril up to 6 times a day. The average duration of treatment is 5 days.

Grippferon should not be used in case of hypersensitivity of patients to the components of the drug. With caution, it is prescribed for the treatment of patients prone to allergic reactions.

As for the restoration of the intestinal microflora, for this purpose, patients with giardiasis are prescribed probiotics. They contain live bacteria that should normally be present in the human digestive tract. Popular probiotic preparations are: Linex, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol, etc.

Linex is taken according to the following scheme:

  • From 0 months to 2 years – 1 capsule 3 times a day.

  • From 2 to 12 years – 1 or 2 capsules 3 times a day.

  • Adults: 2 capsules 3 times a day.

Since children under 2 years of age cannot swallow a large capsule on their own, they need to open it and pour the powder into water or breast milk.

Bifidumbacterin is taken for a long time. Most often, the course of treatment is 2 weeks, but if necessary, it can be extended up to 3 months. Adults are prescribed five doses 3 times a day.

Prebiotics promote the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines. The most popular prebiotics are: Lactusan, Insulin, Laktofiltrum, Prelax, Bon-sante, etc.

Lactusan in syrup is prescribed 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. A single dose is 10 ml. Children are prescribed 5 ml of syrup 2 times a day. The drug is taken with food, the course of treatment is 7-14 days.

If the drug is prescribed in tablet form, then adults are prescribed 4-5 tablets 2 times a day. Children over 5 years old are recommended to take 3 tablets 2 times a day. The effect of the treatment can be felt after 2 days.

Indications for the use of tablets for giardiasis

Giardiasis is widespread throughout the world, as microorganisms are easily transmitted from one patient to another. This parasitic infestation is also called the disease of dirty hands. After entering the human body, most of the Giardia settles in the large and small intestines. It is there that they have the most favorable conditions under which they can multiply rapidly.

To a greater extent, giardiasis affects children of preschool and primary school age, who have a low level of hygiene skills. However, in adults, Giardia is found quite often.

Indications for the use of tablets for giardiasis are the following conditions:

  • The patient’s stool becomes more frequent.

  • The stool becomes liquid, acquires a green tint.

  • There is mucus in the faeces.

  • The patient suffers from nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting.

  • There are severe sharp pains around the navel.

  • The patient’s body temperature rises.

  • The person begins to lose weight.

  • Skin rashes appear, resembling a rash with measles.

Tablets for the treatment of giardiasis are taken orally. The drug begins to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract immediately after entering the digestive organs. With the blood flow, the active substance is distributed throughout the body. The drugs pass to the fetus through the placenta, are found in breast milk. Therefore, if the main active substance is toxic, then such drugs are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

Excretion of drugs occurs with the help of the kidneys and intestines, so their traces can be found in the urine and feces.

The use of drugs for Giardia during pregnancy

Almost all drugs for the treatment of giardiasis are highly toxic. Therefore, most often they are not prescribed for the treatment of pregnant women and infants. In addition, many of the antiprotozoal drugs are prohibited from being used during lactation. Some of them have strict age restrictions.

So, Trichopol is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the future, the use of the drug is possible only after receiving medical advice. A drug such as Macmirror can be taken by a woman during gestation and during lactation. It is often prescribed for the treatment of giardiasis in children.

Contraindications to the use of tablets for giardiasis

Contraindications to the use of antiprotozoal drugs include the following:

  • The first trimester of pregnancy, and for some drugs, the entire period of gestation.

  • Breast-feeding.

  • Vascular diseases.

  • Parkinson’s disease.

  • Liver failure and liver disease.

  • Renal failure.

  • Movement coordination disorders.

  • Alcoholism.

  • Organic lesions of the central nervous system.

  • The patient’s tendency to allergies.

Side effects of tablets from lamblia

Since all drugs used to treat giardiasis are highly toxic, they must be taken with extreme caution. The degree of severity of side effects largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, on the state of his immunity and on the functioning of all organ systems.

The following side effects may occur when using Giardia tablets:

  • Sleep deterioration.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Stool instability.

  • Dizziness and headaches.

  • Smell and vision disorders.

  • Dryness in the mouth.

  • Convulsions.

  • Skin itching, hyperemia of the skin.

  • Thrush.

  • Decrease in the level of leukocytes and platelets in the blood.

  • Redness and burning in the vaginal area.

Names of tablets from lamblia

There are many drugs for the treatment of giardiasis.

It is most convenient to classify them into groups:

  1. Nitroimidazoles. Most often, drugs of this particular group are prescribed for the treatment of Giardia.

    This includes:

    • Ornidazole (Tiberal). The drug is prescribed in the case when the leading symptoms of giardiasis are allergic manifestations, in particular, atopic dermatitis.

    • Metronidazole (Trichopolum). This drug is widely used to treat giardiasis and other intestinal bacteria, for example, to eradicate Helicobacter pylori.

    • Tinidazole and Albendazole (Nemozol). These drugs are prescribed for giardiasis in combination with other helminthic invasions.

  2. Nitrofuran derivatives. Preparations of this group are prescribed for giardiasis, as well as for infections of the genitourinary system. Nitrofuran derivatives have antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antifungal activity.

     These include:

    • Furazolidone.

    • Nifuratel.

  3. Preparations with acridine. All drugs from this group are very toxic, so they are prohibited for children and adolescents.

    These drugs include:

    • Mepacrine.

    • Quinarkin.


There are certain difficulties in the treatment of giardiasis. So, in the intestines, parasites are covered with a special protective shell, the integrity of which must be broken in order to destroy them. Therefore, the drug must be very effective, and this can only be achieved by increasing its toxicity.

Leading gastroenterologists recommend Macmiror for the treatment of children from Giardia. It has the least toxicity and does not harm the health of the child. It can be used to treat pregnant and lactating women.

Macmirror belongs to the group of nitrofuran derivatives, therefore, it has not only antiprotozoal, but also antibacterial and antifungal effects. This drug has a fairly wide spectrum of action. With its help, they fight against Helecobacter Pylori, with gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, with Papiliobacter. The drug does not accumulate in the human body, but is completely excreted by the kidneys with urine.

The dosage for giardiasis for children is based on 15 mg / kg of body weight, 2 times a day. For adults, a single dose is 400 mg, 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment should last a week.


Metronidazole has been actively used to treat Helicobacter pylori for many years. It is very often prescribed for giardiasis, as the drug has a wide spectrum of action. Metronidazole inhibits protein synthesis in parasite cells and inhibits their respiration.

With giardiasis, Metronidazole is prescribed during or after a meal, without chewing and drinking water.

Doses for different age categories:

  • 0,125 g – children under one year old;

  • 0,25 g (maximum daily dose) – children 2-4 years old;

  • 0,375 g – children 5-8 years old;

  • 1 g per day (divide the dose by 2 times) – for children over 8 years old and adults.

The course of treatment lasts 5-7 days.

Contraindications and restrictions for admission:

  • Leukopenia.

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • The defeat of the central nervous system of an organic nature.

  • First 12 weeks of pregnancy. In the future, the drug is prescribed with caution.

  • Lactation.

  • Violation of the kidneys and liver.

Possible side effects:

  • Decreased appetite.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Unstable stool.

  • Abdominal pain.

  • Irritability.

  • Dizziness, incoordination.

  • Redness of the skin, urticaria.

  • Metallic taste in the mouth.

  • Edema.

  • Stomatitis.


Tiberal copes well with protozoal infections, including giardiasis. The main active ingredient in this drug is Ornidazole. The effect is achieved due to the destruction of Giardia DNA, which leads to the impossibility of further reproduction of parasites.

Treatment with Tiberal lasts no more than two days, tablets should not be chewed before swallowing, they should be washed down with plenty of water. Take Tiberal after meals.

The dose is calculated depending on the age of the patient:

  • Children less than 35 kg – 40 mg / kg of body weight once.

  • Children over 35 and adults – 3 tablets at a time.

Contraindications to the appointment of the drug are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.

  • Weight less than 12 kg.

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • Severe disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Possible side effects:

  • Headaches, incoordination, dizziness.

  • Muscle spasms.

  • Tremor of the limbs, pain in the legs.

  • Brief loss of consciousness.

  • Distortion of taste.

  • Vomiting.

  • Diarrhea.

  • Skin rashes.

If increased concentration of attention is necessary (for example, when driving a car), then the drug should be discontinued.


Furazolidone belongs to the group of nitrofuran derivatives. The main active substance is aimed at blocking the synthesis of nucleic acids in the body of parasites, as well as disrupting the process of cellular respiration.

The action of Furazolidone is aimed at increasing the immunity of a sick person. Taking the drug helps to stop the production of toxins by lamblia, which leads to the purification of the patient’s body.

Children are prescribed 10 mg / kg body weight, adults 0,1 g of the drug 4 times a day. As for the duration of the course of treatment, it is determined on an individual basis.

Furazolidone should not be prescribed to the following groups of patients:

  • Patients with renal insufficiency.

  • Pregnant and lactating women.

  • People with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • Children under 3 years old.

  • Violations of the production of glucose-6-dehydrogenase.

The following side effects are not excluded:

  • Neuritis, headaches.

  • Lack of appetite.

  • Weight loss.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Allergic reactions.

  • Fever (up to 40 °C).


The effect of Ornidazole is achieved by destroying the DNA structure of Giardia. The drug should be prescribed only by a doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient (his age, body weight, intensity of infection, etc.). Ornidazole is taken after meals, the tablet is not chewed, swallowed whole.

Children weighing 25-35 kg are prescribed 40 mg / kg of body weight, adults and adolescents weighing more than 35 kg are prescribed 1,5 g of the drug. Take Ornidazole once a day. Treatment should not last more than 2 days.

Do not prescribe the drug to the following groups of people:

  • Patients with diseases of the central nervous system.

  • People with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • Patients with liver failure.

  • Elderly people and children.

  • Hematological patients.

  • Patients with alcoholism.

You should refuse to take Ornidazole if you plan to drive vehicles or control other mechanisms that require increased concentration.

After taking the drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Limb tremor.

  • Diarrhea and constipation.

  • From the nervous system: impaired coordination, peripheral neuropathy, impaired consciousness.

  • Convulsions.

  • Stomach ache.

  • The appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth, dry mouth.

  • Allergic reactions.


Tinidazole has a pathogenic effect on protozoal microorganisms and on some bacteria. The drug affects the DNA structure of parasites, which leads to their death. Tinidazole is taken orally, after entering the gastrointestinal tract, it begins to be actively absorbed into the blood and, with its current, quickly spreads throughout the body. Therefore, the antiprotozoal effect will not be long in coming.

Adults are prescribed 2 g of the drug (4 tablets), children calculate the dose individually (50-70 mg / kg of body weight).


  • Severe damage to the central nervous system.

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • Violation of the function of hematopoiesis.

  • Lactation period, pregnancy (1 trimester).

Possible side effects:

  • Weight loss, up to the development of anorexia.

  • Taste of metal in the mouth, dryness of the oral mucosa.

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

  • Dizziness, headaches, locomotor ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, dysarthria. There may be cramps and weakness in the limbs.

  • Allergic manifestations, including: skin rashes, angioedema.

  • Transient leukopenia.


Trichopol is an antiprotozoal drug based on Metronidazole. Parasites die due to the fact that Metronidazole is integrated into their DNA structure and destroys it. As a result, further reproduction of lamblia becomes impossible. It is necessary to take the drug during meals.

The dose is selected individually, depending on the age of the patient:

  • Children 3-7 years old are prescribed 0,25-0,375 g of the drug once a day. The course of treatment is 5 days. If necessary, it is possible to increase the dose of the drug to 0,5-0,75 g. However, in this case, the course of treatment is reduced to 3 days.

  • Children 7-10 years old are prescribed 0,25 g of the drug twice a day. The course of treatment is also 5 days. If more intensive therapy for giardiasis is expected, which fits within a three-day period, then the patient is prescribed 1 g of the drug once a day.

  • Children over 10 years old and adult patients are prescribed 0,5 g of the drug 2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the infection and ranges from 5 days to a week. If therapy is reduced to 3 days, then the patient is prescribed 2 g of the drug once a day. This dose is equivalent to eight tablets that you need to drink at a time.

Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • Decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

  • Limb tremor.

  • Pregnancy (first 12 weeks).

  • Individual intolerance to Metronidazole.

  • Organic lesions of the central nervous system.

  • Breast-feeding.

  • Violation of the function of hematopoiesis.

When taking Trichopolum, the following side effects may occur:

  • Abdominal pain.

  • Taste disorders.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Decreased appetite.

  • Constipation.

  • Violation of the liver.

  • Drowsiness, irritability, depression, fatigue, headaches.

  • Allergic reactions (skin itch, rash, urticaria).


Nemozol is prescribed for many parasitic infestations, as this drug has a wide spectrum of action. Doctors recommend it as a medicine for polyhelminthiasis. The main active ingredient is Albendazole. This drug has a systemic effect on parasites, disrupting the structure of their DNA. As a result, the entire colony dies.

The main disadvantage of Nemozol is that it has a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic microorganisms, but also on human organ systems. Therefore, it is impossible to say that this drug is absolutely safe. Self-treatment is unacceptable, Nemozol can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Take the drug during meals or after meals, without chewing and drinking water. Children aged 2 years and older are prescribed 10-15 mg / kg of body weight. The drug is taken 1 time per day, the course of treatment is from 5 days to a week. Adults are prescribed 0,4 g of the drug in the form of tablets, or 20 mg in the form of a suspension.

It is forbidden to take the drug to the following categories of citizens:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.

  • People with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • Patients with pathology of the retina.

  • Children under one year old. In tablets, the drug is prescribed to children over the age of 3 years. From one to three years, the suspension can be used.

  • Patients with diagnosed cysticercosis of the brain.

  • Patients against the background of increased liver tests.

While taking Nemozol, the following side effects may develop:

  • Nausea, vomiting, dry mouth.

  • A drop in the level of leukocytes in the blood.

  • Increase in blood pressure.

  • Stomatitis.

  • Allergic reactions: dermatitis, skin rash.

  • Baldness.

  • Increase in body temperature.

  • Renal and liver failure.

  • Headaches, hallucinations, dizziness, worsening sleep.


Zentel is a drug from the group of benzimidazole carbamate derivatives. The drug has an antiprotozoal effect due to the fact that it disrupts the metabolism in the cells of the simplest microorganisms, leading to their death.

Zentel is prescribed during meals. The dosage for adults and for children over 3 years old is 0,4 g once a day. The full course of treatment lasts 5 days. For children younger than 3 years, the drug is prescribed in the form of a suspension. The daily dose is 10 ml.

It is forbidden to take Zentel under the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy.

  • Pregnancy planning.

  • Hypersensitivity to albendazole.

  • Under the age of one year.

  • During lactation.

If the drug is prescribed in high dosages or for a long time, then the following side effects may develop:

  • Allergic reactions (skin itch, rash).

  • Dizziness, headaches.

  • Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

  • Decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood.

  • Increased liver function tests, hepatitis.


Albendazole is a broad-spectrum drug, so it is prescribed for various parasitic infestations, including giardiasis. The drug is effective at all stages of development of pathogenic microorganisms. The intake of Albendazole contributes to the disruption of the process of glucose utilization in Giardia cells, which provokes its acute deficiency. In addition, ATP synthesis slows down in protozoan cells, which leads to their death.

Albendazole is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of giardiasis. Its effectiveness is 40 times higher than Metronidazole and Tinidazole. This has been proven by numerous clinical studies.

The dosage for children under 12 years of age is 15 mg/kg body weight. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 0,4 g of Albendazole per day. The frequency of taking the drug is determined by the doctor, the same applies to the duration of the course of treatment.

Albendazole has a small number of contraindications, including:

  • lactation, pregnancy.

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects are rare, among them are:

  • Headache.

  • Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea.

  • Increase in body temperature.

  • A drop in the level of leukocytes in the blood.

  • Skin itching, skin rash.

  • Increased levels of liver enzymes.


Vermox is a drug based on mebendazole, which has a wide spectrum of action against a large number of parasites. Vermox has been successfully used to treat giardiasis. The drug prevents the absorption of glucose by microorganism cells. Since it is glucose that is the main source of nutrition for Giardia, their further vital activity becomes impossible.

The dosage of the drug for children 2-12 years old is 1 tablet per day. The course of treatment lasts 5 days. Children over 12 years of age and adults with giardiasis are prescribed 1 tablet every 4-6 hours for 5 days.

Do not prescribe the drug to children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with hypersensitivity to mebendazole.

After taking the drug, the following side effects may develop:

  • Headache, hallucinations, dizziness, loss of consciousness, sleep disturbances.

  • Decreased vision and speech.

  • Nausea, vomiting, bloating, liver enlargement.

  • Discoloration of urine, skin, saliva, feces and tears in an unnatural color.


Enterofuril belongs to drugs from the group of nitrofuran derivatives. It has a pronounced antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effect. The main active substance contributes to the disruption of cellular respiration of the simplest microorganisms, which leads to their death.

The dose of Enterofuril is calculated depending on how old the patient is with giardiasis:

  • Adults and children over 14 years old – 0,2 g every 4-6 hours.

  • Children from 2,5 years old – 1 measuring spoon of the suspension 3 times a day.

  • Children under 2,5 years old – 1 scoop of suspension (0,22-0,66 g), 2 or 3 times a day.

Do not prescribe the drug to the following groups of patients:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.

  • Children up to 1 month.

  • Premature babies.

  • Patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It is possible that after taking Enterofuril, the patient will experience the following side effects:

  • Allergic reactions.

  • Dyspeptic disorders, including: abdominal pain, digestive disorders.


Decaris contributes to the rapid death of parasites. The main active ingredient that is part of the drug is Levamisole hydrochloride. After the drug enters the cell of the microorganism, it is paralyzed, and the work of all systems of Giardia and other helminths is disrupted. The death of parasites occurs quickly, they are excreted from the body along with feces during the first day after taking Decaris.

The doctor calculates the dose individually. With giardiasis, a single dose of the drug is most often prescribed. Children 3-6 years old are prescribed 25-50 mg of the drug (1/2 or a whole tablet). At the age of 6-10 years, 50-75 mg of the drug (1 or 1,5 tablets). Children over 10 years old and adults from 75 to 100 mg of the drug (1,5-2 tablets).

It is forbidden to prescribe the drug under the following conditions:

  • Drug agranulocytosis.

  • Pregnancy, lactation.

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

  • Children up to 3 years.

  • Violation of the function of hematopoiesis.

  • Under special control should be patients with impaired liver and kidney function.

Decaris can provoke the following side effects:

  • Headache, insomnia, dizziness, irritability.

  • Manifestations of dyspepsia.

  • Increased heart rate.

  • Allergic reactions.

  • Convulsions.


Pirantel contributes to the paralysis of Giardia and other helminths that parasitize in the human body. The drug has a detrimental effect on protozoal microorganisms at all stages of their development. The drug is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and acts locally.

The dosage of the drug for giardiasis is as follows:

  • Up to 6 years – 1 scoop / 10 kg of child’s weight. Shown as a single dose.

  • After 6 years – 1 measuring spoon / 10 kg of child’s weight or 1 tablet / 10 kg of weight. Shown as a single dose.

  • Adults less than 75 kg 3 tablets of 250 mg or 6 tablets of 125 mg.

  • Adults over 75 kg 4 tablets of 250 mg or 8 tablets of 125 mg.

In some cases, the course of treatment can last up to 5 days. If necessary, it can be repeated, but the interval must be at least 21 days.

Do not prescribe the drug under the following conditions:

  • Liver dysfunction.

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

  • Myasthenia gravis.

  • Pregnancy, lactation.

  • Age less than 6 months.

It is possible that after taking the drug, the following side effects will occur:

  • Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

  • Increased body temperature.

  • Disorders of consciousness, drowsiness, insomnia.

  • Skin itching, urticaria, eczema.

  • Hearing and sight impairment.


Intetrix is ​​a combination drug that combines Tiliquinol and Tilbroquinol. These drugs contribute to the paralysis of Giardia parasites in the human body. Intetrix is ​​taken before meals with plenty of liquid. The full course of treatment is 10 days. The daily dose is divided into 2 doses.

Intetrix has few contraindications, including: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, lactation and pregnancy.

If the drug is taken for a long time and in high doses, the following side effects may occur:

  • Allergic reactions, including Quincke’s edema.

  • peripheral neuropathy.

  • Deterioration of vision.

  • Increased hepatic transaminases.

Tablets for the treatment of giardiasis in children

Since in childhood all organ systems do not function at full strength, the symptoms of giardiasis are pronounced.

Possible manifestations include:

  • Decreased appetite.

  • Paleness of the skin.

  • Apathy, lethargy, drowsiness.

  • Dryness of the skin.

  • Frequent complaints of headaches and dizziness.

  • Plaque on the tongue.

  • Bloating.

  • Enlargement of the liver in size.

If a child complains of such symptoms, then parents should seek the advice of a specialist. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe medication for giardiasis, if necessary.

Most often, nitrofurans, imidazoles or tinidazoles are used to treat children. It is strictly forbidden to independently select medicines for the treatment of giardiasis in children, since serious harm can be done to the health of the child.

A drug with low toxicity can be considered Macmirror (Nifuratel). Therefore, it is often prescribed for children. If it is not possible to remove parasites with the help of this drug, then Tiberal may be prescribed.

Tiberal is taken once, before a night’s rest. The maximum duration of treatment is 2 days. With a child weighing less than 35 kg, the dose is 25 mg / kg of body weight. For adults, a single dose is 1,5 mg or 3 tablets. Although in some cases, the doctor may increase or decrease the dosage.

If a child has been prescribed a drug such as Tinidazole, then the dosage is calculated at 50-75 mg / kg of weight. It is necessary to take the drug for 3 days, 1 time per day.

It is important for the treatment of children to use not only antiprotozoal drugs, but also enterosorbents, which allow you to quickly and efficiently cleanse the child’s body of toxins. It is possible to prescribe such drugs as: Smecta, Activated carbon, Laktofiltrum.

Method of application, dosage. The method of using drugs for giardiasis depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The appointment schedule is compiled only by the attending doctor.

Most often, the following dosage of drugs is prescribed for giardiasis:

  • Children 3-7 years old – 1,5 tablets 1 time per day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

  • Children 7-10 years old – 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

  • Teenagers and adults – 2 tablets 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Interactions of drugs with other drugs

If, in addition to drugs for the treatment of giardiasis, it is necessary to take other drugs, then special care should be taken. It is possible to increase the side effects of various drugs, in case of their incorrect combination. In addition, the absence of a therapeutic effect is not ruled out.

If the patient simultaneously takes antihistamines and drugs that change the acidity of urine, the following side effects may develop:

  • An increase in the acidity of the environment will enhance the antihistamine effect, but the drugs will be poorly excreted from the body.

  • A shift in pH towards an alkaline environment will reduce the effect of antihistamines and it will be removed from the body very quickly.

If antiprotozoal drugs are taken together with Chloramphenicol or Ristomycin, then hematopoietic function will be inhibited.

Giardia drugs should not be combined with alcohol, as a disulfiram-like reaction may develop.

Do not take antiprotozoal drugs with antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, as this will lead to an increase in blood pressure. This will also be facilitated by the joint intake of drugs from Giardia and Phenylephrine, Amphetamine, Tyramine, Ethionamide.

Are there good pills for Giardia?

It would be wrong to call some pills for the treatment of giardiasis good and others bad. After all, the selection of a drug is always carried out individually and depends on many factors. One drug can help five patients, but will not have an effect on the treatment of the sixth patient.

In medicine, cases are described when patients tried to get rid of giardiasis for several years, however, not a single drug gave the desired effect. Therefore, it is important not only to save the patient from infection, but also to prevent re-infection.

The main principle that must be observed when choosing therapy is its maximum safety for human health. Good pills for lamblia are those that do not disrupt the functioning of the organs and organ systems of the patient, but at the same time turn out to be detrimental to parasites.

Manufacturers of drugs for giardiasis clearly indicate in the instructions for their drugs that they are toxic. They are especially dangerous for the liver. Therefore, when treating a protozoal infection, you should always follow qualified medical advice, and not engage in amateur activities.

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