Tablet the day after – action, side effects and availability. How to take the pill the day after?

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The morning after pill is sometimes considered one of the “emergency” methods of contraception. Its purpose is to prevent ovulation or fertilization. The tablet the day after protects against pregnancy from intercourse that took place before taking it. There are currently two types of this emergency contraceptive on the market.

The tablet is taken the day after unprotected intercourse or when contraceptive methods have proved ineffective. The effectiveness of these emergency contraceptive methods is measured by the percentage of avoided conceptions.

There are two types of morning after pill available on the Polish market, viz Ladder oraz EllaOne. Emergency contraceptive methods are issued with a prescription.

Free prescription for the pill the day after is guaranteed by the Women on Web organization, which operates in European countries. Before obtaining a prescription, you should take part in an online consultation and fill out a properly prepared form.

What is the morning after pill?

The pill the day after or the pill the day after intercourse is a preparation that is used ad hoc in rescue or crisis situations. The pill the day after protects against unwanted pregnancy when other forms of protection have failed.

The morning after pill or EC – emergency contraception.

The morning after pill is an effective form of contraception because it prevents pregnancy in almost 100% after intercourse. Immediately after taking the pill, ovulation is inhibited, which is synonymous with the impossibility of fertilization.

The pill the day after should be considered by every woman as an emergency solution or a last resort. This type of preparations cannot be used too often due to health problems later on.

The tablet is taken one day after the day, regardless of the current day of the menstrual cycle.

There are two types of “morning after” pills available in Poland and each purchase requires a prescription. These tablets are EllaOne and Escapelle.

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Action of the tablets the day after

Understanding how the day-to-day pills work requires knowledge of concepts and processes such as the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and fertilization.

Fertilization occurs when an active and healthy sperm finds a mature egg in the reproductive tract. Fertilization can occur during the woman’s fertile days, which are several days before and several days after ovulation. Sperm that enter the female reproductive system can live in it for several days, which can fertilize a mature egg a few days after intercourse.

The principle of the tablet the day after is simple. The substances contained in the preparation block ovulation by removing or inhibiting the secretion of luteinizing hormone. In short, this means that taking the pill the day after it blocks ovulation, which reduces the chance of conception.

A very important information for many women is that the day after pills do not have anti-implantation properties. This means that if the egg is fertilized, taking the pill the day after will affect the process of implanting the cell in the endometrium.

In short, the tablet the day after prevents fertilization, but does not show an early abortion effect.

When taking tablets the day after, it is important to use them as soon as possible (ie up to 72 hours) after intercourse. They are most effective within 24 hours of the incident. The day after tablets available on the Polish market:

  1. EllaOne – they contain the active substance ulipristal acetate. It inhibits ovulation. The additional substance causes changes in the endometrium if ovulation has already taken place. This makes implantation of the embryo difficult. The day after EllaOne works by stopping the ovary from releasing an egg. They should be applied within 120 hours (5 days) of intercourse. There is one tablet in the package, which is taken with or without a meal. Research shows that they are most effective within 24 hours of intercourse. It amounts to almost 98%;
  2. Escapelle – they contain the active substance levonorgestrel. They should be taken within 72 hours of intercourse. Escapelle tablets cause changes in the endometrium, which makes implantation of the embryo impossible. Levonorgestrel changes the composition of the cervical mucus, making it more sticky, preventing the sperm from moving. The drug also suppresses ovulation, if it has not yet occurred. Research confirms that the tablet is most effective when consumed within 24 hours of intercourse. It is 99%.

The day-to-day tablets available on the pharmaceutical market vary in price. You have to pay for the Escapelle in the range of PLN 35-55. EllaOne costs between PLN 90 and PLN 120.

  1. Need a pill the day after? In this situation, time is of the essence – a way to quickly obtain a prescription is teleconsultation about emergency contraception


In 2018, the European Medicines Agency registered a new indication for ulipristal acetate, which is the main ingredient of EllaOne. This compound is currently used in the preoperative treatment of uterine sarcomas in women aged 18-40 years. This ingredient inhibits uterine bleeding and reduces abdominal pain by inhibiting the action of progesterone. In addition, sarcoma cells under the influence of ulipristal acetate reduce their mass, stop dividing, and in a later stage, they die.

When can you take the pill the day after?

The day after tablet should be used only in extremely special, emergency circumstances. Experts are against classifying it as a contraceptive method. The situations in which you can take the pill are clearly defined. These include: rape, unprotected sex, ineffectiveness of contraceptive methods, incorrect use of contraceptives, i.e .:

  1. incorrectly taking birth control pills;
  2. if you have forgotten or delayed taking the mini-pill, i.e. the combined contraceptive pill;
  3. a condom breaks or slips off;
  4. late injection of norethisterone (over 14 days);
  5. late injection of estrogen and progesterone;
  6. having intercourse on fertile days using natural methods of contraception;
  7. too late removal of the penis from the woman’s genital tract during intermittent intercourse;
  8. intercourse during the fertile days using only natural methods of family planning;
  9. damage to or premature removal of the cervical and vaginal caps;
  10. late placement and early removal of vaginal contraceptives;
  11. the vaginal contraceptive globule does not dissolve before intercourse;
  12. detachment of the contraceptive patch;
  13. expulsion of the intrauterine device.

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Day after tablet – contraindications

Despite their high effectiveness, the day after tablets cannot be used by all women who want to prevent pregnancy. Contraindications to taking the tablet the day after are:

  1. hormone-dependent tumors; 
  2. pregnancy;
  3. breast-feeding;
  4. thromboembolic disorders (e.g. vaginal bleeding);
  5. bronchial asthma;
  6. severe liver failure;
  7. the use of barbiturates, carbamazepine, drugs containing St. John’s wort, rifampicin, rifabutin, griseofulvin, efavirenz, nevirapine, oxcarbazepine and fosphenytoin;
  8. lactose intolerance, this disaccharide serves as an auxiliary function in the table the following day;
  9. malabsorption disorders, including Crohn’s disease;
  10. increased risk of ectopic pregnancy;
  11. early use of the tablet the day after in the same menstrual cycle;
  12. regular contraception.

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What should you know before taking the pill the day after?

Before a woman takes a pill the day after, she should always consult a doctor. The day after tablet is a hormonal preparation, which means it can cause side effects in a woman’s body as well as interact with medications already taken.

It is also important for the woman to know the effectiveness of the tablets the day after. Despite their high effectiveness, the percentage of pregnancies despite the use of the pill is about 2%. The effectiveness of this preparation is influenced by several factors. First of all, it is the time that has passed since intercourse. The phase of the menstrual cycle during intercourse, the number of unprotected intercourse, the age of the partners and their fertility are also of great importance.

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How to take the pill the day after?

It can potentially be assumed that any unprotected intercourse may result in conception and pregnancy. Therefore, the tablet should be taken the day after regardless of the day of the cycle, at any time of the day and regardless of the meal.

However, it should be borne in mind that if menstruation is delayed, an already developing pregnancy should be excluded before taking the tablet the day after.

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Tablet the day after – availability

Until 2017, EllaOne tablets were available without a prescription throughout the European Union. Currently, however, a prescription is required when purchasing them. The tablet the day after without a prescription is available in almost all European countries (with the exception of, inter alia, Poland and Hungary). A prescription can be issued by a doctor of any specialty, not only a gynecologist. The tablet the day after is not reimbursed by the National Health Fund.

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Day after tablet – possible side effects

Taking the tablet the day after may cause side effects. The most common ones include:

  1. headache and dizziness; 
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. feeling crashed;
  4. breast hypersensitivity and soreness;
  5. a feeling of swelling;
  6. soreness in certain parts of the body;
  7. general fatigue;
  8. abdominal discomfort;
  9. back pain;
  10. pelvic pain;
  11. hives and itching of the skin;
  12. mood swings;
  13. anxiety;
  14. insomnia;
  15. discharge from the genital tract;
  16. painful menstruation;
  17. bleeding between periods or delay in the menstrual cycle.

Headaches and dizziness may lead to a decrease in perception, therefore, after taking the tablet the day after, one should not drive and operate motor vehicles.

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Side effects of taking the pill the day after

Multiple tablet intake the day after may have an effect on hormonal disorders, as well as complete dysregulation of the menstrual cycle. In addition, there is often bleeding and spotting between cycles. Some women experience bleeding within 7 days after taking the tablet the day after.

It should be remembered that the day after tablets do not affect the later fertility level. Emergency contraception by delaying ovulation makes it possible to get pregnant even in the same cycle in which the pill has already been used.

Does contraception affect pregnancy? Read: Contraception and pregnancy. How Does Contraception Affect Pregnancy?

Is the pill the day after safe?

One of the doubts before taking the pill the day after is whether this preparation is safe? The day after tablet is a hormonal drug, and like any such preparation, it may cause side effects and interact with other medications taken on a regular basis.

Women who decide to take the tablet the day after, can expect temporary headaches or gastrointestinal discomfort. In addition, it is very common to accelerate or delay menstrual bleeding.

It should be remembered that the pill is first and foremost a very large dose of hormones, so in order not to disturb the hormonal balance, it should be used occasionally, only in emergency situations. The morning after pill is safe for women but cannot replace standard contraceptive pills.

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Is the morning after pill effective?

In addition to the safety of using the tablet daily, the effectiveness of this preparation is very important for women. Despite the high effectiveness of the pill the day after, it can never be 2% sure. The day after tablet-use pregnancy rate is approximately 2%. This means that 100 out of XNUMX women who take the tablet the day after become pregnant.

The effectiveness of the morning after pill also depends on other factors. The time that has elapsed since intercourse, the number of unprotected intercourse, the phase of the menstrual cycle, the overall fertility of the partners or their age plays an important role.

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What makes the pill less effective the day after?

When taking a tablet the day after, it is worth remembering that some activities or circumstances may reduce its effect. The day after tablet may not work if you vomit after taking it. It is estimated that if vomiting occurs within 3 hours of taking the tablet the day after, its effect may be considered ineffective. In addition, the effectiveness of the tablet the day after may be reduced by some drugs that affect the work of liver enzymes.

There is also limited and inconclusive evidence that the efficacy of the day-to-day pill may decrease with increasing body weight and BMI.

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The pill the day after a pregnancy test

A pregnancy test should be performed the day after taking a tablet, especially if you are still unsure whether conception has occurred. A particular indication for a pregnancy test is delayed menstrual bleeding or other symptoms that might indicate pregnancy.

For starters, you can do the plate pregnancy test, which is available at all pharmacies and most drugstores. After testing, if you are still unsure, have blood tests. The next step should be a visit to the gynecologist’s office and an ultrasound examination.

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The day after pill and abortion pills

The World Health Organization issued a statement saying that the morning after pill does not work in the same way as the early morning pill. Miscarriage is defined as termination of pregnancy. Contraception, called emergency or reliever, does not cause the death of the embryo implanted in the uterus. This is what makes it different from early abortion measures. The day after the tablet prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.

All controversies arise from the definition of the beginning of pregnancy adopted by the parties. The day after tablets have no effect on an already started pregnancy. Even if the embryo is established in the uterus and the tablet has been taken, it will not cause fetal death.

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Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home. Now you can use e-consultation also free of charge under the National Health Fund.

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