Table wine: what is it, are they useful, what are + how to choose

One of the many categories that is presented in any outlet is table wines.

The group includes completely different drinks, united by certain characteristics.

wine cocktails

What wines are classified as table wines

The category includes natural drinks made from grapes with a low concentration of sugar and alcohol.

Typically, such wines are produced without designating the region of production, the year of harvest and the varietal composition.

Although some bona fide manufacturers try to indicate this information.

In Russia, they are referred to as “natural (table) wines”, in other countries, products can be recognized by the inscription “Vino da tavola” or “Vin de Table”.

In the hierarchy of wines, table drinks occupy the lowest level, but this does not mean at all that these products are not worth attention.

Among table wines, you can find both mediocre cheap drinks and products of excellent quality with bright taste characteristics.

The problem is that these properties cannot be predetermined.

What parameters are required for table wines

Drinks of this group do not have a specific manufacturing technology or belonging to a particular region.

However, there are a number of characteristics:

  1. Naturalness

    These drinks are obtained only in the process of natural fermentation of must or pulp without the addition of alcohol and sugar.

    Usually on the label of such products you can find the inscription “natural”, which is true.

  2. Security

    Despite the variability and simplicity of table wines, there are strict requirements for their production, which determine the permissible level of all components, such as volatile acids, salts of heavy metals, sulfurous acid, etc.

  3. Alcohol content

    Low alcohol content (from 9 to 14%) and sugars (for dry: about 0,3%; for semi-dry: no more than 2,5%; for semi-sweet: no more than 8%).

Are table wines healthy?

Undoubtedly, these drinks have a beneficial effect on the body.

Of course, if we are talking about good quality wines and moderate consumption.

Red dry drinks bring the greatest benefit.

The positive effect is expressed:

  1. In the normalization of digestion.

  2. Improving immunity.

  3. Supply of essential trace elements and vitamins.

  4. Prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

  5. Rejuvenation of all systems and organs.

  6. Improving blood circulation.

  7. Elimination of toxins, etc.

What are table wines

There are several varieties of these drinks.

According to the level of sugar content are distinguished:

  1. Dry (0-0,3%).

  2. Semi-dry (1-2%).

  3. Semi-sweet (3–8%).

Dry are obtained as a result of a full fermentation cycle, semi-dry and semi-sweet – partial.

By color:

  1. Red (obtained by fermenting dark fruits with skin and seeds).

  2. White (produced from light grape varieties without the use of pulp).

  3. Pink (made by blending two types of wines or mixing raw materials of different colors).

A separate category includes wines produced according to the Kakhetian technology (white and red).

By manufacturing method:

  1. Varietal (one type of grape is used).

  2. Blended (several varieties are taken as raw materials).

Depending on exposure:

  1. Ordinary (aged up to 1 year).

  2. Vintage (from 1,5 and more).

It is worth remembering that fortified, sparkling and flavored wines do not belong to table wines, as well as special collection items with a long aging period.

How to choose table wine

  1. It is worth focusing on the manufacturer

    There are proven brands, which are characterized by the optimal ratio of price and quality.

    When in doubt, it is better to study consumer reviews or stop at dry red wine, which is considered more useful and is rarely faked.

  2. Don’t buy cheap drinks

    Even with a natural composition, such products will not bring pleasure and will not bring much benefit.

    It is better to refuse to buy wines in cardboard packaging: it usually indicates poor quality, but there are exceptions.

  3. The label must contain information about the manufacturer.

    As well as product categories, the amount of sugar and strength.

    When looking for a good vintage wine, you should make sure that the year of manufacture is indicated on the bottle cap.

  4. It is worth paying attention to the cork

    Well, if it is made of cork wood and is branded with the manufacturer.

    You should not count on an old, darkened cork to indicate aging: this usually indicates a low quality drink.

  5. Country of Origin

    Good table wines can be found among the products of Georgian, Abkhazian, Armenian, French, Italian, Moldovan and some other manufacturers.

How to drink table wines

This category of drinks got its name precisely because of the unpretentiousness in the selection of dishes.

Table wine does not require special culinary delights.

Wine will complement the usual snacks or serve as a worthy aperitif.

Compatibility depends only on the category of drink:

  1. Red can be served with meat dishes, soups and pates, white is in perfect harmony with fish, poultry and cheeses.

  2. Light drinks should be pre-cooled; for dark drinks, room temperature is optimal.

It is worth considering the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are often indicated on the label.

Relevance: 08.10.2018

Tags: wine and vermouth

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