Table of vitamin A contents  in foods

Retinol equivalent – the standard adopted for ease of measurement of doses of vitamin A, a fat-soluble complex of retinol (vitamin A) and beta-carotene (provitamin A). Take into account the amount of retinol in the food product and the retinol formed in the body from beta carotene (retinol 1мкг equal 6мкг beta-carotene)In these tables are adopted by the average daily need for vitamin A is 1,000 micrograms. The column “Percent of daily requirement” shows what percentage of 100 grams of the product satisfy the daily human need for vitamin A.


Product nameThe content of vitamin A in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Fish oil (cod liver)25000 µg2500%
Beef liver8367 mcg837%
Carrots2000 mcg200%
Rowan red1500 mcg150%
Acne1200 micrograms120%
Parsley (green)950 mcg95%
Egg powder950 mcg95%
Egg yolk925 µg93%
Celery (green)750 mcg75%
Dill (greens)750 mcg75%
Spinach (greens)750 mcg75%
Melted butter667 mcg67%
Oil sweet-creamy unsalted653 µg65%
Dried apricots583 µg58%
Apricots583 µg58%
Caviar black granular550 mcg55%
Dandelion leaves (greens)508 µg51%
Quail egg483 mcg48%
Caviar red caviar450 mcg45%
Butter450 mcg45%
Briar434 µg43%
Sorrel (greens)417 µg42%
Broccoli386 mcg39%
Cream powder 42%377 µg38%
Carrot juice350 mcg35%
Cress (greens)346 µg35%
Cilantro (green)337 µg34%
Green onions (the pen)333 mcg33%
Leek333 mcg33%
Cheese “Camembert”303 µg30%
Cheese Swiss 50%300 mcg30%
Lettuce (greens)292 µg29%
Cheese “Russian” 50%288 µg29%
Cheese “Roquefort” 50%278 µg28%
Cheese Cheddar 50%277 mcg28%
35% cream270 mcg27%
Apricot267 mcg27%
Basil (green)264 mcg26%
Chicken egg260 mcg26%
Cheese “Poshehonsky” 45%258 µg26%
Sour cream 30%255 mcg26%
Sea buckthorn250 mcg25%
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)250 mcg25%
Pumpkin250 mcg25%

See full product list

Kidney beef242 µg24%
Cheese “Gollandskiy” 45%238 µg24%
Cheese “Adygeysky”222 mcg22%
Apricot juice217 µg22%
Parmesan Cheese207 µg21%
Aronia200 mcg20%
Persimmon200 mcg20%
Sour cream 25%183 µg18%
Shortbread cake with cream182 µg18%
Fern181 mcg18%
Cheese (from cow’s milk)180 mcg18%
Pastry custard cream (tube)174 µg17%
Quince167 mcg17%
Peach dried167 mcg17%
Gouda Cheese165 mcg17%
Cheese “Russian”163 µg16%
Cream 20%160 mcg16%
Sour cream 20%160 mcg16%
Cream 25%158 micrograms16%
Cloudberry150 mcg15%
Cheese “Sausage”150 mcg15%
Milk powder 25%147 mcg15%
Chanterelle mushrooms142 g14%
Dry milk 15%133 mcg13%
Tomato (tomato)133 mcg13%
Butter cookies132 mcg13%
Cheese “Suluguni”128 µg13%
Feta Cheese125 mcg13%
Condensed cream with sugar 19%120 mcg12%
Cheese 18% (bold)110 mcg11%
Sour cream 15%107 µg11%
Halibut100 mcg10%
Ice cream94 mcg9%
Glazed curds of 27.7% fat88 mcg9%
Oyster85 mcg9%
Peach83 mcg8%
Asparagus (green)83 mcg8%
Meat (chicken)72 mcg7%
Sponge cake with protein cream69 ICG7%
Green peas (fresh)67 mcg7%
Melon67 mcg7%
Beans (legumes)67 mcg7%
Cream 10%65 mcg7%
Sour cream 10%65 mcg7%
Cheese 11%65 mcg7%
Ice cream sundae62 mcg6%
Sprat Caspian60 mcg6%
Mussels60 mcg6%
Sturgeon60 mcg6%
Goat milk57 mcg6%
Cottage cheese 9% (bold)55 mcg6%

Vitamin a in dairy products:

Product nameThe content of vitamin A in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Acidophilus 3,2%22 mcg2%
Acidophilus to 3.2% sweet22 mcg2%
Cheese (from cow’s milk)180 mcg18%
Varenets is a 2.5%22 mcg2%
Yogurt 1.5%10 µg1%
Yogurt 1.5% fruit10 µg1%
Yogurt 3,2%22 mcg2%
Yogurt 3,2% sweet22 mcg2%
Yogurt 6%33 mcg3%
Yogurt 6% sweet33 mcg3%
Kefir 2.5%22 mcg2%
Kefir 3.2%22 mcg2%
Koumiss (from Mare’s milk)32 mcg3%
The mass of curd is 16.5% fat50 mcg5%
Milk 1,5%10 µg1%
Milk 2,5%22 mcg2%
Milk 3.2%22 mcg2%
Milk 3,5%33 mcg3%
Goat milk57 mcg6%
Condensed milk with sugar 5%28 mcg3%
Condensed milk with sugar 8,5%47 mcg5%
Dry milk 15%133 mcg13%
Milk powder 25%147 mcg15%
Ice cream94 mcg9%
Ice cream sundae62 mcg6%
Yogurt 2.5% of22 mcg2%
Yogurt 3,2%22 mcg2%
Ryazhenka 2,5%22 mcg2%
Ryazhenka 4%33 mcg3%
Fermented baked milk 6%43 mcg4%
Cream 10%65 mcg7%
Cream 20%160 mcg16%
Cream 25%158 micrograms16%
35% cream270 mcg27%
Cream 8%52 mcg5%
Condensed cream with sugar 19%120 mcg12%
Cream powder 42%377 µg38%
Sour cream 10%65 mcg7%
Sour cream 15%107 µg11%
Sour cream 20%160 mcg16%
Sour cream 25%183 µg18%
Sour cream 30%255 mcg26%
Cheese “Adygeysky”222 mcg22%
Cheese “Gollandskiy” 45%238 µg24%
Cheese “Camembert”303 µg30%
Parmesan Cheese207 µg21%
Cheese “Poshehonsky” 45%258 µg26%
Cheese “Roquefort” 50%278 µg28%
Cheese “Russian” 50%288 µg29%
Cheese “Suluguni”128 µg13%
Feta Cheese125 mcg13%
Cheese Cheddar 50%277 mcg28%
Cheese Swiss 50%300 mcg30%
Gouda Cheese165 mcg17%
Cheese “Sausage”150 mcg15%
Cheese “Russian”163 µg16%
Glazed curds of 27.7% fat88 mcg9%
Cheese 11%65 mcg7%
Cheese 18% (bold)110 mcg11%
Cheese 2%10 µg1%
Curd 4%31 mcg3%
Curd 5%33 mcg3%
Cottage cheese 9% (bold)55 mcg6%

The vitamin A in eggs and egg products:

Product nameThe content of vitamin A in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Egg yolk925 µg93%
Egg powder950 mcg95%
Chicken egg260 mcg26%
Quail egg483 mcg48%

Vitamin a in meat, fish, seafood:

Product nameThe content of vitamin A in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Roach20 mg2%
Salmon30 µg3%
Caviar red caviar450 mcg45%
Pollock ROE40 mg4%
Caviar black granular550 mcg55%
Flounder15 µg2%
Chum40 mg4%
Sprat Baltic40 mg4%
Sprat Caspian60 mcg6%
Shrimp10 µg1%
Bream30 µg3%
Salmon Atlantic (salmon)40 mg4%
Mussels60 mcg6%
Pollock10 µg1%
Capelin50 mcg5%
Meat (Turkey)10 µg1%
Meat (rabbit)10 µg1%
Meat (chicken)72 mcg7%
Meat (broiler chickens)40 mg4%
Cod15 µg2%
Grouper40 mg4%
Perch river10 µg1%
Sturgeon60 mcg6%
Halibut100 mcg10%
Beef liver8367 mcg837%
Haddock10 µg1%
Kidney beef242 µg24%
Cancer river15 µg2%
Fish oil (cod liver)25000 µg2500%
Carp10 µg1%
Herring30 µg3%
Herring fatty30 µg3%
Herring lean10 µg1%
Herring srednebelaya20 mg2%
Mackerel10 µg1%
Som10 µg1%
Mackerel10 µg1%
Sudak10 µg1%
Cod10 µg1%
Tuna20 mg2%
Acne1200 micrograms120%
Oyster85 mcg9%
Heck10 µg1%
Pike10 µg1%

The vitamin A in fruits, dried fruits and berries:

Product nameThe content of vitamin A in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Apricot267 mcg27%
Quince167 mcg17%
Plum27 mcg3%
Watermelon17 mcg2%
Banana20 mg2%
Cherry17 mcg2%
Melon67 mcg7%
BlackBerry17 mcg2%
Figs dried13 mcg1%
Kiwi15 µg2%
Gooseberry33 mcg3%
Dried apricots583 µg58%
Raspberry33 mcg3%
Mango54 mcg5%
Cloudberry150 mcg15%
Nectarine17 mcg2%
Sea buckthorn250 mcg25%
Papaya47 mcg5%
Peach83 mcg8%
Peach dried167 mcg17%
Rowan red1500 mcg150%
Aronia200 mcg20%
Drain17 mcg2%
Red currants33 mcg3%
Black currants17 mcg2%
Apricots583 µg58%
Persimmon200 mcg20%
Cherry25 mcg3%
Prunes10 µg1%
Briar434 µg43%

Vitamin a in vegetables and greens:

Product nameThe content of vitamin A in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Basil (green)264 mcg26%
Broccoli386 mcg39%
Brussels sprouts50 mcg5%
Kohlrabi17 mcg2%
Cabbage, red,17 mcg2%
Cabbage16 mg2%
Cilantro (green)337 µg34%
Cress (greens)346 µg35%
Dandelion leaves (greens)508 µg51%
Green onions (the pen)333 mcg33%
Leek333 mcg33%
Carrots2000 mcg200%
Cucumber10 µg1%
Fern181 mcg18%
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)250 mcg25%
Parsley (green)950 mcg95%
Tomato (tomato)133 mcg13%
Rhubarb (greens)10 µg1%
Turnips17 mcg2%
Lettuce (greens)292 µg29%
Celery (green)750 mcg75%
Asparagus (green)83 mcg8%
Pumpkin250 mcg25%
Dill (greens)750 mcg75%
Spinach (greens)750 mcg75%
Sorrel (greens)417 µg42%

Vitamin a content in ready meals and confectionery:

The name of the dishThe content of vitamin A in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Cod liver (canned food)4400 µg440%
Casserole carrot2060 µg206%
Carrots boiled2002 mcg200%
Cutlets carrot1920 µg192%
Peppers stuffed with vegetables603 µg60%
Soup puree of carrots585 µg59%
Cheesecakes with carrots478 ág48%
Cod stew355 µg36%
Vegetable ragout353 µg35%
Omelette300 mcg30%
Salad of green onions300 mcg30%
Tomato paste300 mcg30%
Zrazy potato287 µg29%
Soup puree of spinach287 µg29%
Pumpkin fried282 mcg28%
Egg mayonnaise280 µg28%
Pumpkin boiled273 µg27%
Stuffed vegetable265 mcg27%
Cake puff238 µg24%
Fried eggs230 mcg23%
Pumpkin porridge212 mcg21%
Pumpkin pancakes210 µg21%
Salted sprat with onions and butter193 µg19%
Shortbread cake with cream182 µg18%
The fresh tomato salad178 µg18%
Pastry custard cream (tube)174 µg17%
Pumpkin pudding172 mcg17%
Puff cake with protein cream158 micrograms16%
Mashed pumpkin158 micrograms16%
The eggplant caviar (canned)153 µg15%
Caviar squash (canned)153 µg15%
Pumpkin marinated135 mcg14%
The fresh tomato salad with sweet peppers133 mcg13%
Butter cookies132 mcg13%
Butter cookies132 mcg13%
Soup with sorrel132 mcg13%
Air cake with cream129 mcg13%
Pudding pumpkin122 µg12%
Salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers122 µg12%
The cauliflower salad110 mcg11%
Cake almond110 mcg11%
Beetroot soup cold107 µg11%
Salad of white cabbage92 mcg9%
Radish salad85 mcg9%
Soup73 g7%
Borsch of fresh cabbage and potatoes73 g7%
Potato soup73 g7%
Cookies long72 mcg7%
Rice soup72 mcg7%
Soup of sauerkraut70 mcg7%
The cabbage soup70 mcg7%
Sponge cake with protein cream69 ICG7%
Biscuits68 mcg7%
Homemade pickle68 mcg7%
Bun high in calories61 ICG6%
Catfish boiled58 mcg6%
Soup barley with mushrooms58 mcg6%
Catfish fried56 mcg6%
Soup bean56 mcg6%
Rice pudding53 mcg5%
Cabbage stew52 mcg5%
Jam apricot50 mcg5%
Green peas (canned food)50 mcg5%
Caviar beet50 mcg5%
Cabbage baked50 mcg5%

As can be seen from the tables above, most vitamin A is found in animal liver (a total of 4 grams of fish oil provides the daily requirement for vitamin), and carrots. From plant foods in addition to carrots, very high carotenoid content observed in the mountain ash (67 grams provide the daily requirement), and greens – parsley, celery, dill, asparagus, spinach. From the animal products it is necessary to highlight the egg yolk and butter.

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