In ancient times, people combined the stars in the sky into figures that looked like certain objects, animals, etc. About the brightest of them, legends were necessarily composed and various mythical properties were attributed to them.
In our time, constellations are isolated and studied, primarily for scientific purposes. They are a group of stars united in separate sections, together making up the celestial sphere. This separation makes it easier and faster to navigate the starry sky.
Today, 88 constellations are officially known and accepted by the world scientific community. The table below shows their complete list in alphabetical order with and Latin names, abbreviations (abbreviations), area and number of bright stars.
Andromeda | Andromeda | And | 722 | 100 |
Gemini | Gemini | Save | 514 | 70 |
Big Dipper | Úrsa Májor | One | 1280 | 125 |
Big Dog | Májor Canis | CM | 380 | 80 |
Libra | Lb | Lib | 538 | 50 |
Aquarius | aquarius | Aqr | 980 | 90 |
Auriga | Auríga | Gold | 657 | 90 |
Wolf | Lupus | Wolf | 334 | 70 |
Bootes | Boots | Boo | 907 | 90 |
Veronica’s hair | Coma Bernices | With | 386 | 50 |
Raven | Corvus | crv | 184 | 15 |
Hercules | Hercules | Here | 1225 | 140 |
Hydra | Hydra | Hiya | 1303 | 130 |
Dove | columba | Collar | 270 | 40 |
Hounds Dogs | Canes Venatici | CVn | 465 | 30 |
Virgo | Virgo | Vir | 1294 | 95 |
Dolphin | Delphinus | From | 189 | 30 |
The Dragon | Dragon | Dra | 1083 | 80 |
Unicorn | monocera | My | 482 | 85 |
Altar | Years | Search | 237 | 30 |
Painter | Pictor | Pic | 247 | 30 |
Giraffe | camelpardalis | Cam | 757 | 50 |
Crane | Grus | Crane | 366 | 30 |
Hare | Lepus | Lep | 290 | 40 |
Ophiuchus | Ophiuchus | Oh | 948 | 100 |
Snake | Serpents | Be | 637 | 60 |
golden fish | Dorado | Pain | 179 | 20 |
Indian | Indian | Ind | 294 | 20 |
Cassiopeia | Cassiopeia | Cas | 598 | 90 |
Keel | Carina | Because | 494 | 110 |
Whale | Cetus | This | 1231 | 100 |
Capricorn | Capricórnus | Postcode | 414 | 50 |
Compass | Pýxis | Pyx | 221 | 25 |
Stern | Puppies | Pup | 673 | 140 |
Swan | Cygnus | Cyg | 804 | 150 |
Lev | Léo | Leo | 947 | 70 |
Flying fish | Volans | Vol | 141 | 20 |
Лира | Lyra | Lyre | 286 | 45 |
chanterelle | Vulpecula | fill | 268 | 45 |
Ursa Minor | Ursa Minor | UMi | 256 | 20 |
Small Horse | Equuleus | Equ | 72 | 10 |
Small Lion | Léo Mínor | LMi | 232 | 20 |
Small Dog | Canis Minor | CMi | 183 | 20 |
Microscope | Microscópium | Small | 210 | 20 |
Fly | music | Puree | 138 | 30 |
Pump | Antlia | Ant | 239 | 20 |
The square | The norm | Nor | 165 | 20 |
Aries | Aries | Ari | 441 | 50 |
Octant | Eight | Oct | 291 | 35 |
Eagle | Here there | Mind | 652 | 70 |
Orion | Orion | Ori | 594 | 120 |
Pavlin | Turkey | Fig | 378 | 45 |
Sail | Machine | Vel | 500 | 110 |
Pegasus | Pegasus | Peg | 1121 | 100 |
Perseus | Perseus | 615 | 90 | |
Bake | fornax | The | 398 | 35 |
Bird of Paradise | Elder | Apps | 206 | 20 |
Cancer | Cancer | cnc | 506 | 60 |
Cutter | Come on | Caye | 125 | 10 |
Pisces | You will write | Psc | 889 | 75 |
Lynx | Lynx | Lyn | 545 | 60 |
Northern Crown | Corona Boreális | CrB | 179 | 20 |
Sextant | Sextans | Sex | 314 | 25 |
Сетка | Network | Right | 114 | 15 |
Scorpio | Scorpius | Sco | 497 | 100 |
Sculptor | Sculptor | scl | 475 | 30 |
table mountain | Mensa | But | 153 | 15 |
Arrow | Sagitis | Sg | 80 | 20 |
Sagittarius | Sagittarius | Sgr | 867 | 115 |
Telescope | Telescope | TEL | 252 | 30 |
Taurus | Taurus | Dew | 797 | 125 |
Triangle | triangle | Sorting | 132 | 15 |
Toucan | Toucan | Tuc | 295 | 25 |
Phoenix | Phóénix | Phe | 469 | 40 |
Chameleon | Chamaeleon | shah | 132 | 20 |
Centaurus (Centaur) | Centaurus | Cen | 1060 | 150 |
Cepheus | Cephéus | Cep | 588 | 60 |
Compass | circinus | Cir | 93 | 20 |
Watches | Horology | Hor | 249 | 20 |
Bowl | Crater | No. | 282 | 20 |
Shield | Shield | Sct | 109 | 20 |
From Eri | Eridanus | Eri | 1138 | 100 |
Southern Hydra | Hýdrus | Ugh | 243 | 20 |
South Crown | Australian crown | CrA | 128 | 25 |
Southern Fish | Piscis Austrinus | PsA | 245 | 25 |
South Cross | Crux | Cru | 68 | 30 |
Southern Triangle | Triangle of Australia | Between | 110 | 20 |
Lizard | About lace | Lake | 201 | 35 |