Table etiquette: rules of conduct, serving and video

😉 Greetings to my regular and new readers! A successful person cannot do without knowledge of the rules of etiquette in society! I hope that the article “Etiquette at the table: rules of conduct, serving and video” will help you with this.

Every person needs to know this in order to feel easily and comfortably in any place and in any company.

And if you try to follow these simple rules even at home, then it will certainly become a habit. Arriving at a restaurant, you will easily, without hesitation, behave “as it should”.

Rules of conduct at the table

  • never put your elbows on the table – only your hands should be on the table. Where to put your hands? Fold them in your lap;
  • if you have already been served a dish, wait until all the guests at the table are served, and only after that start eating;
  • it is customary to direct the cutting knife blade into the dish to avoid cuts;
  • eat at a calm pace. Rapid absorption of food is a sign of disrespect for the owners, indicating that you only came to eat;
  • having taken something from public dishes (vases, dishes), you must first put it on your plate, then in your mouth;
  • if the soup is too hot, do not blow on it – wait until it cools down a little;
  • if you have food in your mouth, try to avoid talking. Chew, swallow food, and only then enter into a dialogue;
  • if you need to go to the toilet, say “I’m sorry, I’ll go away for a minute”;
  • Moderate gestures so as not to hurt your interlocutor or topple food;
  • Do you have food stuck between your teeth? You should not reach her at the table, even if you have toothpicks. If you absolutely cannot stand this inconvenience, you need to apologize, go out and remove the stuck food from the teeth in the toilet room;
  • leaving traces of lipstick on appliances and glasses is bad form. This is especially undesirable at business dinners. Do you have lipstick on your lips and don’t have a napkin to remove it from your face? Walk to the toilet, or grab a napkin at the bar when you return;
  • handbags, keys, hats, gloves, glasses and cases for them, phones and packs of cigarettes should not be on the dining table. If the item is not part of the meal, it should not be on the table;
  • if you need to squeeze lemon onto fish or seafood, cover it with your hand. So drops of juice will not fall on others or in your eyes;
  • a smoked cigarette should be extinguished in an ashtray, but not in a plate.

Table etiquette: rules of conduct (video)


  • as soon as you are seated at the table, place the napkin on your lap. Do not tuck the napkin behind the collar, between the buttons of a shirt, or behind a belt;
  • During lunch, use a napkin more often to blot your lips, but don’t wipe them off. If paper napkins are also present on the table, it is permissible to wipe your lips with them;
  • be sure to blot your lips before drinking, this is especially true for women who use lipstick;
  • if there is still a plate in front of you, leaving the table, put a napkin to the left of the plate;
  • if the table in front of you is empty, the napkin should be placed in the center of the table, where your plate was.


Table setting is a process that can accompany not only holidays, but also the usual meals in the circle of home. The number of cutlery at the table depends on the number of meal changes that will be served. Remember: with each change of dishes, the devices are sequentially used, starting with the ones closest to the plate.

Table etiquette: rules of conduct, serving and video

All devices that are located on the left (and these are always plugs) should be held in the left hand. On the right are spoons and knives that are held in the right hand.

The secret language of cutlery

Table etiquette: rules of conduct, serving and video

Salt and pepper

  • always pass both salt and pepper together, even if you are asked for one thing;
  • if there is no spoon in the open salt shaker, use the tip of a clean knife to take the salt;
  • if an open salt shaker is intended only for you, you can take salt either at the tip of a knife or just with a pinch – with your fingers;
  • if an open salt shaker is common to all guests, never take salt from it with your hands, or with a dirty knife;
  • It is customary to put salt on a plate for bread, or on the edge of any other plate in front of you.

“Tea, coffee, let’s dance …”

  • the cups must be held by the ear, without passing the index finger into it and not putting it aside the little finger;
  • after stirring sugar in a cup, take out a spoon and place it on a saucer. Sipping hot tea or coffee from a spoon is considered a sign of bad taste;
  • no need to blow into a cup of hot tea or coffee. Wait for the drinks to cool down. They can only be slightly stirred with a spoon so as not to knock it against the walls of the cup;
  • if the tea is served with lemon, you need to lightly press the fruit slice with a spoon, squeezing out the juice. Then put the spoon on the saucer. Tea is drunk, and the remaining lemon slice is left in the cup;
  • squeezed out with a spoon, the tea bag must be removed from the cup with the same spoon and put on a saucer;
  • no need to put the used bag in the ashtray;
  • biscuit cakes, according to the rules of restaurant etiquette, should be eaten with a teaspoon, and dry shortbread should be held in hand.

Table etiquette: rules of conduct:

Check yourself! Questions:

  1. What to do if tea spills from a cup onto a saucer?
  2. If lump sugar is served but no tongs are available, can you take the sugar lump with a clean teaspoon?
  3. What to do with the used tea bag?
  4. Is it okay to bite off an almond cake?
  5. You take the candy out of the box – can you put it in your mouth right away?
  6. How to drink from a bowl properly?
  7. Do I need to finish the coffee grounds?
  8. You drink tea while standing at the reception.
  9. Can the cup and saucer be lifted?
  10. A delegation came to the head for a short (30 minute) visit. Is it obligatory to serve coffee or tea?
  11. Who polls guests – members of the delegation for the type of drink (tea or coffee)?


  1. Blot it with a paper towel and find an appropriate place to dispose of the wet tissue.
  2. No, lump sugar in the absence of special tongs is taken with your hands (with your fingertips, trying not to touch other pieces).
  3. Squeeze it gently with a teaspoon and place on a saucer.
  4. No, they eat it like bread, but break off small pieces with their hands and put them in their mouths.
  5. No. Having taken something from public dishes (vases, dishes), you should definitely put it on your plate, and only then in your mouth.
  6. It is customary to lift the bowl with two hands.
  7. Of course not. And you should not do fortune telling on the coffee grounds, turning the cup with the thick bottom upside down.
  8. Yes, definitely. You cannot lift a cup without a saucer from the table.
  9. No, not required. But there should be mineral water and glasses on the table.
  10. This should be done by the leader himself at the beginning of the meeting, after the guests have settled down. In this case, one of the employees must be present in order to remember who ordered what.

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