Beet Cylinder is a large-fruited variety with good taste and high yield (up to 10 kg per square meter). Differs in a cylindrical form of root crops thanks to which it is convenient to store and store them. The variety is unpretentious, available for cultivation in most regions.

History of origin

Cylinder beet is a large-fruited variety bred on the basis of the Marinda agricultural company (Moscow). The culture was tested and included in the register of breeding achievements in 1998. Approved for cultivation in most regions:

  • middle lane;
  • Northwest;
  • the Volga region;
  • Chernozem region;
  • southern territories;
  • The Urals;
  • Western and Eastern Siberia;
  • Far East.

Description of the beet variety Cylinder

Leaves of a beet of the Cylinder of the average sizes, light green coloring. The edges are slightly wavy, the surface is glossy, pink-violet veins are visible. Rosettes of leaves erect and semi-erect.

Root crops of a characteristic cylindrical shape, for which the variety got its name. They reach 4–7 cm in diameter, from 15 cm in length, strongly elongated. The tip is small, pointed, the head is medium in size, the shape is flat, it rises slightly above the ground.

The beet pulp of the Cylinder variety is dark red in color, tender in texture, distinguished by juiciness and a pleasant aroma. There are no light rings, but sometimes there is an unexpressed ringing. The root crops are very large, the mass reaches from 250 to 600 g. The surface is smooth, leveled, burgundy.

Table beet Cylinder: variety description, planting and care, ripening dates

Cylinder beet has a pleasant taste, it is characterized as good and excellent

Root crops are transportable – they can be transported over long distances to the place of sale or processing. The keeping quality is good – up to 6–7 months under standard storage conditions (temperature 2–5 degrees Celsius, humidity level up to 70%, dark place).

Appointment of root crops of a beet of the Cylinder universal. They can be used fresh to prepare vitamin salads, as well as in all kinds of dishes. Beets are also suitable for harvesting for the winter.

Characteristics of Beet Cylinder

The Cylinder variety is valued for its very high yield of 8–10 kg per 1 m2 (with industrial cultivation from 700 to 1000 centners per hectare). The variety is mid-season: technical ripeness occurs on average 100–120 days after germination. The rate of maturation is highly dependent on the region – in the south it takes 80-90 days, in a cool summer – 130 days. Harvest can be harvested four months after germination, i.e. from late July to early September (depending on the landing date).

The Cylinder variety is sensitive to cold – due to a decrease in night temperature, flower stalks may form. Therefore, planting in open ground is planned only in May, when there will be no threat of return frosts. Beets are resistant to drought, which makes it possible to grow them even in regions with insufficient rainfall.

Attention! The commodity input of beet roots of this variety is very high. Therefore, the culture can be grown both for personal consumption and for sale or processing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Beet Cylinder has undoubted advantages. Many summer residents and farmers are attracted by its unpretentiousness, high yield and excellent taste. Although the variety is not as resistant to frost as others, so planting should be planned at the moment when the soil warms up well.

Table beet Cylinder: variety description, planting and care, ripening dates

Beet Cylinder is characterized by increased productivity


  • excellent taste;
  • attractive presentation;
  • large root crops;
  • high commodity output;
  • good keeping quality and transportability;
  • drought resistance;
  • the pulp does not change color when cooked;
  • can be grown in all regions of the country.


  • The cylinder is sensitive to frost – it can produce flower stalks;
  • the variety is demanding on lighting, does not tolerate the slightest shadow;
  • on acidic and clay soils gives a negligible yield.

Planting Beet Cylinder

Beet Cylinder is quite demanding on the composition of the soil. The soil should be light, fertile (loam or sandy loam with a slightly acidic or neutral pH of 6,0 to 7,0 is suitable). The place should be dry (not lowland) and completely open – then the yield will be high, and the taste will be pleasant.

The timing of planting Cylinder beets depends on the method of cultivation and the climate of a particular region:

  1. Seeds for seedlings are planted a month before transplanting into the ground, i.e. in early April (in the south – at the end of March).
  2. Seedlings are planted in the garden in mid-May. In the south, this is done at the beginning of the month, and in regions with a cool spring – in the last decade.
  3. If grown by planting seeds in the ground, then the procedure is planned for the middle or second half of May.
  4. It is allowed to plant Cylinder beets before winter (also in open ground). In this case, sowing is planned for the second half of September – early October.

Growing seedlings

Growing in seedlings allows you to accelerate the ripening of root crops by 1-1,5 months and get a harvest at the end of July. Pre-seeds need to be prepared:

  • put in salt water and discard those that come up;
  • soak, hold the glass in the refrigerator for a week;
  • pickle in potassium permanganate or fungicide (if the manufacturer has not done this).

Cylinder beet belongs to single-sprout varieties. This means that only one plant will grow from a seed. You can grow seedlings in common containers. The soil is purchased in a store or made up of garden soil mixed with humus, black peat and sand (2: 1: 1: 1).

Table beet Cylinder: variety description, planting and care, ripening dates

It is convenient to grow beet seedlings in cassettes

Seeds are planted to a depth of 1–2 cm, covered with foil and placed in a warm place (room temperature). When shoots appear, the film is removed, the temperature is lowered to 15 degrees, and 2 weeks before transplantation, they begin to harden at 10–12 ° C. Periodically moisten the soil with a sprayer.

Seedlings are transferred to open ground after the formation of four true leaves. You can not hesitate, because the seedlings will stretch. On the other hand, too early planting is dangerous due to frost.

Attention! Landing dates must be selected carefully, taking into account the actual weather forecast.

Landing in open ground

From mid to late May, Cylinder beet seeds can be planted in open ground. Prepare them in the same way as in the case of seedlings. The landing pattern is as follows:

  • depth – 2–3 cm;
  • the interval between seeds is 10 cm;
  • spacing between rows – 30 cm.

After planting, give some water. At the first stages, seedlings need moisture, so watering is enhanced, then rare, as needed.

Cylinder beet care outdoors

Cylinder beets are not very difficult to care for. The main rule is regular watering, especially in drought (although plants develop normally in the heat). The culture is responsive to top dressing – fertilizers provide maximum yield. You need to make them several times per season:

  1. On the eve of planting, urea is added in the amount of 15–20 g per 1 m2.
  2. At the initial stages of the formation of root crops, you can water with any organic matter.
  3. Three weeks after that – feed with superphosphate (40 g per 1 m2) and potassium salt (20 g per 1 m2).

In order for the beets to grow quickly, you should not allow the soil to caking, especially if it is dense. After 1-2 days after heavy rains and watering, it is recommended to loosen the surface layer. Weeding is carried out as needed, preventing the active growth of weeds.

Table beet Cylinder: variety description, planting and care, ripening dates

Beets are harvested on a sunny day without rain

Possible diseases and pests

Beet Cylinder has good immunity to most diseases and pests. But due to bad weather and improper care (frost, excess moisture, dense plantings, heavy, acidic soil), it can suffer from such pathologies:

  • brown rot (gray bloom on the root crop);
  • “black leg” (darkening of the roots);
  • downy mildew (grayish-lilac bloom on the leaves);
  • phomosis (brownish spots on the inside of the leaf plate).

For prevention, it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology. When signs of disease appear, all affected plants are destroyed, and then they are treated with a fungicide (Bordeaux mixture, “HOM”, “Skor”, “Maxim”, “Profit” or another remedy).

Advice! Every 3-4 years, the place of growing beets needs to be changed. Good crop precursors are: cucumbers, onions, potatoes, bad ones are carrots, cabbage, rapeseed, chard.


Cylinder beetroot is an unpretentious crop that normally tolerates drought and is resistant to many diseases and pests. The agricultural technology of its cultivation is simple, so even a novice summer resident will get a good harvest.

Reviews of gardeners about beets Cylinder

Bukasov Mikhail, 58 years old, Obninsk
Cylinder beets are profitable to grow for sale – they are easy to care for, and the indicators are high and stable. You can shoot a centner from a hundred. I’ve been growing it for five years now, no complaints. Just do not rush into planting – she does not like frost. It is not recommended to plant before mid-May.
Malykh Elizabeth, 54 years old, Ivanovo
Beet Cylinder is my favorite variety. Her root crops are cylindrical, unusual, but there is no need to be afraid of this, on the contrary, it is more convenient to store. Productivity is increased, I do not remove less than 8 kg per square meter. Seeds germinate stably at 100%. No deficiencies were found in the variety. Fruits can be stored for a long time, used for salads, winter preparations.
Beet Cylinder (Tsilindra). Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seeds

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