The sparing diet “Table 9”, which is prescribed for people with type XNUMX diabetes, is not just a preventive measure, but a necessary medical nutrition that reduces the risk of such a terrible symptom as diabetic coma. Therefore, adherence to a diet for people with this ailment is mandatory and rigorous.
Features of the “Table 9” diet
Indications: diabetes mellitus type II;
Duration: constantly;
Features: restriction in the diet of animal fats and carbohydrates and the complete exclusion of foods containing sugar from the diet; in part, the sweetness of food can be replenished with sugar substitutes such as xylitol, stevia, aspartame, etc.; you should eat at the same time, you should absolutely not skip breakfast, lunch or dinner; and if you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, and for some reason you have to skip a full meal – it is vital to have a snack at least a piece of bread, fruit or a special bar; in other words, getting ready for a trip or a trip, stock up on a certain amount of “medicinal” food.
Energy value: 2400-2600 kK;
Fluid volume per day: not less than 1,5 liters;
Best type of preparation: steaming, baking or boiling;
Frequency of meals with a diet Table 9: On a diet with diabetes mellitus, table 9 should be eaten fractionally, 5-6 times a day.
Diet “Table 9”: what is possible, what is not
Meat, poultry, fish. In diet 9, only lean meats and fish are allowed, which are eaten boiled or baked. Among the allowed: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, navaga, cod, pike and others. Seafood is allowed and is considered very beneficial for diabetes. Any canned food, smoked meats and semi-finished products from the diet should be eliminated. Fatty meat products such as pork, goose, duck, liver are prohibited. Meat and fish soups can be used infrequently and only secondary.
Eggs. Egg whites can be consumed daily, but yolks can be allowed only occasionally. The best option is a protein omelet or soft-boiled egg.
Bread and flour. The amount of bread consumed should be limited – no more than 300 g per day. It is advisable to eat some wheat bran daily.
Dairy. As part of the Table 9 diet, milk and dairy products are acceptable, but only low-fat. Any sweet “milk” is strictly prohibited. These are products like curd mass, sweet glazed cheeses, drinking yoghurts with fillings, etc.
Vegetables. The diet allows vegetables with a low carbohydrate content, such as: cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers and tomatoes, eggplants and lettuce. Potatoes, carrots, beets are high-carbohydrate vegetables, so their use is strictly regulated: little by little and only 2-3 times a week.
Cereals. The recommended cereals for the “Table 9” diet are wheat, barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley. Rice, semolina and all pasta made from traditional wheat flour are prohibited.
Fruits, berries and desserts. Diet “Table 9” is very loyal to almost all fruits (but only in pure form, and not in the format of fresh juices, when consumed, sugar hits the bloodstream in an instant hit), but it is very strict with desserts. Anything that contains sugar should be eliminated from the diet. Only special diabetic products (which can always be found on specialized shelves of any supermarket) can be consumed, and even then – with the greatest care. Fruits and berries with a high sugar content (including grapes, figs, bananas, dates, etc.) are also, alas, under the strictest taboo.
The drinks. You can and should: clean water, mineral water, unsweetened tea and coffee with skim milk, vegetable juices. Do not: fruit juices, sweet soda, alcohol.
Additional prohibitions. In the “Table 9” diet, there are an impressive amount of prohibitions: sweet fruits and desserts are not allowed, any products made from butter and puff pastry are not allowed, for the first it is impossible – fatty meat and fish broths. In addition, salty cheeses (feta, feta cheese, chechil and others), pickles and marinades, any smoked meats and semi-finished products should be excluded from the diet. From dairy products, curd mass, sweet glazed curds, cream, ice cream are banned. And you will also have to forget the taste of mayonnaise, hot and salty sauces.
Eating on the “Table 9” diet should be fractional – 5-6 times a day. An approximate menu for the day may look like this:
Breakfast: oatmeal in skim milk (butter is permissible, but not more than 5 g);
Lunch: fruit salad;
Lunch: fresh vegetable salad, mushroom soup with barley, boiled fish with pumpkin puree, apple;
Snack: hot toast with mushrooms and tomatoes;
Dinner: boiled meat with buckwheat;
2-1,5 hours before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir;
Useful recipes for the Table 9 diet will help diversify your diet:
Hot toast with mushrooms and tomatoes
Ingredients: two wheat baguettes, fresh mushrooms 150-200 g, 2 medium-sized tomatoes, a head of garlic, 1 onion, about 100 g of hard unsalted cheese, herbs to taste, 1 tbsp. olive oil, lettuce
Method of preparation:
Cut the wheat baguettes into oblong slices. Grate each slice with half a clove of garlic. Cut the tomatoes into equal even slices, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the mushrooms and onion, wash the lettuce leaves, dry and divide one by one.
Fry mushrooms and onions in olive oil until the onions are golden brown. Then, with a slotted spoon, remove the fried mushrooms and onions from the pan, and in the same oil quickly fry the baguette slices on both sides – it is important not to fry the bread, but only slightly heat and brown the edge.
Then put on the warmed bread: a slice of tomato, on top – a lettuce leaf, on it – fried mushrooms, and to finish – grated cheese; And so – for each slice of baguette.
Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Put the toast with mushrooms on a baking sheet. We put in the oven, lowering the temperature to 180 degrees, for 10 minutes (until the cheese turns into an appetizing crust).
Before serving, warm toast can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.
Pumpkin soup with chicken and mint
Ingredients: 500-600 g pumpkin, 150 g chicken fillet (that is, your entire daily allowance for meat if you are diabetic), 1 onion, 50 g Dorblu cheese
Method of preparation:
Peel and cut the pumpkin into small cubes. Boil the chicken fillet for 20-25 minutes, draining the broth twice. Cut the onion into rings.
Stew the pumpkin with onions in a saucepan. Remove the boiled chicken fillet from the broth, grind with a blender and add to the stewed pumpkin. Continue to beat with a blender.
As soon as the consistency becomes homogeneous, add chicken fillet broth to this mass (since it is not the first, and not even the second – it can be used even with diabetes). It is important to end up mixing the puree soup.
Before serving, add pieces of finely chopped dorblu cheese and mint leaves to the soup. The perfect pairing for pumpkin soup is a crispy, lightly dried wheat baguette.
Red buckwheat pancakes
Ingredients: half a cup of wheat flour (to reduce the brittleness of buckwheat pancakes), 2 cups of buckwheat flour, 1,5 cups of skim milk, 2 egg whites, 2 egg yolks, 15-20 g of yeast, 2 tbsp. butter or ghee, vegetable oil for frying
Method of preparation:
Heat 1 glass of milk and spread yeast in it. Sift wheat flour and add to milk with yeast. Knead thoroughly. Cover the container with a towel and place in a warm place for 40 minutes.
Then add another glass of warm milk, buckwheat flour, 1 tablespoon to the dough. butter and yolks. Knead thoroughly again. Return to a warm place for another 1 hour.
Beat the egg whites until thick and fluffy, add them to the dough, stirring thoroughly. Heat a pancake pan, grease with vegetable oil and bake pancakes on it, frying on both sides. Carefully! Buckwheat pancakes are much more fragile than regular wheat ones, so be extra careful when turning them over.
When stacking ready-made pancakes, do not forget to grease them with a tiny piece of butter or ghee.