There was a time when gout was called “the disease of kings” – its occurrence was explained by the excessive consumption of alcohol and fatty foods. And who in the Middle Ages was the richest and always intoxicated? Of course – people of “blue blood” … Nowadays, doctors know the true causes of gout, but, like medieval Aesculapius, they advise their patients to follow a strict diet.
Diet “Table 6” brings noticeable relief both during an exacerbation of gout or urolithiasis, and during the period of recovery from these ailments. Despite the fact that there are quite serious restrictions in the diet of this diet, you can cook within its framework in a variety of ways and with culinary passion.
Indications: gout, urolithiasis, increased production of uric acid;
Duration: as prescribed by a doctor;
Features: moderation in the amount of food consumed; limiting foods that contain purines, oxalic acid and salt; restriction in the diet of meat and fish; increased fluid intake; fasting is strictly contraindicated;
Energy value: 2400-2600 kK;
Fluid volume per day: not less than 2,5 liters;
Best type of preparation: steamed or boiled;
Power frequency: On a diet, table 6 should be eaten fractionally, 5-6 times a day.
Diet “Table 6”: what is possible, what is not
Meat, poultry, fish. From meat and fish dishes, low-fat and soft-textured varieties are allowed. Previously, both meat and fish should be boiled (since during cooking they lose up to 50% of purines – special substances in the composition of products that, when broken down, form salts and uric acid). On a day with the “Table 6” diet, it is allowed to consume no more than 150 g of meat or no more than 170 g of fish. And no more than 2-3 times a week! Soups based on meat and fish broths are prohibited.
Eggs. You can eat eggs in any form, but not more than one piece per day.
Bread and flour. Fortunately, no special prohibitions are imposed on bread and flour. You can eat both wheat and rye products, you can also eat bran and any flour desserts.
Dairy. As part of the “Table 6” diet, you can eat whole and condensed milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese (low-fat). Since milk belongs to the category of alkalizing products (which help to neutralize the effect of uric acid), its presence in the daily diet is mandatory.
Vegetables. Like milk, most vegetables have an alkalizing effect, so eating them in a table 6 diet is highly encouraged. The only thing that should be completely excluded from the diet is legumes, as well as any marinades and pickles. And since meat and fish broths are prohibited, vegetable soups are becoming the most important and frequent contender for the “first”.
Cereals. Any cereals can be consumed in moderation.
Fruits, berries and desserts. Diet “Table 6” strongly advises to lean on fresh fruits and berries, since most of them also have an alkalizing effect on the body. The use of citrus fruits is especially welcome – oranges, lemons, grapefruits. From sweet you can marmalade, honey, marshmallow, any dairy desserts. It is advisable to avoid too fatty sweets – custard cakes, etc.
The drinks. You can and should: clean water, alkaline mineral waters, fruit and berry juices, fruit drinks and jelly. Do not: tea, sweet soda, kvass, sour drinks, coffee, alcohol.
Additional prohibitions. As already mentioned, on a diet for gout, table 6, meat and fish soups are strictly prohibited. And along with them – legumes, sorrel and all mushrooms without exception. Also, canned food, semi-finished products, smoked meats are excluded from the diet. You can not eat salty cheeses – such as: feta cheese, Roquefort, Suluguni, Chechil, Feta, Adyghe and others. Dried fruits, with the exception of prunes, should also be eliminated from the diet.
Eating on the “Table 6” diet should be fractional – 5-6 times a day. An approximate menu for the day may look like this:
Breakfast: a glass of mineral water before meals, a boiled egg, oatmeal in milk;
Lunch: a glass of mineral water before meals, fruit salad;
Lunch: a glass of mineral water before meals, fresh vegetable salad, potato soup, vegetarian cabbage rolls;
Snack: a glass of mineral water, mousse with apricot and mint;
Dinner: a glass of mineral water before meals, cheese cakes with grated banana and berries;
3 hours before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir, cottage cheese.
Okroshka on yogurt
Ingredients: 3-4 medium potatoes, 1 carrot, 2 eggs, 10-12 pieces of radish, 2-3 fresh cucumbers, 0,5 liters of mineral water, 1 liter of low-fat kefir, 150 g of low-fat soft cottage cheese or sour cream, herbs to taste.
Method of preparation:
Boil potatoes and carrots in their skins. Peel and cut into small cubes. Boil and chop the eggs too. Finely chop the radishes and fresh cucumbers. Mix vegetables, add kefir to them.
Pour the mineral water, in turn, into kefir with vegetables. Add soft cottage cheese or sour cream.
Chop the herbs finely and sprinkle over the soup. Salt to taste. It is advisable to put the soup in the refrigerator to infuse overnight, or at least for several hours.
Mousse with apricot and mint
Ingredients: 500 g ripe apricots, 4 tsp. gelatin powder, 80 g icing sugar, 150 ml whipped cream, 3 egg whites, 5-6 almonds, 1 tsp. lemon zest, 1 tsp. lemon juice.
Method of preparation:
Wash the fruit, cut in half and remove the seeds. Then put the halves of the fruits in a saucepan, add water and boil until soft (about 10-15 minutes). Then drain the water, soften the fruit in the puree with a blender, add (if desired) a little sugar and let cool.
Add chopped almonds and finely grated lemon zest to the puree.
Mix lemon juice with 1/2 glass of water and dilute gelatin in this mixture. Then pour the gelatin into the puree, add the egg whites, whipped into a cool foam and half the whipped cream. To stir thoroughly.
Pour into glasses or dessert bowls and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Before serving, decorate the dessert with sprigs of mint, and, if desired, with grated chocolate, whipped cream, grated nuts.
Cheesecakes with banana and berries
Ingredients: To prepare 10-12 cheesecakes, you will need 500 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of flour, 100 g of sugar, 1 egg, 2 bananas, 1 tsp. baking powder, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
Method of preparation:
Pass the cottage cheese twice through a sieve, and then add flour, sugar, egg and baking powder to it. Move everything carefully.
Finely chop the peeled bananas, mash with a fork and add to the curd mass. Divide the resulting dough into 10-12 pieces (size – about a quarter of the palm), roll each piece into a ball (it will be more convenient with wet hands – the dough will not stick to them), roll in flour and lightly slap into a pancake shape.
Fry on both sides in vegetable oil until browned. Serve with berries, sour cream, honey, jam or soft cottage cheese – to taste.