Tabata-training (Tabata)

Tabata is a high-intensity interval workout that does the maximum amount of movement in the shortest amount of time.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Tabata allows you to quickly restore physical fitness, increase endurance, add variety to your workouts. The protocol includes simple and effective exercises taken from various sports: boxing, athletics, swimming, cycling, etc. Tabata guarantees rapid fat burning by accelerating metabolism.

  • This is a highly effective interval training, in which the maximum possible number of movements is performed in a short time period. Depending on the complexity of the tabata program, repetitions are performed with your own weight or with weighting agents.
  • The technique of short-term high-intensity loads (tabata) was developed by Izumi Tabata (professor of physiology) in 1996 for the Japanese speed skating team in order to increase endurance.

Group explosive training includes 8 repetitions of 4 minutes. During this time, you need to give everything 100% – otherwise the classes will not be effective.

What is Tabata training for?

Tabata is indispensable for those who want to build muscle, quickly use up accumulated fat reserves, and become more enduring. Such anaerobic training is about 10 times more effective than long-term aerobic and cardio sessions. That is why fitness fans prefer it.

Tabata should be introduced into training gradually, adapting to the current level of physical fitness of the practitioner. High-quality warm-up and exercises are an obligatory element of preparation for a cycle of 8 rounds, without which the athlete should not be allowed to perform.

For classes, you will need a special tabata timer to track the stages of load and rest and a gymnastic mat.

Top Reasons to Start Tabata Workouts

  1. The ability to exercise in any conditions (at home, in the gym, on the street), using only your own weight.
  2. Save time – suitable for a quick training session (15-20 minutes).
  3. The maximum possible calorie expenditure, accompanied by muscle building.
  4. Absence of injuries and negative consequences (subject to the rules).
  5. Improving endurance (increasing the amount of oxygen consumed during sports and any other physical activity).

Basic Tabata Workouts

  • Exercise Jumping Jack – a variation on the theme of jumping in place. On the first jump, the legs should be spread as wide as possible, a clap is made above the head; on the second – the feet are brought together.
  • Burpee exercise – light version without push-ups. Squat from a standing position, touch the floor with your palms, then push with your feet, becoming a plank in a jump. Jump to return the legs to the hands, take a vertical position.
  • Exercise Fold – to work out the abdominal muscles. It is performed from a sitting position. The palms rest on both sides of the body on the floor (you can do without the help of hands). The bent legs are drawn to the chest. As you inhale, lean back, stretching your legs and not touching the floor surface. On the exhale – knees to the chest.
  • Plank-spider exercise – standing in the bar, bend at the knee and put your legs to the side alternately. The back is straight, do not squeeze the limbs under you.
  • Jumping Exercise – squats + jumps. The squat is performed from a foot position slightly wider than shoulders, thighs parallel to the floor. Perform a jump and crouch again.
  • Exercise Bicycle – strengthens the press. Position lying on the floor on the back. The palms are on the back of the head in the castle, the upper part of the body is raised, the shoulder blades are in the air. Bend the lower limbs at the knees, raise them, perform motions imitating cycling.
  • Leg swing exercise – arms at the waist or bent in front of you at the elbows in a standing position. Swings forward are made with legs alternately without bending the knee joints.
  • Exercise Lunges – from a standing position, lunges are made, making sure that the knee is at an angle of 90 degrees. Returning to the starting position, the feet are brought together.

All exercises are performed intensively for 20 seconds. Ten second break, then the next approach. To achieve good results, it is important to choose the right pace for yourself. The number of exercises depends on physical fitness.

Such training is simply necessary for busy people who do not have the opportunity to exercise for a long time. In just 20 minutes a day, you can effectively work out all muscle groups.

Recommendations and contraindications for Tabata training

Tabata is prohibited during pregnancy, high blood pressure, problems with the spine and heart, varicose veins, atherosclerosis. This type of training is not suitable for beginners in the sport. Peak loads greatly affect the heart and blood vessels. The intensity of the loads requires preparing the cardiovascular system for them, and, if necessary, reducing weight using a diet. Beginners should gradually increase the number of repetitions and evenly distribute the load, paying attention to all muscles.

During training, you should not overpower yourself, trying to do faster and more, ignoring pain and feeling unwell.

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