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What is it under the name tabata? It is one of the forms of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), i.e. high-intensity interval training. This metabolic training lasts four minutes. Its name comes from the Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata, who developed the original formula of the most effective exercises especially for professional speed skaters.
The results of research on Tabata’s protocol were published in 1996. During 6 weeks Tabata tested the effectiveness of training in two groups. One exercised 4 minutes a day 5 times a week, and the other exercised more than an hour a day with the same frequency. People in the first group improved their VO2 max by 14%, and those in the second by only 10%. The premise for this short, intense, exhausting workout is simple. They are based on performing intervals on a 20-second effort system followed by 10 seconds of rest in eight repetitions of 4 minutes. Currently tabata it is used by professional athletes such as skaters, sprinters, cyclists, but also gains more and more followers among amateurs who love this training because of its effectiveness. During this effective four-minute interval training, many muscles in the body are involved in exercise, which is beneficial for metabolism and fat reduction. Moreover tabaty effect is a significant improvement in aerobic (aerobic) and anaerobic (anaerobic) fitness.
Tabata training – contraindications
Unfortunately, the physical challenge this training presents is not recommended for everyone. This form of interval training is very strenuous and therefore appropriate preparation is recommended. Tabata must be preceded by a warm-up and ended with stretching, i.e. stretching exercises. People who are not physically active, are in poor physical condition, are overweight, have joint problems, have low performance or are struggling with more serious defects in the heart and respiratory and circulatory system, pressure problems (hypertension) and other conditions for which strenuous exercise is not recommended , should opt out of tabaty.
Tabata – how often?
Execution frequency tabaty depends on the advancement of the exercising person. Beginner (v tabacierather than physical activity at all) should start with one workout a week and gradually increase their number, taking into account how the body responds to this form of exertion. Advanced people exercise up to 3-4 times a week. Tabata should not be combined with other activities or high-intensity strength exercises.
Tabata – sample exercises
Training tabata you can exercise both in the gym and in your own home. For people beginners it is recommended to exercise with the weight of your own body, and for advanced introduction of the appropriate load (skipping rope, ketttlebell, barbells, bars, etc.).
After a five-minute warm-up, proceed to tabaty, that is, performing up to eight intervals. You have to remember about a system of 20 seconds of exercise phase and 10 seconds of rest phase per exercise. Examples of exercises are:
- Burpees – Support squat, push-up and jump. We squat, stretch our arms forward and rest them on the ground, then we do a push-up, vigorously throwing our legs back and bending our arms at the same time, straightening our arms, returning quickly to the starting position and jumping.
- Push-ups with the release of the hands from the floor.
- Boxing run, i.e. a vigorous run in place with alternating forward extensions of the arms (straight blows, hence the name of the exercise). We stand slightly apart and perform a blow with our right hand, while lifting the opposite left leg, remembering that it should be bent at the knee and raised in the thigh parallel to the ground. With a blow with the left hand, change the leg to the right one.
- Puppies, a well-known childhood exercise. We assume an upright position, lower the arms along the torso, bend the knees slightly, bringing the feet together. We jump up while striding and throw the arms slightly bent upwards so that the palms come together above the head.
- Intensive exercises with the use of a skipping rope.
- Alternating skipping lunges. Stand with your torso straightened in a step and put your hands on your hips. Bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, put one out forward, and the long one back, and touch the ground with it. We jump and swap legs, landing in a lunge.
- Pull-ups with an overgrip, undergrip or a neutral grip.
- Kettlebell deadlift. Place the weight between your legs hip-width apart, keep your torso straight. We lean slightly and go down with our arms to the kettlebell, not slouching and pushing the chest forward. Raise the weight, straighten the torso and legs, return to the starting position, taking into account the slight bend of the legs in the knees and the positioning of the hips behind.