Szumowski about the ban on access to forests: it was not the right decision
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Two years ago at this time, Łukasz Szumowski was at the candlestick. It was he who conveyed to Poles the government’s decisions regarding the country’s strategy to fight the new and unknown threat, which was the coronavirus. The pressure was enormous, especially as he quickly fell into the very center of the financial scandals. Today he is the director of the National Institute of Cardiology and evaluates the activities of that time from a distance. In an interview with Rynek Zdrowia he says: “The decisions I made then were based on the best possible data”.

  1. Łukasz Szumowski is a cardiologist and electrophysiologist. In 2018-2020 he was the minister of health
  2. As the head of the department, he was the “author” of the first and hardest lockdown; he was responsible for making and announcing decisions concerning, inter alia, introducing covid restrictions
  3. He left the ministry in an atmosphere of a scandal based on doubts about the ministry’s purchases
  4. «I had to make decisions under extremely difficult conditions. Today I am bearing the consequences »- he said in an interview with Rynek Zdrowia
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Szumowski assesses his decisions during the lockdown

Asked whether he regretted the decisions made during the first wave of coronavirus infections, Szumowski replied that he had become used to various assessments of its actions. «I had to make decisions under extremely difficult conditions. Today I am bearing the consequences »- he said, adding that he did not feel like a loser.

«(…) many things have been done well. Even lockdown. He was brutal, yes, but he kept us from the first wave. It was the best way out at the time. Let us remember that no one had a sufficient number of tests, laboratories or equipment at that time. There were also no places to isolate patients. If we had allowed ourselves to start the first wave then, even as it was the case in other countries, the victims would certainly have been several hundred thousand. more »- believes the former Minister of Health.

The doctor referred, inter alia, to down controversial decision to close forests and parkswhich, according to the government, would be one of the places where outbreaks of new disease could emerge. «(…) it was not the right decision, but it did not endanger people’s lives»He replied.

He added that most of the actions were hit after all, and thanks to them “many lives were saved – sometimes at a huge, multi-billion cost”. He also stressed that all decisions were consulted with representatives of other ministries and widely discussed at meetings of the crisis management team.

The rest of the text below the video.

“It is not my role to dismiss Adam Niedzielski”

Łukasz Szumowski also undertook the evaluation of the current Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, who replaced him as the head of the ministry in August 2020.

«(…) the minister certainly does not look at health protection in a way that is typical for people who are professionally associated with it. His knowledge and view of reforms go beyond the box. And this is the real value »- he said.

When asked who he would see as Niedzielski’s successor, surprised he said: «Why successors? It is not my role to dismiss Adam Niedzielski, who did a gigantic job during the pandemic. For this he had to face huge attacks. And he did it«.

Due to the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus may have a negative impact on the condition of many internal organs and the course of chronic diseases, it is worth checking your health after passing the disease. You can find a blood test kit for convalescents in the Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to astrology. Is astrology really a forecast of the future? What is it and how can it help us in everyday life? What is the chart and why is it worth analyzing with an astrologer? You will hear about this and many other topics related to astrology in the new episode of our podcast.

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