
Is it necessary to teach spouses to express emotions; how to resolve the conflict between marital and parental roles; how to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy… The collection contains articles by domestic psychologists and psychotherapists.

Scientific editor and compiler A. Varga

“Really, this haircut really suits me? “Nothing suits you at all.” Or like this: “Really, this haircut suits me? “Go away, please, you’re blocking my TV.” With these two, something is not right, we immediately understand this. Moreover, in the first and in the second case — not the same “not that”. You can help both couples, but the methods will be different. And what if only one of the partners comes to the psychologist?.. The collection contains articles by domestic psychologists and psychotherapists (we have the opportunity to make an appointment with each of them!). Names familiar to our readers: Inna Khamitova, Grazhina Budinaite, Tatyana Drabkina, Lucy Mikaelyan, Ekaterina Zhornyak. Vivid examples, important topics. Is it necessary to teach spouses to express emotions; how to resolve the conflict between marital and parental roles; how to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy … Theory and live practice, all the turns of the way to: “Really, this haircut really suits me? “Yes, dear, you are a real beauty.”

Kogito-Center, 342 p.

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