System “Minus 60”: reviews, recipes. Video

System “Minus 60”: reviews, recipes. Video

The diet of Ekaterina Miromanova has gained great popularity among Russian women.

This nutritional system can be used not only for weight loss, but also to maintain a vigorous and healthy state of health. The diet itself will not work if you do not use it in combination with exercise and psychological motivation.

System “Minus 60”: general recommendations

You can drink as much as you like. When salting food, you do not need to be zealous so that there is no edema. It is better to replace white sugar with brown or fructose. But by no means a sweetener. Eating a lot of fruit slows down your metabolism. It is enough to eat only two of them a day. It is undesirable to cleanse the body and fasting days. You don’t even need to count calories.

During the holidays and on a visit, it is better to drink dry red wine. In the evening, if you feel hungry, you can eat a piece of cheese, but not quite before bed. Meals should be taken three times a day. Moreover, the amount of food depends on the activity of a person and his actual needs. There is no need to switch to dishes in the form of saucers or, conversely, in the form of plates for the buffet. And snacks are possible only with permitted vegetables and fruits, which will be given below.

For household members, you can learn how to cook food without trying it. It will easily enter the usual way.

Instead of sweet cakes and pastries, you need to get used to healthy dark chocolate and honey. After gaining this habit, all sweet desserts will then seem too sweet. It is recommended to take a complex of vitamins regardless of your menu, since it is very difficult to eat a balanced diet so that the body has enough of all nutrients. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not prohibited from using the system, but it is better to consult with your doctor before that.

The recommended diet according to the system must be combined with moderate exercise. You also need to take care of the skin so that it does not lose its elasticity.

Eating food in the morning is considered very important, since it is during this period that all metabolic processes are turned on in the body. Therefore, you cannot skip breakfast. Even if you have no appetite, you can chew cheese toast with coffee, juice or tea. E. Miromanova in her system shares her experience that until 12:00 you can eat absolutely all products and in any quantity. This time limit also applies to sweets, including honey.

The lunch ration can consist of stews and boiled foods, seasoned in small quantities with sour cream, mayonnaise, soy sauce, or any vegetable oil. If the soup is cooked in broth, it is undesirable to add potatoes. In the case when the soup is cooked in water, you can put potatoes. One soup poorly saturates the body’s need for calories, so the daytime food should be varied by adding other dishes.

Fermented milk products, boiled eggs are allowed. From fruits: pineapple, kiwi, watermelon, citrus fruits, apples, plums and prunes. From vegetables: beans, potatoes, green peas, corn on the cob, mushrooms. All this can be eaten baked, boiled, stewed, thawed, but not canned or fried. Only very few pickled or salted vegetables can be used from canned food.

From fish and meat products, you can cook steamed cutlets, low-fat kebabs, boiled sausages or sausages. Also jelly, fish, meat, crab sticks, seafood. From cereals, it is allowed to eat buckwheat, rice, rice noodles, pasta without meat and without fish. You can add cheese to the dish for flavor. Recommended drinks include coffee, tea, fresh juice and dry red wine.

You can’t eat sweets in the evening. A little salty and soy sauce is possible. All recipes are based on water only. Moreover, the permitted products can only be cooked, stewed or, if possible, chewed raw. Also for dinner you need to eat one of the recommended ones. For example, fruits can be eaten the same as for lunch. Or dine with a dish of any stewed vegetables, except for potatoes, pumpkin, corn, peas, eggplants. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms at night.

All dishes for dinner, except for meat, are best combined with dairy products or cereals.

Fish and meat products, as well as boiled eggs are not combined with anything, they can and should be eaten separately for dinner. You can dine with buckwheat or rice porridge. It is also possible, as a separate option, to use low-fat and unsweetened yoghurts or cottage cheese without muesli and cereals as a separate option. Drinks at night can be consumed the same as at lunch. If water, then without gas, as it whets the appetite.

You only need to start today! In this case, it is not so much willpower that is important as a regular sequence of restrictions created for oneself. No need to scold yourself for being overweight and come up with reasons for losing weight. It is necessary to take as a rule: “No violence against the body.” That is, you need to lose weight without bringing yourself to fanaticism and stress. There is no need to set hard goals for yourself and wait for a quick result. Otherwise, the weight will return to normal again. You need to motivate yourself by how much easier it will be to move without excess weight. Do not pay attention to acquaintances who do not inspire hope. The main thing is to believe in yourself. And everything will work out.

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Head of Health Promotion and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion at SIBUR

“I am convinced that diets that do not imply rigid restrictions and painful menus are the best. It is true that mental attitude is very important in such a matter as the process of losing weight. After all, when you eat your favorite dishes, albeit in smaller quantities, of course, there is no feeling that you are sitting in a “gastronomic prison”. That is why this diet is so popular and full of positive reviews. All the same applies to sports on this diet: it should be, but exactly the one that suits the person. Running, swimming, stretching or zumba – there are no restrictions, as long as there is physical activity. “

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