
Synton program is a cycle of trainings, which is central to the Sinton Training Center. Consists of trainings: Communication skills, Emotion management, Successful person. As a rule, each course consists of intensive or regular classes of 4 hours.

The film «Sinton»

The author of the Synthon program, N.I. Kozlov, talks about its tasks and content.

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Aims and nature of the Synthon program

Goals of the Synthon program:

  • development of communication and social skills. See Basic Skills honed in the Synthon program
  • personal growth and development through the solution of developing and educational tasks, affecting mainly the motivational, emotional and moral sphere of the personality, as well as the sphere of interpersonal relations and communication. The synthon program contains elements of a psychotherapeutic approach, mainly in creating a warm, supportive atmosphere in her main trainings. The synthon program is in many ways an instrumental training containing practical knowledge and specific, life-saving skills.

At the same time, the main direction of the Synton program is the growth and development of the individual, the formation of high standards of quality of life. The synton program is aimed at the comprehensive development, social activity and creativity of the personality of each participant of the program, the formation of his stable civic position. About working with moral and ethical values ​​at the trainings of the Synton program, see →

In form, the synton program is a program of psychological training. In fact, the Synton program is a program of social pedagogy.

Synton program, its philosophical basis and attitude to religion

Synthon program has its own ideological base, see Sinton’s Philosophy

Sinton’s attitude to religion is emphatically neutral. Trainings are structured in such a way that their content and form are useful for participants who profess any religion or adhere to a secular worldview. Religious issues are not discussed at the trainings, the content of the training process does not contain moments that are ideologically unacceptable for any confession. See the expertise and resolution of the First Interuniversity Conference “Sociocultural Space and Enlightenment. Ideas of the XNUMXst century”)

Personal change

In training, people change. In which direction? The synthon program is aimed at reducing anxiety, self-doubt, and intrapersonal tension among participants. On the other hand, the task is to increase such personal characteristics as:

  • personal strength (dominance), courage and self-confidence,
  • rationality, self-control, emotional stability,
  • practicality, social orientation,
  • openness, expressiveness, ability for emotional self-expression, more details The effectiveness of the Synton program

Methodology for building the training process

The synton program is built on the basis of the traditional, basic principles of the classical tradition of domestic and world pedagogy, using both modern experience and our own, exceptionally rich arsenal of methodological developments. See Synton-program training methodology

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