Synechia of the labia, vulva, vagina

Synechia of the labia – a disease that occurs in childhood in girls. Such a diagnosis is made when the labia minora are tightly interconnected. The fusion of the labia may be in their lower third, while closing the entrance to the vagina. When the labia is fused along the entire length, the urethra closes.

Often synechia is a consequence of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs and the vagina. The cause of the disease can be allergic irritants (food, hygiene products, clothes made of synthetic materials) and insufficient or excessive hygiene. The mucous membrane of the vulva is delicate, very thin and easily injured during the mechanical action during washing;

Another equally common cause of the development of synechia can be a urinary tract infection, when harmful bacteria spread to the mucous membrane of the external genital organs, causing inflammation, and further leads to synechia. The appearance of synechia in girls is associated with a low content of the sex hormones estrogen. In young children, the absence of estrogen is a normal condition, this pathology can be observed up to preschool age. Synechia develops if the mother had severe toxicosis during the gestation of the fetus or the pregnancy proceeded with an infection that children become infected with during childbirth.

The use of diapers, the formation of diaper rash and overheating can also contribute to the appearance of synechia. Parents can be advised to regularly arrange air baths for babies.

The process of formation of pathology is not manifested by painful sensations and can remain unnoticed by parents for a long time.

Difficulty urinating can alert, which causes discomfort to the child.

With complete synechia, the opening of the urethra closes, making it difficult for urine to exit the bladder. The child, experiencing the urge to urinate, cries, and such suffering accompanies every act, urine lingers behind the labia, flows into the vagina. Fusion of the labia minora and labia majora is possible, but the labia minora are more often fused together.

How to eliminate synechia?

The prognosis of the disease with the timely establishment of the cause is always favorable. Any diseases are treated easily in the early stages. To combat the disease, the child does not need to be determined for inpatient treatment, the disease is treated at home. But first of all, the girl must be carefully examined, given the variety of reasons that cause synechia. Mandatory are vaginal smear tests, culture of secretions for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics. If synechia is detected when the labia is not yet completely “stuck together”, the problem can be corrected by applying an ointment containing estrogen to the labia.

Since synechia can be preceded by any infection (specific vulvovaginitis), complex antibiotic therapy must be carried out simultaneously with local treatment. The vagina is washed with an antiseptic solution, the introduction of candles with antibiotics is used. In the case of an advanced disease, surgical separation of the labia minora is performed under local anesthesia. This is followed by a whole range of measures used for the rapid healing of wounds and the prevention of re-adhesion of organs.

In order to prevent the formation of this pathology, it is necessary to be more attentive to the choice of hygiene products for a small child. It is recommended to use baby soap without the content of various fillers or a special gel with an acceptable acidity index. Reduce frequent hygiene procedures. It is useful to carry out a short-term massage, slightly pressing in the area above the anus, using a baby cream with sea buckthorn oil, peach oil or petroleum jelly.

Synechia is a dangerous disease, namely, that it goes into a chronic stage. With the growth of the genital organs, the perineum may not form properly and in the future this will affect the reproductive function – it will lead to frequent miscarriages and infertility. The birth of a daughter is a great joy and a great responsibility. Raising a healthy child is the responsibility of all parents.

To protect the baby from unpleasant diseases, it is necessary to be more attentive and careful when carrying out hygiene procedures. You also need to remember about regular examinations by a specialist, so you can avoid many problems. It is known that when girls grow up, the level of estrogen rises, the subcutaneous layer thickens, and in even the most severe cases, synechia can resolve on its own, but vigilance will not hurt anyone, doctor’s consultations are never superfluous.

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