Ischemic heart disease results from the difference between the heart’s demand for oxygen and energy compounds and their actual delivery to the body. As with many diseases, early diagnosis is important so that treatment can begin quickly. The risk of its occurrence increases with age and in people with obesity, with hypertension, with high levels of bad cholesterol. It is also related to stress or genetics.
— a feeling of pressure, which usually goes away after the end of physical activity
— pain, choking, pressure in the area of the sternum; pain is most often caused by physical effort or stress; the pain radiates to the jaw, arms, shoulders and hands
— occurrence of pain when temperature changes, e.g. after going out into cold air from a closed room; pain can also be caused by strong emotions, a large meal or bending down
Cardiac ischemia can often lead to a heart attack, which is why it is so important to react quickly and prevent the progression of the disease.
Lifestyle change
People who have been diagnosed with ischemic heart disease should make changes in their current lives. It is advisable:
– quitting smoking
— limiting alcohol consumption
— change of diet to a light diet. The most recommended is the Mediterranean diet
– weight loss
— start regular physical activity
A proper diet helps to lose weight, lower bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure. You should exclude from your daily diet: egg yolks, butter, cream, lard, fatty meat. Instead, include margarine, olive oil and fish in your diet. Due to the impact of the diet on health and its components, a Mediterranean diet is recommended – light and based on healthy ingredients that have a positive effect on the work of the heart.
Physical activity
Movement is very important in the treatment of coronary artery disease. However, it is important that physical activity is adapted to the patient’s abilities. In the first stages of the disease, it is necessary to limit physical activity. As you recover, it is worth starting a more dynamic rehabilitation. Daily slow walks are recommended, which should be extended over time. Cycling on level ground or voles walking is also recommended.
Family support
In the fight against the disease, which requires a change in lifestyle, it is very important to support relatives and family. For people who will quit smoking, support is extremely valuable. Loved ones should uphold their resolve in the sick by strengthening their will by emphasizing their achievements. When changing the diet, it is important to convince the household members to change their eating habits as well. Then we will avoid unnecessary temptations.
Exercises performed together in the company will certainly be much more pleasant and will make physical effort a nice way to spend time, not an unpleasant necessity.