What is lymph node cancer?
Cancer of the lymph nodes is a type of cancer in which a malignant tumor forms in the lymph nodes and this system as a whole.
Types of cancer of the lymph nodes
It must be remembered that the concept of “cancer of the lymph nodes” implies and combines at least 30 specific types of tumor formations.
Define such main groups as:
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which accounts for approximately 25-35% of all existing lymphomas. It is determined during examination by the presence of extremely large Ridge-Berezovsky-Strenberg tissues in the lymph nodes. It is also called lymphogranulomatosis;
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas – this is the name of all other types of malignant lymphomas, which account for the remaining 65-75%. It is possible to determine the diagnosis only after examining the histological nature of all samples of cells and tissues of the formation.
The presence of malignant cells in the lymph nodes is a common complication of many cancers. Almost always, the main path is precisely the lymphogenous or regional location, and after that, more distant nodes are affected. This happens when cancer cells spread throughout the body. Very often, a tumor of a specific nature also begins to form in the lymph nodes.
Symptoms of cancer of the lymph nodes
The symptoms of lymphogranulomatosis should be distinguished from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In the first case, the symptoms are diverse and are:
a significant increase in lymph nodes in the neck and above the collarbone, much less often in the groin or armpits. Lymph nodes at the very beginning move easily and do not provoke any painful sensations, and after a certain period of time they can connect. As a result, they become more dense, probably a change in skin tone over them. With a similar plot of the onset of cancer, fever and symptoms of intoxication are not observed;
enlargement of mediastinal nodes. There is a specific “dried” cough, shortness of breath, veins swell in the neck area. Pain is formed behind the sternum area, and venous nets are visible on it. This is a sign of a change in the size of the lymph nodes in the mediastinum, when they begin to put pressure on an empty vein located above;
extremely rarely, oncology originates from an increase in those lymph nodes that are located near the aorta. In this case, the patient may be tormented by painful sensations in the lumbar region, which are most often manifested precisely at night.
There are patients whose cancer “starts” in a rather acute form. Specific signs for such a development of the disease are:
increased degree of sweating, a sharp increase in body temperature, a forced decrease in body index;
a little later, the lymph nodes become much larger in size. This plot of the onset of the disease has an extremely pessimistic prognosis.
skin: in the area of the back, as well as the limbs, foci of a dark or red shade of a round shape are formed, the size of which is from two to three millimeters. These are the first signs of the transition of the process of a pathological nature from the lymph nodes that were affected. It is explained by the fact that education germinates;
lymphatic system: the process of tumor formation most often extends only to some groups of lymph nodes. Lymph nodes in the mediastinum and cervical region, mesenteric (they are located in the abdominal region, it is with their help that a significant part of the intestine is attached to the back wall of the abdominal cavity) can be affected. The lymph nodes of the paracaval type (they are located behind the abdominal region near the inferior vena cava) may also be affected;
digestive organs: such signs as pain in the epigastrium and the navel, a tendency to frequent belching, diarrhea are characteristic;
kidneys: significant pain is formed in the lumbar region;
respiratory organs: symptoms such as cough, pain in the sternum and frequent shortness of breath are formed;
nervous system: frequent migraines, dizziness, significant pain in the legs, sensory and motor dysfunctions, depending on the nature and speed of the formation of this process;
bone tissue: most often pain is formed in the sternum and lumbar spine;
spleen: characterized by an increase in the represented organ.
After a certain period of time, a stage of more characteristic and striking manifestations begins from a clinical point of view. Patients present with obvious weakness, fever, and itchy skin. Defeats from the side become obvious:
Symptoms of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
The primary manifestation should be considered:
change in the size of peripheral lymph nodes;
squeezing nearby vessels and organs;
lymph nodes do not provoke any pain, remain dense and do not combine with tissues and skin that are in relative proximity.
The so-called “Syndrome of the upper empty vein” may form, which is accompanied by:
change in the size of the veins in the neck;
intestinal obstruction;
portal hypertension (high blood pressure).
The focus of the disease of a primary nature can be located not only in the lymph nodes, but also in other tissues, as well as organs.
Causes of cancer of the lymph nodes
There are a lot of factors that increase the likelihood of getting cancer of the lymph nodes:
Age category – two peaks were identified depending on age, that is, such periods when the risk of developing lymphoma is highest. The first of them is in the interval from 15 to 30 years, the next one starts at 50 and systematically rises;
belonging to a particular race. So, it has been proven that those who belong to the Caucasian race are much more likely to get cancer of the lymph nodes. Fair-skinned people are at the highest risk;
Diseases and dysfunctions in the work of the immune system as a whole;
The first pregnancy that occurred after the age of 35;
Genetic predisposition to cancer diseases. That is, the presence of relatives of the primary line, who have been diagnosed with cancer of the lymph nodes, significantly increases the likelihood of the formation of the disease;
Certain diseases of the bacterial or viral type. A special degree of danger in this regard is characterized by HIV, the Epstein-Bar virus and specific bacteria;
The probability is greatly increased by substances of a carcinogenic type and some factors, for example, active and bright radiation.
Features of metastases in cancer of the lymph nodes
Even primary metastasis in cancer of the lymph nodes is noticeable even to the naked eye. It is an obvious enlargement of the lymph nodes, which can also be felt with the help of palpation. Most often, these nodes, which are subject to external inspection, are located at different levels. We are talking about the cervical region, the area above the collarbones, armpits and lymph nodes located in the groin. In a normal state of health, absolutely all nodes should not bring any pain, and they should not be palpable.
The following manifestations of the presence of a malignant tumor should be considered a significant loss of body weight, constant general weakness and fatigue. When carrying out certain diagnostic or laboratory examinations, anemia is detected, which is either in the second or in the third stage. Numerous malignant formations in the lymph nodes are evidence that the cancer is progressing, and very quickly.
If enlarged lymph nodes are detected, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible who will provide qualified medical care. Self-treatment is prohibited.
Diagnosis of cancer of the lymph nodes
In the presence of symptoms or risk factors, as well as for an overall improvement in the quality of life, it is imperative to undergo certain studies. It is they who will help dispel all doubts or, conversely, determine the stage of cancer of the lymph nodes.
You should start with a survey, which becomes the basis for any survey. Any complaints, obvious and vivid manifestations, previous or current ailments, genetic predisposition – all this will give the specialist the necessary information base for successful treatment.
Next, a total examination is carried out, which is a palpation of the most important lymph nodes. This method should be considered simple and, at the same time, the most informative test.
It is also necessary to conduct ultrasound diagnostics, which is the best method for studying the structure of such nodes that arouse suspicion in a specialist. Further, an MRI or CT scan may be necessary. These methods are certainly much more accurate, but expensive, and therefore less accessible.
Another fundamental diagnostic method is a biopsy. It is really important in the process of cancer treatment. With the help of the thinnest needle, which is designed specifically for puncture, the specialist receives a small piece of a malignant formation to study the cellular type of its structure. So the specialist will be able to determine which type of malignant tumor belongs to. It is on this that not only the likely prognosis depends, but also the method of treating cancer of the lymph nodes.
Stages of cancer of the lymph nodes
Depending on how much the disease has spread, four stages are determined. At the same time, the degree of damage to the zones of the lymphatic type and similar organs is noted, on the basis of which the stage is diagnosed.
With cancer of the first stage of the lymph nodes, the nodes are affected from any one area (for example, the cervical region) or one organ that is outside the presented system.
If we talk about the next stage, or cancer of the second degree, then it is characterized by damage to the lymph nodes from two or even more zones on one side of the diaphragm or one organ outside the lymphatic system.
The third stage, or cancer of the lymph nodes of the third degree, is characterized by a total lesion of the diaphragm, passing with the defeat of one organ outside the lymphatic system or the whole area, as well as the spleen. Sometimes all these manifestations can be observed at the same time.
Stage 4 lymph node cancer
The fourth stage should be noted separately. It resolves with damage to one or more tissues outside the lymphatic system or organs. In this case, the lymph nodes may be involved in the process of a pathological nature, or may not be affected. It depends solely on the individual characteristics of the organism.
lymphoma, discovered at the fourth stage, suggests that the disease has “climbed” already extremely far. In particular, this stage is characterized by:
a steadily growing lesion with placement in the area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbbone tissue, lungs, liver, pancreas, and the brain can also be affected;
rapidly progressing malignant formations;
inoperable bone cancer;
extremely fatal formations of a cancerous nature (for example, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, myeloma, squamous cell carcinoma, skin cancer and many other forms of oncology).
In this regard, the probability of recovery in the fourth and third stages is not as great as in the first and second stages.
Treatment of cancer of the lymph nodes
The process of cancer of the lymph nodes is directly dependent on a significant number of factors: the location of the tumor, size, stage, satellite diseases, the presence of metastases and exactly in which organs they are located. In the vast majority of cases, the specialist combines the usual methods of treatment, which include one or more courses of chemotherapy. It can be used both independently and together with radiation-type therapy, as well as before or after surgery.
Chemotherapy is a universal method of treating this disease, which makes it possible to stop the growth of a tumor formation, partially reduce its size, and also destroy certain cancerous growths.
Another common method is radiation therapy. Such a course can last from several weeks to a whole month. Most often, it is radiation therapy that is prescribed after the lymph nodes have been removed.
Surgical treatment is perhaps the most effective method. It is a total removal of the lymph nodes that were affected. To reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the disease, simultaneously with this operation, a resection of several nodes of the regional type is performed.
Much more advanced methods of treating cancer of the lymph nodes have also been developed, for example, transplantation of the bone marrow of a patient or a donor. Such therapy is a guarantee of a fairly optimistic prognosis, especially if you turn to a specialist in the early stages. In this regard, it is necessary to pay special attention to any changes in one’s own condition, and, if possible, to carry out diagnostic examinations as often as possible.
This will make it possible to find a malignant formation exactly when it will be quite possible to cope with it without significant damage to the state of health.