Symptoms, people and risk factors for constipation
Symptoms of the disease
- transit constipation : hard and rare stools (less than 3 per week), but no difficulty in evacuating.
- Terminal constipation : a feeling of incomplete or difficult defecation, a feeling of rectal fullness, heavy or repeated pushing efforts.
Notes. In both cases, constipation can be accompanied by bloating, abdominal pain and intestinal discomfort.
People at risk
- The women are 3 times more likely to suffer from constipation than men3. This high prevalence could be explained in part by hormonal causes. According to one hypothesis, progesterone, more abundant during the 2e half of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy, would make the bowels lazy.
- The children and are frequently constipated, with a peak in prevalence around the age of 4 years.
- From 65 years, the risks increase markedly, for both men and women.
- The people who must keep the bed or who have little physical activity are also prone to constipation (seriously ill, convalescent, injured, elderly).
Risk factors
- A diet low in fibers and liquids.
- La inactivity, physical inactivity.
- Some pharmaceuticals.
- Ignore consistently needing to have a bowel movement due to emotional stress or psychological disturbance.
- Changes hormone (pregnancy, menopause).
- The frequency of constipation is twice as high in people with low income, probably due to poorer nutrition9.