Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Vitamin deficiency, i.e. avitaminosis, is a common problem for people who do not have a properly balanced diet. In extreme cases, it can lead to serious diseases. How to recognize the first signs that our body is missing something?

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1/ 7 Vitamin A

This substance is necessary for the proper functioning of the eye and maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. The first symptoms of its deficiency are drying of the skin, brittleness of hair and nails, keratosis of the skin on the hands and feet, and acne. In extreme cases, this avitaminosis can lead to night blindness, corneal softening, and dry eye syndrome. Vitamin A can be found in: carrots, broccoli leaves, kale, spinach, pumpkin and liver.

2/ 7 Vitamin B1

This relationship is important in the processes of cellular respiration. Symptoms of its absence in the body include fatigue, problems with concentration, nystagmus, increased heart rate, swelling of the limbs, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. The acute form of this avitaminosis can cause beriberi disease. Remember that alcohol breaks down vitamin B1, so people who consume a lot of vitamin B1 must pay special attention to eating foods that contain vitamin BXNUMX. We find large amounts of vitamin BXNUMX in the liver and heart, whole grains, legumes, yeast, fish and nuts.

3/ 7 Vitamin B3

This vitamin is basically the collective name for two compounds – nicotinic acid and nicotinic acid. This group is also often referred to as vitamin PP. In the body, it plays an important role in metabolic processes and the production of red blood cells. Its deficiency leads to pellagra. The first symptoms of its deficit are low tolerance to cold, dementia and diarrhea. This vitamin is contained in meat, nuts and grains.

4/ 7 Vitamin B12

This compound plays a key role in the erythrocyte formation process, therefore its acute deficiency results in megaloblastic anemia. The first symptoms of a lack of vitamin B12 in the body are weakness, impaired concentration, dizziness, pallor, loss of appetite, and sometimes a feeling of taste. Next are the neurological symptoms. To prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, eat meat, eggs, fish and dairy products.

5/ 7 Vitamin C

Contrary to popular belief, vitamin C does not play a key role in protecting against colds. Despite this, it is important in the body, and its deficiency can lead to serious disorders – including the development of scurvy. The first symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are weakness, loss of appetite, swelling of the limbs, low physical efficiency, and softening of the gums. Vitamin C can be found in acerola and rose fruits, parsley, black currant and pepper.

6/ 7 Vitamin D

This vitamin performs many important functions in the body – it is necessary to build a proper skeletal system, has a positive effect on the muscles and nervous system, has a bactericidal effect and increases reproduction. The first symptoms of its deficiency are conjunctivitis, inflammation of the skin, decreased immunity and weakness. Prolonged deficiency leads to skeletal symptoms and, in children, to rickets. We can find this substance mainly in fish, eggs and dairy products. It must be remembered that vitamin D can be produced in our body, but exposure to light is necessary for this.

7/ 7 Vitamin K

This vitamin is important for maintaining proper clotting processes. Many studies confirm that it minimizes the risk of cancer. The first symptoms of deficiency of this substance are difficulties in healing seemingly harmless wounds. Prolonged deficiency may result in poor bone mineralization or the development of tumors. Vitamin K can be found in broccoli, spinach, lettuce, and avocados.

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