Symptoms of urinary incontinence
- To the effort : urine leakage during exertion, usually weak or sudden. We are not always aware of the losses.
- Emergency : Conscious and usually heavy loss of urine, a sudden overwhelming urge to urinate which always precedes the urine leak, but which does not allow time to go to the toilet. The urgent need to urinate can occur at night.
- Dual : combination of symptoms of stress urinary incontinence and urge urinary incontinence to varying degrees.
- By overflow (overfull) : small amounts of urine leak out several times throughout the day. Urination (the action of urinating) is difficult to begin. The flow is weak and often leaves the impression that the bladder is not empty. The need to urinate also manifests itself during the night.
- Functional : losses related to the difficulty of moving quickly.
- Total : constant losses, day and night.
Notes. When urine loss is accompanied by pain or a burning sensation during urination, the urine changes color and smell, and the urge to urinate is frequent, it is possible that urinary tract infection is involved. See a doctor.
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