Symptoms of thyroid nodule

Symptoms of thyroid nodule

The vast majority of thyroid nodules does not cause any symptoms. Most are discovered during a doctor’s palpation of the neck during a consultation.

Sometimes it is the affected person or his entourage who himself notices this small mass.

When the nodule is large, it may cause a sensation of pressure in the neck sometimes painful, difficulty swallowing or breathing.

If the nodule produces too much thyroid hormone, then it manifests itself as signs of hyperthyroidism : weight loss, heart palpitations, trouble sleeping, muscle weakness, diarrhea, nervousness or irritability. 

When to consult?

  • If you notice a small visible or palpable mass at the base of the neck,

  • If there is swelling of the glands in the neck,

  • If we swallow with difficulty,

  • If you lose weight despite a normal or increased appetite

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