Symptoms of pressure problems can be seen on the skin. Don’t take these signs lightly

Very often, specialists warn against hypertension, which is dangerous to our life and health. However, did you know that you may also suffer from hypotension? This disease is very often underestimated by us. Unfortunately, in extreme cases it can lead to serious diseases. How to recognize them? The symptoms of hypotension are visible on our skin!

Hypotension. Types and causes

An adult man should have a pressure in the range of 100–139 / 60–89 mm Hg. If it is usually greater, it is called arterial hypertension. This condition can have serious consequences. First of all, it causes heart problems for us. High blood pressure increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

However, if our pressure is usually below these limits, we should also start to worry. This means that you may be suffering from hypotension, also known as hypotension or hypotension. Unfortunately, we usually underestimate this fact. We try to raise our blood pressure by drinking another coffee, for example. This is a serious mistake. If we notice symptoms of hypotension, we should immediately consult a doctor. Untreated hypotension can lead to dangerous ischemia of the organs or to haemorrhagic (hypovolemic) shock..

Types of hypotension:

  1. Primary hypotension – most often occurs in women and in slim and tall people. It can arise for no specific reason. In some, it has a genetic basis.
  2. Secondary hypotension – usually occurs as a result of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, insufficient endocrine glands (e.g. the thyroid gland or the anterior pituitary gland), infections. It can also result from the use of certain medications, loss of large amounts of blood and dehydration.
  3. Orthostatic hypotension – usually occurs in adolescents and middle-aged people. It may appear when you change your position quickly (for example, when suddenly standing up).

Symptoms of arterial hypotension

Typically, people who have low blood pressure experience dizziness and headaches, drowsiness, constant fatigue, and a feeling of coldness. Some also complain of having difficulty breathing. In addition, people with low blood pressure also experience mood swings and apathy. These symptoms may appear when our blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg.

Do you know your blood pressure?

It is worth checking it regularly with a blood pressure monitor. Buy the Tma-500 Pro electronic blood pressure monitor at Medonet Market up to PLN 17 cheaper.

It is worth mentioning that people who struggle with this problem may notice symptoms with the naked eye. Hypotension is visible on our skin! Here are the most common symptoms:

  1. pale cheeks
  2. cold feet and hands,
  3. excessive sweating
  4. pale forehead,
  5. dark circles under the eyes,
  6. sagging eyelids,
  7. unhealthy-looking, dry skin.

Why is this happening? When we have low blood pressure, our organs, which perform vital functions, do not get enough oxygen. It also obstructs blood flow. Hence the changes on our body. To improve the condition of the skin, use the Hydrated Origin FEEDSKIN moisturizing toner on a regular basis.

  1. This may interest you: How to raise the pressure? Several proven ways

How to cure low blood pressure?

The main thing is to determine the causes of this condition. Thanks to this, appropriate treatment can be implemented. Your doctor should order you to perform additional tests: morphology, urine tests, ECG, and sometimes ultrasound of the heart. It is also worth doing an analysis of the concentration of electrolytes in the blood.

  1. Do the “Heart Control” test package and check the condition of your body

If it turns out that you suffer from primary hypotension, the best medicine for you is to increase your physical activity and keep your body hydrated.. You may also find home remedies useful. All you have to do is start adding a little more salt to your dishes and limit your garlic consumption. Of course, we cannot forget about the coffee. It is she who is one of the best ways to raise blood pressure. It is best to drink it in small sips at large intervals.

Orthostatic hypotension, on the other hand, is usually treated pharmacologically, mainly with glucocorticoids. These drugs make our body retain sodium, which increases blood pressure. In contrast, spontaneous hypotension usually disappears with age.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to yoga. How to start your yoga adventure? How to benefit from it not only because of pain in the spine, joints or muscles? Check what non-obvious benefits this practice brings and what are the contraindications for practicing it. Listen:

Read also:

  1. Habits that lead to high blood pressure. It destroys the body!
  2. How do I measure my blood pressure? Check that you are not making any mistakes
  3. A sign that your blood pressure is too high. It appears in the eyes

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