Symptoms of pregnancy – fertilization, how to recognize them and when do they appear? Early pregnancy symptoms

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The decision to start trying for a child is almost always associated with uncertainty, hope and fear, especially when the attempts do not bring the expected results for a long time. Sometimes, even before the pregnancy test shows two lines, symptoms appear in our body that may herald a pregnancy. Sometimes the body sends false signals that give us only illusory hope. See if the symptoms you are experiencing really mean that you are expecting a baby. What are the early pregnancy symptoms?

When does fertilization occur?

Contrary to appearances, each woman’s menstrual cycle does not have too many fertile days. It’s actually a period of about a week during which chance of getting pregnant is big. However, the greatest chance of fertilization occurs when sexual intercourse occurs during the period of ovulation, i.e. about 14 days before the next menstruation.

During this time, the released egg makes its way into the fallopian tube and travels to meet sperm. If it doesn’t, it dies within 24 hours, and another is released the next month during the next ovulation.

Aby fertilization has taken place, the released cell must meet sperm. Assuming that these can only survive in a woman’s body for 72 hours, we will realize that fertilization can take place in a very narrow time per cycle. If our menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, ovulation will occur in the middle of it, i.e. on the 14th day of the cycle. Fertilization will occur when sexual intercourse is 3 days before or 3 days after ovulation – then the chance of becoming pregnant is greatest.

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However, it should be remembered that the ovulation process may shift, which is influenced by factors such as illness, long-term stress, medications or excessive exercise.

Are you planning a pregnancy? It is worth doing some tests in advance, e.g. the pregnancy preparation package – blood tests for the expectant mother. You will be calmer if the results are correct, and if it turns out that something is wrong, you will quickly take steps to fix it.

The first symptoms of pregnancy – when do they appear?

W the first days after conception pregnancy symptoms are not yet visible. In fact, when they appear and what they will look like may be different for each of us. Even pregnancy test still shows one dash does not mean you are not pregnant. Remember that standard pregnancy tests are most effective if performed on the first day of your expected period.

Earlier, as early as 2-3 weeks after fertilization, your body can give you signals about the developing pregnancy in your body. Most often, however early pregnancy symptoms they are so subtle that it is easy to overlook them. Only those that appear 4-6 weeks after fertilization are so clear that we begin to look for their possible causes. It is during this period that most women find out that they will soon become a mother.

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What are the first symptoms of pregnancy?

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first weeks after conception they don’t have to appear in every woman. In some cases, especially when a woman experiences irregular periods, is obese, is struggling with chronic diseases or is taking certain medications, pregnancy in the first months may develop asymptomatically.

Whenever you are planning a pregnancy or that tests confirm that your body is developing a baby, you need to take care of the proper level of vitamins and minerals. The preparations available on Medonet Market will help you with this. We recommend, for example, Doppelherz aktiv Mama PREMIUM.

The most common ones are observed in the remaining women first symptoms of pregnancy.

Symptoms of pregnancy – amenorrhea

Cessation of menstruation this is the most common symptom of a developing pregnancy, after which women realize they may be pregnant. No menstrual bleeding most often it prompts us to do a pregnancy test.

However, you should know that sometimes bleeding may occur at the time of menstruation, even if we are pregnant. We are talking then about implantation bleeding, testifying to implantation of a fertilized embryo in the womb of the future mother. Implantation bleeding however, it is much more scanty and short-lived than is associated with menstruation. Sometimes though no menstruation it does not have to be a symptom of pregnancy, but a disease developing in the woman’s body.

Symptoms of pregnancy – nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting is another symptom of pregnancy most commonly reported by women. They usually appear in the morning right after getting out of bed or in the evening, just before going to bed. They can be minutes, hours, and for some women even all day long.

The same is true for vomiting, which only occurs in some women. And although they usually make life difficult in the morning in the first trimester of pregnancy, it happens that they appear with different frequency throughout pregnancy. However, if the test results are correct, it is not worth worrying about them – although they are effective in making life difficult, they should not be a cause for concern.

For nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, try FOR PREGNANT WOMAN – herbal and fruit tea available on Medonet Market. It consists of: lemon balm leaf, chokeberry fruit, black currant fruit, lemon grass, horsetail herb, apple peel, cranberry fruit, nettle herb, dandelion herb, mallow flower, ginger rhizome.

Symptoms of pregnancy – characteristic skin changes

Skin changes, and above all discoloration, appear in 50-70 percent. pregnant women. They are most often noticed on the face, in the armpits, around the navel and genital tract. They are dark brown on the face, symmetrical, but irregularly shaped. This is called chloasma of pregnant women. They usually resolve spontaneously after pregnancy. Stretch marks are also associated with pregnancy, most often appearing in the second trimester. Their formation occurs through the stretching of the skin.

Symptoms of pregnancy – fatigue and drowsiness

If we get out of bed and dream of being back in bed right away, we may be in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition to constant sleepiness, future mothers are also constantly tired with even the simplest activities that have not caused any difficulties so far.


It is reassuring to think that fatigue and sleepiness usually only last the first trimester of pregnancy. They give way in the second to come back in the third and allow the future mother to regenerate before giving birth and giving birth to the baby.

Symptoms of pregnancy – breast swelling

In the body of a woman who is in the first weeks of pregnancy, there is a real hormonal storm. Raging hormones cause not only mood swings, from sudden joy to crying, but also a change in the appearance of the future mother. Increase in progesterone levels makes the skin and the appearance of the bust improve.

Pregnant breast they become fuller, and thus, more bloodied and more sensitive to touch. A woman often complains of their soreness and excessive tenderness. In addition, the skin on the breasts appears thinner, the blood vessels in the breasts more visible, and the nipples larger, rounder and darker than before.

Symptoms of pregnancy – change in appetite

It is normal that during the menstrual cycle, depending on the day of the cycle, we have a greater or lesser appetite. One day we want chocolate and the next day we want an unhealthy snack. The same thing happens in pregnancy.

In some women, it appears increased appetite literally everything. It is probably caused by hormonal changes and the body’s additional need for more calories and nutrients.

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Sometimes, however, instead of an increased appetite, the expectant mother appears reluctant and rejects the previously loved dishes. The coffee starts to smell strange, and we feel like vomiting at the sight of a home-made dinner. It is worth waiting out this time – the old tastes usually return after childbirth, when the level of hormones returns to the pre-pregnancy level.

Symptoms of pregnancy – sensitivity to smells

The change in appetite is associated with sensitivity to smells, often presented as an early symptom of pregnancy, which we may not initially associate with hormonal changes in the body. Most often, future mothers are disturbed by cigarette smoke (even if they smoked themselves), as well as the aroma of coffee. Women may experience discomfort when smelling their favorite fragrances with intense notes that they have used so far.

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Symptoms of pregnancy – dizziness

A developing pregnancy requires our heart to pump more blood than before. That is why even entering the second floor makes us breathless and increase in heart rate. The same goes for blood vessels. Since there is more blood in our body, the blood vessels dilate so that it reaches the developing child in the shortest possible time.

For the mother, it is associated with a reduction in blood pressure. This results in a condition in which not enough of it reaches the brain. This can result in dizziness and even fainting. Often the cause of dizziness is also dehydration of the mother and irregular eating.

Symptoms of pregnancy – abdominal pain

Although abdominal pain is characteristic of menstruation, it can also be a symptom of a developing pregnancy. If it is combined with implantation spotting, it indicates an embryo embedded in the uterus. Later in pregnancy, it may indicate a stretching of the uterus, which increases in size as the baby grows and develops.

However, it should be remembered that if lower abdominal pain and spotting persist for a long time, require urgent medical consultation, because their cause may be a miscarriage or threatening the health and life of the woman, Ectopic pregnancy.

Symptoms of pregnancy – more frequent visits to the toilet

More frequent visits to the toilet may also be an early symptom of pregnancy. The constantly growing uterus puts pressure on organs in the abdomen, such as the bladder. The pressure causes that we feel the pressure on the bladder and the need to empty it much more often and intensely.

The developing pregnancy is also often the cause of digestive ailments. Compression of the intestines and stomach causes gas, constipation and heartburn.

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Symptoms of pregnancy – change in vaginal discharge

In the early stages of pregnancy, you may notice an increasing amount of white vaginal discharge which can be released at all three stages. Although it does not pose a risk to the fetus, it should be carefully monitored, as if it changes its odor or color, consult a gynecologist to rule out an infection.

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In this regard, it should also be mentioned that not only the consistency and color of the discharge can change, but also the labia itself, which becomes blue-purple due to increased blood flow.

Pregnancy symptoms and weight gain

One of the most frequently repeated myths about early pregnancy symptoms is that weight gain is one of the symptoms noticed in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, this is not entirely true.

Due to frequent vomiting and lack of appetite, some women may notice even a marginal weight loss. In the first trimester, weight gain is usually 2 kg. Only in the second and third trimesters you can notice a sudden increase – from 7 to 13 kg, but this is not the rule.

Pregnancy symptoms – positive pregnancy test

If on the day of the next planned menstruation there is no bleeding, and we have regular cycles, most often we use a pregnancy test. However, let us bear in mind the fact that despite the emergence of a positive result, we do not have to be pregnant, and the symptoms suggesting it, be confusing. For this reason, it is best to go to the gynecologist for an appointment.

If the test was positive and the gynecologist confirmed the pregnancy, you can start taking prenatal vitamins that will strengthen your immune system as well as prevent gestational diabetes. Order Prenatal Multivitamin on Medonet Market today – Terranova vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women available at a promotional price.

Ectopic pregnancy – symptoms

Unfortunately ectopic pregnancy symptoms initially, they do not differ from the symptoms of a healthy physiological pregnancy. So there is nausea, vomiting, menstrual arrest, as well as fatigue and constant sleepiness. In 50 percent. cases, the pregnancy test gives a positive result.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, however, there are symptoms that prove that we cannot talk about its proper development. In most cases, women complain of persistent lower abdominal pain, spotting or bleeding from the genital tract, difficulty breathing, and pressure on the bladder and rectum. Failure to seek medical attention may lead to internal bleeding.

Imaginary pregnancy – symptoms

Imaginary pregnancy, which is a serious mental disorder, can also cause symptoms such as morning sickness, breast pain, lower abdominal pain, and amenorrhea. The state of pseudo-pregnancy, however, is very easy to verify by undergoing a gynecological examination.

Tests confirming pregnancy

The first test to do if you think you are pregnant is a home pregnancy test. Confirmation or denial of pregnancy is obtained by passing a few drops of urine to a special place located on the test. Two dashes or the “+” sign indicate pregnancy. One dash excludes it.

After confirming pregnancy with a home pregnancy test, the next step should be a gynecological visit. During it, the doctor will confirm the pregnancy, and when he has doubts about its development, he will order blood tests. For this, the amount is determined in the blood sample taken hCG hormone. If the result is <10 mlU / ml, it is considered pregnancy exclusion. Result> 25mlU / ml confirms pregnancy.

The final confirmation of pregnancy will be a test Vaginal ultrasound. It is performed in a gynecological office. It allows you to confirm pregnancy after the 6th week. During it, the doctor determines the correctness of the embryo implantation and the development of the gestational sac. Sometimes the baby’s heartbeat is already visible at this stage.

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