Symptoms of pancreatitis and its drug treatment

If you have vomiting and girdle pain in the abdomen, as they say, after a hearty meal, then this means that you have health problems, as these are the main symptoms of acute and chronic pancreatitis. With this disease, and it does not matter if it proceeds in a chronic form, or if it is acute pancreatitis – symptoms: severe vomiting, which does not bring relief to the patient.

I would like to say that in the chronic form of the disease, the symptoms are not expressed so quickly, but with a long course of the disease. Pain in pancreatitis, as mentioned above, encircling and spreading to the lower chest. There are times when a patient has paroxysmal pain, but this symptom is observed more often in those who have an acute form of the disease.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis

In the acute form of the disease, pains are localized under the pit of the stomach in the upper part, left and right hypochondrium, if the entire gland is affected, then the pains are girdle. Also, the patient has vomiting with an admixture of bile, which does not bring him relief, dry mouth, hiccups, nausea and belching.

The general well-being of the patient with the progressive course of the disease deteriorates rapidly – the body temperature rises, the pulse quickens, shortness of breath appears, blood pressure decreases, the tongue becomes dry, sticky sweat is released, the skin becomes pale, then they acquire an earthy-grayish tint, and facial features become sharpened.

During the examination, the abdomen is swollen, there are signs of paresis of the stomach and intestines, that is, there are no contractions. On palpation, against the background of pain in the abdomen, its muscle tension is not determined for a long time, and only in the later stages are symptoms of peritoneal irritation revealed. In the acute form of the disease, complications appear not only from the abdominal cavity, but also from those organs that are beyond its borders.

The main group included such ailments as phlegmon of the omental bag and suppuration, peritonitis, intraperitoneal, acute erosion and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. In the second group: edema and abscesses of the lungs, pneumonia, accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity or exudative pleurisy. Very often, with this disease, diseases such as hepatitis, failure of carbohydrate metabolism are manifested – an increase in blood sugar and its manifestation in the urine.

Among all the symptoms of pancreatitis, pain may occur due to obstructed outflow of pancreatic secretions. This is expressed in tension of the pancreatic capsule and increased pressure on the solar plexus. The pain sign is manifested subsequently by the fact that the pancreas has a large number of nerve endings that cause the pain process.

Pain can last from one hour to two days, in some cases more. The intensity of pain completely depends on the form of the inflammatory process in the pancreas. Her edema is manifested by intense or sharp pain. In some cases, the symptoms of pancreatitis are pronounced, so that pain is given to the chest area and the patient’s heart area. When diagnosing the disease, this fact should be taken into account. Symptoms in the chronic form of the disease may be similar to obstructive, that is, with the acute form of pancreatitis, which are long-term and aching in nature. All the symptoms of the chronic form of the disease just listed are caused by the presence of stones in the ducts and other obstructions, banal bloating of the abdominal cavity associated with intestinal dysbacteriosis and poor functioning of the entire digestive tract.

Symptoms of cholangiogenic pancreatitis

A person with this form of the disease, that is, with the presence of stones in the ducts, symptoms appear after eating, containing choleretic ingredients. These include primarily fats, and especially those that contain fatty acids (fried foods), as well as acids, proteins, alkaloids, essential oils, fats and others.

Symptoms of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis

Symptoms of this form of the disease are manifested in those who abuse alcohol, and they are expressed after taking acidic and fatty foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. In some cases, signs of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis are masked by biliary colic, which gives a pronounced clinical picture, that is, there is pain in the right hypochondrium, which radiates to the back, and vomiting with bile impurities appears.

At an early stage of this form of the disease, constipation may occur, combined with hypomotor dyskinesia of the bile ducts and colon. Further, diarrhea may appear, which is expressed by an unstable stool, with a change in diarrhea and constipation. For those patients who suffer from this form of the disease, diarrhea is a typical symptom in general.

Symptoms of severe forms of pancreatitis

This form of the disease is expressed in the patient in the form of shock and collapse. With a purulent course of the disease, the body temperature rises and with collapse and edema of the pancreas, it decreases.

Skin symptoms

As we said above, if you were careful, with this disease, the color of the skin changes. He can be:

  • Pale;

  • Yellowish;

  • Cyanosis

What is cyanosis? Cyanosis or the color of the skin and mucous membranes have a bluish tint. Cyanosis is extremely rare, it is accompanied by severe forms of chronic and acute recurrent disease. It can be manifested by local and general boards on the patient’s body, lateral and anterior surfaces of the abdominal cavity, in the navel and on the face.

In some cases, you can notice redness of the patient’s face with a slight cyanotic tint. After the study, it can be said with all confidence that thirty percent of patients with pancreatitis have jaundice, which is usually associated with compression of the bile ducts, and as a result, a combination of pancreatitis with symptoms of gallstone disease. Causes blockage of the bile duct gallstone and inflammation of the sphincter and its spasm. During palpation, very often spots can be seen on the skin, symptoms of reddish droplets. You can also see pronounced soreness in the places where the pancreas is projected, bloating is observed, especially in its upper part, and strong skin sensitivity is manifested in the abdominal cavity. To make the correct diagnosis, other methods of diagnosing this disease should be used. This is necessary to exclude other diseases that are similar to pancreatitis. In the diagnosis, a biochemical blood test is important.

Medical treatment of pancreatitis

The treatment of this disease is prescribed by a specialist doctor individually for each patient, for the reason that treatment cannot be carried out without an integrated approach.

Treatment is accompanied by anti-enzyme therapy, which helps to stop destructive processes in the pancreas. The patient during attacks needs rest and bed rest. It is strictly forbidden to take heavy and fried food, as it is harmful to the sick organism.

It is recommended to follow a special diet for three weeks. From one to three days, a patient who suffers from a severe form of the disease is prescribed hunger. The body at this time is fed intravenously.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis

Patients who suffer from a severe form of this disease are placed in the intensive care unit, since this is the only way to establish stable monitoring of hemodynamic parameters, and it is also possible to treat incipient complications just as calmly.

As a rule, for the acute form, a surgical operation is used, which is prescribed to the patient only if he has a severe and even advanced form. During the operation, the laparoscopy method is used, as a result of which drainage is installed.

After the operation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and drugs that block anti-inflammatory processes in the body to the patient. If necessary, the doctor prescribes dehydration therapy to the patient. As we said above, in the treatment of pancreatitis, replacement therapy with enzyme preparations, which are taken for a long time, is of great importance. In addition, a specialist doctor also prescribes drugs such as:

  • Calcium;

  • Choleretic agents;

  • sedatives;

  • Metabolic complex;

  • Hormonal;

  • Coating drugs.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

The chronic form of this disease is characterized by a lull and remission of the disease, therefore, at this time, it is recommended by doctors to completely exclude alcohol, do not eat heavy and fatty foods, smoked and fried, and, in order to prevent overload of the pancreas, eat food in small portions. The best option is to eat often, but not enough. During the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, vitamins of group B, A, D and E. K are prescribed, as well as choleretic medications and enzymes, such as:

  • Festal;

  • Creon;

  • Pancitrate;

  • Digestal;

In the treatment of the chronic form of this disease, the patient can continue taking enzyme preparations for the rest of his life. If an intestinal disorder occurs, the doctor prescribes: prokinetics, that is, cisapride and domperidone, or duodenostasis.

Now there are several forms of chronic pancreatitis:

  • Painful form, which is manifested by constant pain in the upper abdomen, and during exacerbation, increasing pain to severe;

  • Asymptomatic or latent form, during which the patient may not feel pain or any changes in well-being for a long time;

  • A pseudotumor form, which is very rare and in which the head of the pancreas is affected, and due to the growth of fibrous tissue, its size increases;

  • Chronic relapsing form, in which there are no complaints during an exacerbation, and with a relapse – pain.

Each person should take care of their health, since this disease, no matter what form it takes, is incredibly dangerous with its formidable complications. And the worst of them is pancreatic necrosis – pancreatic necrosis and diabetes mellitus, and the first, in turn, can develop into pancreatic cancer. It is for this reason that those who suffer from chronic pancreatitis are required to do an ultrasound scan of the pancreas at least once a year in order to identify the necrotic change in this organ that has begun in time.

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