Symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Act immediately when you notice

Magnesium is one of the macronutrients, i.e. a group of elements whose daily requirement for humans exceeds 100 mg. It plays a number of important functions in the body, and its long-term deficiency can lead to serious health problems. Magnesium is present in many foods, but it can also be taken in the form of supplements. What are the effects of hypomagnesaemia? Which foods contain the most magnesium?

  1. Magnesium is one of the most important elements in our body
  2. When it is lacking, numerous ailments appear
  3. Stress or an inadequate diet can make the body deficient in magnesium
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What is Hypomagnesaemia?

Magnesium deficiency is called hypomagnesaemia, i.e. too low a concentration of this element in the blood plasma. If its level drops below 0,65 mmol per liter, it is necessary to supplement the diet with food products containing this macronutrient.

Magnesium is involved in numerous metabolic cycles, and also participates in nerve conduction processes, protein synthesis and up to 300 enzymatic and hormonal reactions. It is present in the cells of the skeletal system, skeletal muscles, tissues and organs.

Processes in the body that involve magnesium

The deficiencies of magnesium in the body should be regularly replenished, because this element is involved in biochemical processes that are important for the proper functioning of the body. The most important of them include:

  1. catalyzing the respiratory pathway reaction, 
  2. participation in the synthesis of nucleic acids and stabilization of their structure,
  3. activating fat, carbohydrate and protein transformations,
  4. ensuring proper permeability and stability of cell membranes,
  5. regulating blood pressure,
  6. participating in the contraction of heart muscle cells,
  7. supporting the functioning of the liver,
  8. protection against blood clots,
  9. regulating blood glucose levels,
  10. influencing the proper conductivity of the nervous system.

What are the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency?

The most important macronutrients for proper human health include, apart from magnesium, also: calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. These biogenic elements are essential for the proper growth and functioning of living organisms.

Macronutrient deficiencies can lead to disturbances in the work of internal systems and organs.

The low level of magnesium in the blood can cause ailments and health problems, such as:

  1. sensory disturbances (paraesthesia),
  2. decreased immunity,
  3. reduced sperm mobility,
  4. weakened nails,
  5. hair loss,
  6. worse skin condition,
  7. lower resistance to stress,
  8. circulatory and heart problems,
  9. increased risk of stroke or developing type 2 diabetes
  10. low levels of calcium (hypocalcaemia) and phosphate (hypophosphataemia) in the blood
  11. blurred vision,
  12. increased susceptibility to bone fractures.

People who notice difficulty concentrating, permanent fatigue, numbness or tingling in the limbs, nervousness, irritability, tremors and muscle spasms, nervous tics and headaches, may be deficient in magnesium, ailments that are often overlooked.

If you suspect a magnesium deficiency, order MgB6 Shock Shot – magnesium + vitamin B6. The supplement has a convenient form of a liquid shot.

Hypomagnesaemia is often associated with digestive system ailments, including loss of appetite, nausea, or vomiting. In the event of such symptoms, it is worth consulting a doctor and performing a blood test.

The effects of long-term magnesium deficiency may also include menstrual disorders, weakened teeth, an increased risk of osteoporosis and the occurrence of depression – these are less common symptoms that must be paid attention to.

To make up for magnesium deficiencies, try Magnesium + Calcium 2: 1 Terranova, which is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. We also recommend Viridian Calcium, Magnesium and Boron in the form of a powder that can be easily dissolved in water or juice.

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Food products containing magnesium

A varied diet containing minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the body is the basis of health. To avoid shortages of the necessary substances, you can reach for pharmaceutical products, but eating foods rich in nutrients is a much better solution. We find magnesium in products such as:

  1. bitter cocoa and chocolate,
  2. buckwheat and brown rice (at Medonet Market you can order fresh food products by weight, packed right after ordering – including roasted buckwheat, unroasted buckwheat and natural brown rice),
  3. seafood,
  4. dark bread and oatmeal,
  5. almonds and nuts,
  6. pumpkin seeds and sesame,
  7. spinach,
  8. sunflower seeds and chia,
  9. soy.

The sale includes highly mineralized mineral waters containing magnesium cations. People who use filter jugs can buy filters that enrich water with this macronutrient. It is worth bearing in mind that magnesium is not fully absorbed with food. With an average consumption, the body absorbs only about 30-50 percent through the small intestine. of this substance, and the rest is excreted in the faeces.

Worth knowing

In order for the magnesium to be absorbed by the body, suitable transporter proteins are needed. If we supply too little of this macronutrient with food, its absorbability is at the level of 80%.

Which magnesium supplement should you choose?

When deciding to take magnesium supplementation, it is important to remember to take vitamin B6. Pharmacy products usually combine these substances. Among the supplements containing magnesium, several forms of this element can be distinguished, including:

  1. Magnesium citrate – the bioavailability of magnesium in this form is at the level of 25-90 percent. When choosing such a supplement, it is worth taking into account the fact that the citric acid it contains may have a slight laxative effect;
  2. magnesium lactate – this form of magnesium is absorbed at a similar level as magnesium citrate, but carries little risk of side effects. This is the best variant of the supplement for children (YANGO magnesium lactate can be found on Medonet Market at a favorable price);
  3. magnesium amino acid chelate – magnesium in this form is absorbed in the small intestine at the level of 24%. Chelate is best for long-term use and therefore most suitable for pregnant women;
  4. magnesium malate – the bioavailability of this organic compound is about 30 percent. Malic acid has a positive effect on the perceived energy, which makes it a good solution for people who have problems with permanent fatigue (YANGO Magnesium Malate is available on Medonet Market in a package containing up to 90 capsules).

Supplements containing magnesium chloride, i.e. an inorganic compound of this element with fast absorption, are less popular. Its advantage is that it supports kidney function and improves metabolism. Magnesium chloride should not be used in case of reflux dysfunction, as it may aggravate the problems of the digestive system.

The supplement with magnesium threonate. It is distinguished by the ability of magnesium to penetrate the brain from the blood and supporting the processes taking place in it. This is the best form of the supplement for people struggling with high stress.

Do you want to supplement your magnesium deficiency? You can reach for dietary supplements with magnesium available on Medonet Market.

Magnesium deficiency – the most common causes

The cause of magnesium deficiency may be intestinal diseases, e.g. celiac disease, chronic diarrhea or inflammation of the intestines. People after surgical removal of a fragment of the small intestine sometimes struggle with hypomagnesaemia. Inadequate blood levels of magnesium are often caused by, for example:

  1. a diet rich in products containing ingredients that hinder the absorption of this element, including: coffee, tea, alcohol, phosphates, highly processed food with a high fat content,
  2. hypoparathyroidism,
  3. eating disorders, mainly anorexia and bulimia,
  4. metabolic acidosis,
  5. acute pancreatitis,
  6. renal tubular dysfunction,
  7. using hormonal contraception or intensive insulin therapy,
  8. taking certain antibiotics, diuretics, psychotropic drugs and hypnotics,
  9. chronic stress.

You should also not abuse coffee and other caffeinated beverages, which accelerate the excretion of this element from the blood, contributing to, for example, muscle cramps.

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding

An element that greatly influences the development of the fetus is a diet rich in macronutrients, micronutrients and vitamins. In pregnant women who are deficient in magnesium, symptoms such as tremors and muscle cramps, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, headaches, problems with memory and concentration may develop or worsen. Muscle cramps are a common symptom of hypomagnesaemia, which carries a risk of premature birth or miscarriage in pregnant mothers.

Eclampsia is very dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn children. Magnesium deficiency may affect its occurrence. This macronutrient is involved in the building processes of the skeleton and supports the proper development of the fetal skeleton. Low levels of this element in the blood may result in a low birth weight in the baby. According to some gynecologists, pregnant women should consume about 350 mg of magnesium per day.

If we do not eat products that contain the necessary nutrients, it is worth considering supplementation. The daily dose of magnesium for women is approx. 300 mg, and for men approx. 400 mg. Although some symptoms of magnesium deficiency may seem quite unusual (e.g. menstrual cycle disorders, decreased sperm motility, depression, nausea, increased sweating, bone fragility, hair loss, decreased immunity, loss of appetite, heart problems), in the case of their occurrence, it is worth taking blood tests and implementing appropriate supplementation.

The information contained in the text was consulted with Monika Reszelska, MA in pharmacy.

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