Symptoms of lupus
Symptoms vary a lot from person to person, since the disease can affect almost any organ and tissue in the body. Usually the disease is manifested by some of the following symptoms, which may appear suddenly or gradually.
Symptoms of lupus: understand everything in 2 min
Non-specific symptoms
- A fatigue extreme.
- A loss of weight unexplained and continuous or weight gain due to fluid retention
- Outbreaks of fever unexplained.
- benefits ganglia swollen.
Specific symptoms
- Pain (arthralgia), stiffness and swelling in the joints. These are the most common manifestations of lupus.
- A Red plate on the top of the cheeks and at the root of the nose in the form of butterfly wings.
- A big sun sensitivity, which manifests as a red rash that occurs on areas of the skin exposed to the sun, including hands, chest, elbows.
- Raised, “crusty”, disc-shaped patches may appear on the face, scalp and chest. They are characteristic of cutaneous or discoid lupus, which affects only the skin.
- Small wounds (ulcers) painless in the mouth or nostrils.
- Chest pain during deep breaths, and sometimes coughing and difficulty breathing due to damage to the lungs.
- Swelling of the legs (edema).
- If the disease affects the coeur, it can cause arrhythmia and more rarely heart failure.
- A state depressive, difficulty thinking clearly and memory problems.
- Pains muscle.
Other symptoms
- A loss of hair.
- Disorders of the vision and dry eyes.
- In case of cold or stress: fingers and toes turn blue or turn pale easily. We are talking about Raynaud’s disease.
- Ofurticaria.
- benefits headaches, convulsions.
- The formation of clots blood in the blood vessels (thrombosis).
- An impairment of waist, which initially does not manifest itself with any symptoms. It can be detected, among other things, by regular urine tests.
- Anemia, which is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
- Susceptibility to infections due to damage to the immune system25.
NB Some forms of lupus (discoid lupus, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus) are limited to rashes on the skin and sensitivity to sun.