Symptoms of lung cancer that can be seen many months before diagnosis

Lung cancer is one type of cancer that keeps you awake at night and is a common source of concern and doubt. It is worth supplementing your knowledge and knowing in advance how you can protect yourself from the development of the disease. It turns out there are symptoms that are visible many months before diagnosis. In this case, being mindful can save your health and even your life.

  1. Disturbing symptoms worth paying attention to include hemoptysis, wheezing and chest pain
  2. Symptoms of lung cancer often appear up to six months before diagnosis
  3. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Lung cancer – definition and prognosis

Lung cancer is a cancer that affects the respiratory system. Smoking is the strongest risk factor for the development of this disease. According to data from Cancer Research UK, only 10 percent. lung cancer patients survive for 10 or more years after diagnosis. These statistics are worrying, but it’s important to know that in many cases cancer-related risks can be prevented.

At the same time, it can be concluded that the sooner a neoplasm is detected, the greater the likelihood of a better course of treatment.

Find out if you’re at risk of cancer

At you can buy uPatient test kits, thanks to which you can check the risk of cancer:

  1. oncology e-package for women
  2. oncology e-package for men

Lung cancer – alarming symptoms that must not be underestimated

There are symptoms that should alert you immediately and trigger an immediate reaction. A study conducted by Cancer Research UK and the National Cancer Institute allowed for the identification of several symptoms of lung cancer, which are a direct reason for visiting a doctor.

Among these symptoms, the following should be distinguished:

  1. stick fingers,
  2. blood plucking,
  3. cough,
  4. chest crackling and wheezing
  5. enlargement of the lymph nodes,
  6. bone ache,
  7. weight loss
  8. tiredness,
  9. back pain,
  10. dyspnoea,
  11. pain in the chest.

The listed symptoms may accompany the patient six months before the diagnosis. In this case, you should immediately go to a medical consultation and perform the necessary tests that will be able to save the patient’s precious years of life.

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