Symptoms of insulin resistance that must not be ignored. They can be latent for a long time

Insulin resistance is a common problem that more and more people struggle with. This disturbed glucose metabolism usually causes many problems with shedding extra pounds, but at the same time it is associated with many other difficulties. What are the symptoms of insulin resistance? When to go for research?

  1. Insulin resistance is a disorder of glucose metabolism that can lead to diabetes 
  2. Symptoms of insulin resistance include, but are not limited to, drowsiness after meals, irritability, and weight gain 
  3. The risk of developing diabetes can be linked to genetics, but not only – low HDL levels and high blood pressure are also mentioned among the risk factors. 
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page 

Insulin resistance – definition

Insulin resistance (IR) is the state of decreased tissue sensitivity to insulin. Then, an inadequate response of the body in terms of changes in the patient’s blood glucose levels in relation to the secreted or administered dose of insulin is observed. Insulin resistance can be permanent or transient, such as inflammation, medication, or shock. Secondary IR is most often the result of obesity, aging, or insufficient exercise. Cushing’s disease or haemochromatosis may also contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is naturally related to body weight. Overweight and obese people struggle with adipocytes with a large surface area, which means that they secrete not only an excessive amount of hormones, but also substances that may lead to insulin resistance. In comparison, in people with normal body weight, adipocytes are small and have high hormonal activity.

Insulin resistance – symptoms worth looking out for

Symptoms of insulin resistance often remain latent for a long time, so if disturbing symptoms appear, it is worth reacting immediately. In this context, prevention is also important. It is popular in the medical community that “prevention is better than cure” – a similar phenomenon can be observed in the case of insulin resistance. This is why it is so important to follow a balanced diet, take care of your body, proper hydration and exercise.

The following symptoms must certainly not be underestimated.

  1. Unjustified weight gain (without changing the diet), 
  2. Problems concentrating, slow thinking, 
  3. Feeling sleepy after meals 
  4. Constant craving for carbohydrate meals, unhealthy snacks, 
  5. Pain in the joints, head, 
  6. Hunger pangs, excessive appetite, eating disorders
  7. Depressed mood 
  8. Keratotic changes on the skin (e.g. cracked heels), 
  9. Feeling cold inadequate to the ambient temperature, 
  10. Irritability, 
  11. Chronic fatigue. 

Some parameters read during body measurements or tests may also be disturbing. Among these types of insulin resistance symptoms, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Waist circumference over 101 cm in men and 89 cm in women, 
  2. Blood pressure readings of 130/80 or higher 
  3. Fasting glucose above 100 mg / dL, 
  4. Fasting triglycerides above 150 mg / dL, 
  5. HDL cholesterol levels below 40 mg / dL in men and 50 mg / dL in women. 
Don’t wait – do your research!

You can buy a diagnostic test package for insulin resistance at Medonet Market. It is recommended to do them once a year. The tests can be performed in one of over 500 download points of the Diagnostyka network.

Read also: What else puts a person at risk of developing diabetes?

Insulin resistance – risk factors

Pre-diabetes can be especially dangerous for people over the age of 40, so testing for diabetes is recommended along with other tests, such as cholesterol. Testing for diabetes, even at a younger age, cannot be delayed if the following risk factors are taken into account:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity on a daily basis, 
  2. Low HDL (good cholesterol), high triglycerides, 
  3. Genetic factors – the presence of diabetes in the immediate family, 
  4. High blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg or more), 
  5. Pre-diabetes symptoms
  6. Having a baby who weighed more than 4 kilograms at birth 
  7. History of stroke 
  8. Diagnose gestational diabetes. 

Children and teens aged 10-18 can benefit from diabetes testing when they are overweight and have at least two of the above risk factors for diabetes.

Insulin resistance – how to prevent diabetes?

Experts say there are various risk factors that contribute to the development of insulin resistance. It is worth fighting them to prevent glucose metabolism disorders from turning into diabetes.

First of all, you should take care of physical activity. When incorporating exercise into your daily routine, it is important to be systematic. Just 30 minutes of exercise five days a week is enough to feel better. Exercise is not everything – proper diet is also important. To enjoy good health, it is essential to provide your body with the nutrients it needs, and this is ensured by a balanced diet.

The diet should be based on products with a low glycemic index, and meals should be distinguished by a low glycemic load. Among such food products, we can distinguish, among others, raw vegetables (e.g. cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers). The diet should also include products from whole grains, seeds, legumes, as well as fish and meat in people who are not on an elimination diet. Nuts can also be a healthy and tasty addition to your diet – it is worth including hazelnuts, cashews or walnuts in your daily menu.

It is worth noting that while on a diet with a low glycemic index, you do not have to give up your favorite sweets. At you can find a wide selection of tasty snacks without added sugar. They not only have a lower glycemic index than classic sweets, but are additionally distinguished by lower calories and no gluten. We recommend organic chocolate in various flavors or cookies with chocolate pieces without added sugar.

Overweight people should consider losing unnecessary pounds. Healthy choices in everyday life are the best option for people looking to get their blood glucose levels in the proper range.


It is estimated that only 7% of weight loss is achieved. can help reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Supplementation with natural extracts that show blood sugar lowering properties may also be helpful. offers, for example, natural supplements based on white mulberry. This active ingredient has a number of health properties, so you can buy it in various forms so that everyone can choose their favorite. The following products are available.

  1. Dried white mulberry fruit, which can be added to daily meals or treated as a standalone snack;
  2. White mulberry juice;
  3. Herbal tea with the addition of white mulberry;
  4. Dietary supplement – 100% white mulberry.

Diabetes are also eager to reach for berberine, which has recently been described as a real sugar-“smashing” remedy. You can buy a single supplement or a double package – by choosing a set, you can save additionally.

Ignoring the symptoms of insulin resistance, not following a diet with a low glycemic index, and notoriously giving up exercise – all of these can lead to unpleasant consequences. Among the untreated complications of untreated insulin resistance and diabetes, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Too high blood sugar 
  2. Heart attack, 
  3. Kidney disease 
  4. Eye problems 
  5. Alzheimer’s disease, 
  6. Tumor. 

It is worth checking on an ongoing basis whether these health problems do not concern us. For this purpose, a test can be performed that analyzes the work of the kidneys. It is available HERE. It is also worth having a blood glucose meter on hand to test the sugar level. also offers a multifunctional device with which you can check your health at home. The multifunction meter displays results for glucose, cholesterol and uric acid.

The editorial board recommends: Read more about the glycemic index

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