Symptoms of immunodeficiency

Your child gets sick up to eight times a year – this is normal and does not necessarily mean a serious drop in immunity. Real problems with the immune system are manifested by quite characteristic symptoms that should not be underestimated. See what are the symptoms of immunodeficiency in children.

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1/ 10 Common infections

Frequent respiratory infections with a high fever may indicate a deficiency of immune antibodies (immunoglobulins). Antibodies play an important role in recognizing common pathogenic microbes. Immunoglobulin deficiency causes frequent infections that are difficult to treat, even with antibiotics. In the event of recurrent infections, the child’s blood antibody level should be tested. Photo Shutterstock

2/ 10 Slowing growth and development

Children with severe immunodeficiencies are often smaller than their peers and show developmental disorders. It is very important to maintain a proper diet in children with immunity problems. Proper nutrition also helps with healing. Photo Shutterstock

3/ 10 Frequent diarrhea

Frequent diarrhea of ​​unknown origin may be a symptom of immunodeficiency. Diarrhea and malabsorption cause weight loss in a sick child, so the cause should always be identified and treated appropriately. Photo Shutterstock

4/ 10 Poor wound healing

Wound healing in children with immunodeficiency often becomes difficult due to the lack of certain components of the immune system involved in healing. Immunocompromised children often develop abscesses that are difficult to heal. Photo Shutterstock

5/ 10 Periodontitis

Recurring gum problems and frequent oral thrush may indicate a deficiency of specific cells of the immune system – T lymphocytes. Shutterstock

6/ 10 Recurring cold sores

Recurring cold sores that appear in various areas of the body may also indicate deficiencies in components of the immune system. Such symptoms should prompt parents to see an immunologist. Photo Shutterstock

7/ 10 Opportunistic infections

An opportunistic infection is caused by microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses of the physiological flora) that live in the body and usually do not cause disease. In immunocompromised people, these microorganisms can cause serious, recurring infections (sepsis, pneumonia). Photo Shutterstock

8/ 10 Frequent rashes

Frequent rashes are not necessarily a symptom of atopic dermatitis and allergy. Atypical rashes can cause immunodeficiency. Photo Shutterstock

9/ 10 Sinusitis

Recurrent runny nose and bacterial superinfections of secretions cause frequent sinusitis. A child with chronic sinusitis should have blood tests to check for any deficiencies in the immune system. Photo Shutterstock

10/ 10 Enlargement of the liver and spleen

Enlargement of the liver and spleen is a common symptom found by a doctor when examining a child with severe immunodeficiency (hyper-IgM syndrome). Photo Shutterstock

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