Symptoms of hypotension. Practical advice on how to fight low blood pressure
Symptoms of hypotension. Practical advice on how to fight low blood pressureSymptoms of hypotension. Practical advice on how to fight low blood pressure

Although doctors assure that low blood pressure usually does not require treatment, it certainly hinders normal functioning. Waking up in the morning feeling dizzy is no fun. Most often, women and adolescent girls deal with the symptoms of hypotension. Fortunately, you can control it!

With age, from the moment of birth, our blood pressure increases constantly. When we are born, it is very low. However, this is not the case for everyone – in some women and men (1-2% of adults) blood pressure is still considered too low:

  • 90/60 mmHg in a woman,
  • 100/70 mmHg in a man.

Of course, hypotension is not as dangerous as hypertension, but we should not underestimate it. A rapid drop in blood pressure is a dangerous reaction of the body, which can occur, for example, while driving a car. So if you are repeatedly dealing with the fact that it is too low, you need to consult a doctor. The main symptoms of hypotension include:

  1. Pale face, cold hands, feet,
  2. night sweats
  3. Feeling weak and tired
  4. Dizziness,
  5. “Darkness” before the eyes,
  6. Concentration problem,
  7. accelerated heart rate,
  8. Heart arythmia,
  9. bouts of nausea,
  10. Feeling unwell when the weather changes (meteoropathy)
  11. Fainting, e.g. when standing for a long time

How to be treated? What can help with hypotension apart from visiting a doctor?

Certainly, when you report your problem to the doctor, he will order additional tests: morphology, ECG, urine test, sometimes also ultrasound of the heart. He will recognize whether these are symptoms of orthostatic or primary hypotension.

Outside of research, emergency treatment involves taking certain medications, however it is difficult to set the pressure permanently so that it is correct. Drinking drinks that increase blood pressure – natural coffee, coca-cola, energy drink – can also help. They have caffeine in their composition, which will allow you to regain your form for some time. Despite this, the body gets used to this substance and over time requires more of it, which is why cardiologists recommend drinking natural coffee in small amounts, eg a glass in small sips for 4-5 hours. Except that:

  • Avoid sudden, sudden changes in position,
  • Take a warm-cool morning shower (not hot!)
  • Do not smoke and avoid smoky rooms,
  • Exercise regularly to increase circulation
  • get some sleep
  • Eat often, but in small portions. Hunger causes blood pressure to drop
  • Limit the consumption of animal fats, focus on smoked fish, fruits and vegetables,
  • Drink 2 liters of fluids a day.

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