Symptoms of diabetes that appear on the skin

Diabetes mellitus is a civilization disease of the 1st century, which is a very serious health problem. It often happens that carbohydrate disorders remain undetected in a given patient even for several years, because there are no symptoms of the disease. Its first signs can be very diverse. What is type 2 and type XNUMX diabetes? What symptoms of this condition appear on the skin?

  1. The symptoms of type 1 diabetes appear rapidly, and type 2 diabetes can be latent for up to several years
  2. Diabetes symptoms affect many body systems, some of which appear on the skin
  3. Some of the cutaneous manifestations of diabetes mellitus are generalized and nonspecific in nature, while others are typical of the disease
  4. If symptoms of diabetes are noticed, treatment should be started as soon as possible
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a rare autoimmune disease. It is when the patient’s immune system produces antibodies against the tissues of its own pancreas. This internal organ is responsible for the production of insulin, which is the hormone that carries glucose from the blood into the cells of the body. Due to insulin deficiency, people with type 1 diabetes have too high blood sugar, or hyperglycaemia. They also experience sudden drops in sugar, i.e. hypoglycemia.

  1. When is it worth checking blood glucose levels?

Most patients develop the first symptoms of type 1 diabetes as early as childhood or adolescence. In recent years, this disease is more and more often detected also in adults.

The symptoms of this disease are very violent and cannot be overlooked. It happens that the very first sharp drop in blood sugar ends in a coma. Type 1 diabetes is incurable but can be controlled through diet and drug therapy.

  1. Diabetic diet – menu and recipes in type 1 and 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common type of diabetes. It is also called the non-insulin-dependent type. People suffering from this disease have acquired insulin resistance. Unlike patients with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes are not deficient in this hormone. However, it has very little effect on their cells and does not stimulate them sufficiently to take up glucose, leading to hyperglycemia.

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases with age. Its symptoms are mild either at first. For this reason, the disease is sometimes detected only after several years, when the symptoms are already serious and the risk of complications is high.

In order to detect dangerous changes in the body in time, regular preventive examinations should be used. It is a good idea to perform fasting blood glucose control, for example, at least once a year.

Check if you have diabetes today! The diagnostic test package is available on Medonet Market.

Symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

The symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are very similar. The main difference between them is their violence in the case of type 1 diabetes. The reason for this phenomenon is that during the destruction of pancreatic tissues, the patient may have hyperglycemia of up to 400 mg / dl, while the standard of a random (non-fasted) measurement is below 200 mg / dl.

Worth knowing

The blood sugar concentration in patients with type 2 diabetes at the beginning of the disease usually only slightly exceeds 200 mg / dl. As a result, the intensity of the symptoms of this form of diabetes increases slowly and gradually.

Diabetes Symptoms:

  1. increased urine production (polyuria)
  2. increased thirst (polydipsia)
  3. fatigue and drowsiness,
  4. headaches,
  5. impaired wound healing,
  6. inflammation of the genitals and oral cavity,
  7. fungal infections,
  8. numbness and tingling in the limbs,
  9. night calf cramps,
  10. blurred vision,
  11. potency problems in men,
  12. irregular menstruation in women.

Dandelion leaf, which can be prepared in the form of organic tea, supports the regulation of blood sugar.

Cutaneous symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes leads to the formation of many types skin changes. Some of them are harmless and not specific, others are much more serious and characteristic of this disease. The skin of a diabetic patient is dry, excessively scaly and prone to breakouts. Patients are often accompanied by troublesome itching, and the resulting excessive scratching leads to the formation of microtraumas and bacterial or fungal superinfections. In the elderly, itching usually affects the entire body.

In younger patients, it is local and is often located around the anus and genitourinary organs. Skin changes of varying intensity may occur in the course of diabetes, such as:

  1. itchy skin
  2. bacterial infections, including erysipelas,
  3. fungal infections,
  4. skin hardness and stiff hands syndrome
  5. diabetic bullous
  6. annular granuloma,
  7. vitiligo,
  8. diabetic foot syndrome,
  9. fat dieback.

To take care of your skin, it is worth buying the PiC Solution Re-Vita foot care kit for diabetics. These cosmetics prevent the skin from drying out and ulceration. If skin lesions already appear, use Diabetegen Diabetic Healing Cream, Diabetegen Forte or Diabetegen Diabetic Skin Regenerating Ointment.

Diabetes skin symptoms – fungal infections

Almost half of people with diabetes suffer from tinea pedis and, if left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body, such as the armpits, groin, buttocks, navel, corners of the mouth, and the mucosa of the mouth and throat.

Use the PIC Solution Re-Derma knee socks for diabetics prophylactically, which are available at Medonet Market at attractive prices.

If the digestive system becomes infected with fungal infections, it causes exacerbation of psoriasis lesions and skin rashes, among other things. It also causes irritable bowel-like symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, gas and gas.

Diabetes skin symptoms – bacterial infections

Hyperglycaemia in people with diabetes makes it difficult to heal wounds, which makes them susceptible to bacterial infections. Common problems of patients are boils and inflammation of the hair follicles. These changes can cause pain and discomfort, but are not very serious. The rose caused by streptococci, which, if not treated properly, turns into a gangrenous or bullous rose should be much more worrying.

Rose is an acute inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Vivid red erythema most often appears on the face or on the feet and lower legs. The affected area is warm, shiny and tense. The patient usually has a fever of around 40–41 ° C.

Bladder rose is characterized by blisters filled with serous fluid on the patient’s body, which do not leave scars after resolution. Rose gangrene is the formation of areas of necrosis. It is a serious medical condition. After skin lesions have healed, scars usually remain.

Diabetes skin symptoms – hardened skin

The feeling of thick skin is a fairly late symptom of diabetes. The appearance of it means that the patient is not controlling their blood glucose properly. In extreme situations, a syndrome of stiff hands may occur. The skin on the patient’s upper limbs is then smooth, tense and red, which makes it difficult for him to perform certain movements.


Many patients never regain full health and functionality of the hand area. This is one of the reasons why timely diagnosis and proper treatment of diabetes are so important.

Cutaneous manifestations of diabetes mellitus – bullosis diabeticorum

Bullosis diabeticorum are skin lesions characteristic of patients with long-term diabetes. They are much more common in men than in women. This complication of diabetes is the spontaneous formation of well-defined, tense blisters filled with serum fluid on the patient’s lower legs and feet.

The lesions can also be located on the hands. Their formation is associated with large fluctuations in the patient’s blood glucose, for example as a result of irregular medications.

Diabetes skin symptoms – annular granuloma

Annular granuloma most often affects young people with type 1 diabetes. The main symptom of this disease is ring-shaped, erythematous foci appearing around the joints, as well as on the backs of the hands and feet. Lesions are clusters of small nodules or smooth lumps.

These clusters are shaped like rings, i.e. diseased circles surrounding a patch of healthy skin. They can be cured with corticosteroids, cryotherapy or phototherapy. They often disappear on their own without leaving any traces, especially in children.

  1. Are there any contraindications for phototherapy?

Diabetes skin symptoms – fat dieback

Fat death is a rare complication of diabetes. It mainly affects people with type 2 diabetes. This chronic disease is the formation of red-brown plaques on the patient’s skin with dilated blood vessels.

The lesions appear on the front surfaces of the lower legs, usually first on one leg and then on both legs. They are often accompanied by painful ulcers. Fat dying is a serious condition. In its course, necrotic areas appear on the skin.

  1. Seven diseases that can be seen on the skin

Diabetes skin symptoms – vitiligo

Vitiligo is a local disappearance of a skin pigment. The resulting depigmentation spots are well distinguished. They can be of various shapes and sizes. They occur mainly on the backs of the feet and hands, around the genitourinary organs, on the head, neck, armpits and on the surface of the nipples.

Discolorations are usually symmetrically distributed on both sides of the body. They are often accompanied by premature graying of the hair. The mechanism of these skin lesions is not fully understood. Sometimes they appear at places of injury, for example.

  1. What are the most common causes of itchy skin?

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that can cause numerous complications. In order to prevent their occurrence, you should scrupulously follow the recommendations of your doctor. Symptoms of diabetes that appear on the skin include itching, leading to bacterial and fungal superinfections, boils, inflammation of the hair follicles or ulcerations.

Most skin lesions in people suffering from this disease are located on the distal parts of the lower limbs. They are related, inter alia, to the obstructed blood flow through the blood vessels of these patients.

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