Symptoms of dementia. The doctor lists the most disturbing signals

Dementia not only takes away memory, it also affects thoughts, feelings and behavior. Although associated with old age, it is not a natural part of it. Nor is it a disease, but rather a group of symptoms. There are different symptoms and causes of dementia. Among them there are symptoms that are especially worrying for doctors. Especially since 55 million people in the world are already struggling with dementia, and by 2050 there will be almost 140 million of them.

  1. It is estimated that 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, and in 2050 this number could reach 139 million
  2. Dementia is a group of symptoms associated with progressive deterioration in brain function
  3. The causes of dementia vary. The symptoms also vary – depending on the part of the brain that is damaged. Doctors point out a few of the most worrying
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Dementia is not a disease. So what is it?

While dementia is most often associated with memory loss, its devastating effects are much broader. It also includes the way you speak, think, feel and behave. Moreover, we associate it mainly with old age, whereas dementia is not a “normal” part of this process, nor is it a typical disease. So what is it?

It can be said that dementia is a generic term for a wide range of specific medical conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for 60-80 percent of the population. cases of dementia. In simple terms, it can be said that dementia is a group of symptoms associated with the progressive deterioration of brain function. Their common denominator are changes in the central nervous system and their consequences, i.e. primarily a decrease in thinking skills (cognitive abilities). These disorders generate difficulties in performing daily activities, affect relationships with people, and eventually take away independence, condemning others to constant care.

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We have already said that the causes of dementia are different. This also applies to symptoms – these depend on the damaged part of the brain. However, there are some typical early signs that may be a sign of developing dementia.

Symptoms of dementia. What worries doctors the most?

The initial symptoms of dementia include, but are not limited to memory deficits, difficulties with concentration, with carrying out typical everyday tasks, problems with finding the right word, mood changes or being lost in the present (confusion about time and place). In the initial stage, these disorders are often mild, sometimes even imperceptible to the patient or his surroundings. Some people will not get these symptoms worse, but others will develop dementia.

Among the symptoms of dementia, or rather its manifestations, doctors point to a few that are of the greatest concern. Dr. Cathryn Devons, a geriatric specialist, talked about it on In her opinion, among the disturbing symptoms was the loss of short-term (fresh) memory, that is, simply remembering what is perceived by the senses “here and now” (this enables us to learn and absorb new information). The doctor also points to: problems with driving a car, the risk of medication being mixed up, which may have dire consequences and, in general, less and less ability to live independently, and to take care of yourself and your home (e.g. loss of interest in daily activities, problems with money management). and paying bills).

«Disturbing signs include, firstly, forgetting about daily routines and lapses in memory, which may manifest as repetition of questions or avoidance of answers. Another cause for concern may be the neglect of personal hygiene, »Dr. Devons points out. It is worst when patients are no longer able to independently carry out daily activities such as toilette, dress or move around. “This is most disturbing and means that it is probably too late for treatment,” says the specialist.

How can I reduce the risk of dementia? This you can do

There are factors in the development of dementia that we cannot control. This includes advancing age or genes (although they themselves do not cause dementia, but rather in combination with environmental conditions, such as smoking). On the other hand, we can modify many elements of risk. Research says that by doing this, you can reduce the likelihood of developing dementia by about a third.

Support for the proper functioning of the brain includes supplementation of B vitamins. You can find them in the Do! Focus dietary supplement, available in Medonet Market.

So what should we do? Experts agree that what’s good for the heart also serves the brain. This means that the risk of dementia can be reduced by:

  1. follow a healthy, balanced diet – A diet high in saturated fat, salt and sugar, and low in fiber may increase the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight or obesity, and type 2 diabetes
  2. maintaining a healthy weight – being overweight or obese may increase blood pressure and the risk of type 2 diabetes
  3. regular exercise – lack of regular physical activity may increase the risk of heart disease, overweight or obesity, type 2 diabetes. It is recommended to spend about 2,5 hours a week on moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. – it can be brisk walking, cycling, dancing. It’s also important to sit less
  4. reducing alcohol consumption (according to to no more than 14 units per week for both men and women) – excessive drinking increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and some cancers, as well as damage to the nervous system
  5. quitting cigarettes – smoking causes, among others narrowing of the arteries, which can raise blood pressure, and there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  6. mind gymnastics, also in old age – it involves activities such as reading, writing, playing cards, checkers, chess, solving puzzles. More on this in the article: How to “immunize” the brain against the effects of Alzheimer’s? There is a way, and a nice one.

For memory and concentration, it is worth using an infusion of ginseng root. Ginseng root now buy on Medonet Market.

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