Symptoms of collagen deficiency – signs can be seen on the skin and more

Collagen is the basic building block of several structures in the body, including skin and hair. Over time, the production of this important ingredient begins to decline, and then you can save yourself with supplementation, adequate hydration and a proper diet. How to recognize that our body is lacking collagen?

  1. Collagen is the basis of skin, hair, and bones, and is also found in muscles, connective tissue and the cornea of ​​the eye
  2. Signs of collagen deficiency are most often visible on the skin – they can be recognized, among others, by wrinkles and cellulite
  3. If your body produces too little collagen, you may experience gastrointestinal discomfort
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Collagen deficiency – skin symptoms

Due to the fact that collagen forms the basis of the skin structure, it is primarily responsible for its level of hydration as well as firmness and elasticity. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that when collagen production decreases, you can feel the difference in the form of lost firmness and flaccid skin. In addition, the skin dries out, loses its youthful glow and wrinkles appear on its surface.

Other skin symptoms associated with collagen deficiency are cellulite and sagging eyes, thin skin on the cheeks and darkening of the skin around the eyes.

When it comes to beauty, it is worth knowing that collagen protein is the source of one of the main components of keratin, which is the building block of hair and nails. For this reason, lowered collagen levels can cause slow graying, hair loss and deteriorate the condition of the nails.

How does collagen deficiency affect health?

Symptoms of collagen deficiency will be felt by athletes, among others. This is due to the fact that collagen helps muscles elasticity and affects their recovery after training. The deficiency of this important ingredient will contribute to the extension of muscle regeneration time and even loss of muscle mass.

For athletes, a special uPatient examination package has been created, thanks to which physically active people can check their health.

Gastrointestinal problems are another health issue faced by people with collagen deficiencies. This ingredient works to repair the intestinal walls, and in the event of its deficiency, leaky gut syndrome can occur, causing infections and inflammation.

  1. It is worth trying the Set for healthy intestines – available at

It is worth remembering that collagen is also a building block of bones and joint cartilage. Deficiencies will surely affect the joints, and the body will be more susceptible to damage and injuries that will last longer. Along with the reduced production of collagen, the amortization of the joints and their elasticity decrease. For people suffering from such ailments, we recommend YANGO liquid collagen for joints, Propolia BeeYes capsules for joints with glucosamine and a herbal set for joints.


Healthy bones – blood tests to check the condition of the bones are available at

Other symptoms of collagen deficiency include:

  1. collagen vascular disease. Collagen atrophy can lead to psoriatic arthritis, temporary arteritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Sometimes Sjögren’s syndrome is also present. People who are concerned about rheumatic diseases can have a blood test package for rheumatism;
  2. weight loss; and disturbed appetite. This is due to the fact that collagen peptides affect the feeling of satiety. Collagen deficiency reduces the desire to eat;
  3. pressure problems and cardiovascular disorders. Collagen is a valuable component of the blood vessels and walls of the heart. Collagen deficiency can reduce blood flow, leading to high blood pressure, dizziness, chest pain, constant fatigue, and frequent headache.

Editors recommend: Collagen – action, impact on health, sources. Which collagen to choose?

What are the causes of collagen deficiency?

We mentioned that the production of collagen decreases due to the aging of the body, but there are a number of factors that additionally accelerate this process.

The causes of collagen deficiency include:

  1. stress,
  2. vitamin C deficiencies,
  3. zinc deficiencies,
  4. inadequate diet.
  5. deficiency of antioxidants,
  6. Oxidative stress,
  7. exposure to UV radiation,
  8. smoking,
  9. alcohol (it depletes vitamin C and interferes with zinc absorption, so several factors are involved at the same time),
  10. chronic inflammation, related for example to a chronic disease,
  11. excess sugar in the diet,
  12. sleep disturbance.

Additionally, the importance of genetics in the production of collagen should not be forgotten. Genes obtained from parents and ancestors play an important role here and can burden our body with the ability to reduce collagen production and aging the body faster.

What to do in case of symptoms of collagen deficiency?

Collagen production naturally decreases with age, but people who want to keep their youth a bit can implement a few tips in their lives. First of all, it is worth trying to minimize selected factors responsible for collagen deficiency. They were listed above and among them we can distinguish stress and stimulants.

Of course, a proper diet is also important. Daily meals should include foods rich in antioxidants, which reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and also maintain collagen production. You can reach for products based on pork gelatin, containing pork collagen, vegetable jellies, processed meat products (e.g. head cheese), as well as shark cartilage, which are a source of fish collagen. At the same time, it is worth reducing the consumption of foods rich in sugar and foods made of white flour.


Shark cartilage based dietary supplements can be purchased HERE.

It is also recommended to take hydrolyzed collagen peptides, as well as appropriate supplementation. For this purpose, it is worth reaching for preparations containing zinc, vitamin C or antioxidants.

You can buy collagen supplements at Medonet Market

Try preparations containing collagen:

  1. Collagen Peptan F 300 mg – fish collagen dietary supplement,
  2. Collagen with vitamin C Intenson,
  3. Collagen anti-ageTM IT,
  4. Premium YANGO liquid collagen,
  5. BeautyMe Health Labs Care – collagen with vitamin C.
  6. Kolagen Revital — suplement diety Doctor Life

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