Symptoms of BA.4 and BA.5 mutations. Two especially important. Doctor: take it really seriously
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Scientists are worried about Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants detected in winter. There is also more and more talk about the next wave of infections that awaits us. Researchers are still studying BA.4 and BA.5, but they are known to be more contagious than the previous ones and to attack the vaccinated more easily. What do we know about the symptoms? Epidemiologist prof. Tim Spector pays special attention to two of them. They should be taken “really seriously”, quoted the doctor

  1. Podwarianty Omikronu BA.4 i BA.5 po raz pierwszy wykryto w lutym 2022 r. w Afryce Południowej
  2. BA.4 and BA.5 are known to spread more quickly and can “bypass” the antibody response following vaccination or infection
  3. Z dotychczasowych obserwacji wynika, że objawy zakażenia nowymi podwariantami Omikronu najczęściej przypominają przeziębienie
  4. Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, highlights two symptoms that are better not to be underestimated
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What can Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 mutations lead to?

The coronavirus is still with us and continues to improve. The proof are the sub-variants of the Omikron mutation BA.4 and BA.5 detected in the winter in South Africa. Thanks to them, the pandemic reminds of itself louder and louder. In mid-June, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) warned that the threat of these sub-variants is increasing on our continent. Italian experts warn in the newspaper La Stampa that there may be a wave of infections in the summer. BA.4 and BA.5 mutations. are also spreading in the United States. According to CDC data from last week, they are already responsible for 35 percent. new cases of COVID-19.

Scientists are still trying to find out how virulent new mutations are. However, they are known to spread faster than other variants. Scientists also believe that they can “bypass” the antibody response that the body produces after vaccination or infection.

“We can expect reinfection,” said Shishi Luo, a specialist in bioinformatics and infectious diseases, in Time. «Every time we are infected it is embarrassing at best. And in the worst case, it can lead to debilitating symptoms »- he adds, wskazując na ryzyko wystąpienia długiego covidu, który, jak sugerują ostatnie badania, dotyka nawet osoby, które zostały zaszczepione.

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Najczęstsze objawy BA.4 i BA.5 Omikronu

There is also more optimistic information. As Dr. Thomas Russo, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Buffalo (USA) notes, the new sub-variants do not appear to cause more severe disease than previous versions of the Omicron. The researchers note, however, that the BA.4, BA.5 observations are too short. “It really isn’t enough time to fully solve the problem.”

The rest of the article is available under the video.

Z dotychczasowych badań wynika, że objawy zakażenia nowymi podwariantami Omikronu najczęściej przypominają zwykłe przeziębienie i utrzymują się przez okres około czterech dni. Według ekspertów większość objawów jest taka sama jak w przypadku innych mutacji koronawirusa. Wśród nich wymieniają:

  1. Stuffed nose
  2. body aches
  3. sore throat
  4. sneezing
  5. headache
  6. cough
  7. fatigue

“The new variant affects the upper respiratory tract”, Giovanni Di Perri, infectious disease specialist from a hospital in Turin emphasized in La Stampa.

The doctor notes two symptoms. They need to be taken “really seriously”

Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, also looks at the BA.4 and BA.5 subventions. The scientist is a co-founder of the ZOE Covid application, which registers reports from millions of users from the United Kingdom. In May, Spector highlighted two symptoms of COVID-19 infection that should be taken “really seriously.” I am talking about loss of sense of smell and tinnitus (ringing) in the ears.

This warning came after Prof. Spector and his team analyzed the data for the incidence of tinnitus in people infected with the coronavirus. As the epidemiologist noted, although this is something we haven’t heard much about, it turns out that 19 percent. or one in five of you has had ear problems because of COVID-19, ”he said. Survey participants noted that this symptom “comes and goes, it can be mild to moderate and last for weeks or months”.

What is tinnitus?

Szum w uszach jest często opisywany jako dzwonienie w uszach bez zewnętrznego źródła. Dla wielu jest to dźwięk dzwonka, podczas gdy dla innych jest to gwizd, brzęczenie, świergotanie, syczenie, brzęczenie, ryczenie, a nawet pisk. Dźwięk może wydawać się dochodzący z jednego ucha lub obu, z wnętrza głowy lub z daleka. Może być stały, przerywany lub pulsujący. Więcej na temat szumu w uszach.

Why cannot these symptoms be ignored? According to the epidemiologist, their appearance suggests that the area closer to the brain may have been attacked.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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