Symptoms of astheno-depressive syndrome and how to treat it?

Hello everybody! Recently, we talked about depression in this article, but today I want to continue the topic and propose to consider one of its types, astheno-depressive syndrome. It is such a symbiosis of asthenia and depression, and it already requires medical intervention, so I will acquaint you with the main signs of its manifestation so that you can get help in time.


This syndrome has many names, including: asthenia, neuropsychic weakness, influenza of young workaholics, and, familiar to everyone, chronic fatigue syndrome. In simple terms, this is a signal of the nervous system that it is exhausted, and there is practically no energy left in its cells.

According to statistics, women aged 30 to 42 are more susceptible to it, and men aged 37 to 45. The risk group also includes people who occupy leadership positions, when the level of responsibility is sometimes much greater than the capabilities of the individual, when the body’s reserves are not able to replenish lost reserves due to the fact that a person works for wear and tear, and sometimes in vain. Let’s look at the reasons why this happens:

  • The most common reason is the too fast pace of life and the desire to do everything, high expectations and lack of proper rest. This is how many modern people live, in pursuit of «happiness», not noticing that the nervous system has completely weakened due to constant stress and overstrain.
  • Lack of minerals and trace elements in the body, essential vitamins. Either the assimilation process is broken, or a person simply does not add them to his daily diet. Nutrition is unbalanced, sometimes excessive.
  • Decreased activity of the immune system, as well as problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Sometimes the cause is a traumatic brain injury.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, energy is not directed outward, is not spent properly, but is turned, as it were, deep into a person. Such retention of tension leads to the fact that interest in something disappears, there is no living of vivid emotions, due to lethargy, every day is filled with monotony, which over time tightens an already deep depression.
  • Sometimes it is a consequence of diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, gastritis or any chronic diseases.
  • Intoxication of the body due to the intake of alcohol, nicotine, or any medication.


Symptoms of astheno-depressive syndrome and how to treat it?

Very often, the symptoms are of a somatic nature, a person does not suspect the presence of depression, but tries to detect and cure diseases, ignoring his psychological state.

  • Scattered attention, memory difficulties, the person becomes unable to concentrate, is often distracted, and thinking slows down.
  • There is no appetite, in this case a person either eats little, or understands that food is necessary, and uses it out of habit, without experiencing pleasure and satiety.
  • Hypersensitivity, can easily «get hurt» by the words of others who have not previously hurt.
  • Sleep disturbances, or insomnia, or vice versa, drowsiness, sleeps more than normal, but does not feel cheerful and energized.
  • Weakness and lethargy.
  • Lack of interest in anything, loss of a sense of satisfaction. I am no longer happy with work, relationships, hobbies and other things that used to motivate me to be active.
  • Anxiety increases, phobias and fears that were previously not characteristic may begin to develop. For example, at the thought that when you go out and go home, you will end up in a crowded place, you may experience panic, trembling in the body and lack of oxygen.
  • Pain in the body, especially in the muscles and joints. There may be a headache that does not go away even with the use of painkillers.
  • Excessive sensitivity to external stimuli appears, that is, smells, touches and sounds become simply unbearable.
  • Thoughts of suicide, just an unbearable feeling of guilt and despair.
  • Due to weakness and lack of energy, it sometimes freezes while the room is warm.
  • A frequent companion is shortness of breath, even in the absence of physical exertion, which can be provoked by ordinary walking.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • In women, menstrual irregularities may occur, and in men, impotence.


Symptoms of astheno-depressive syndrome and how to treat it?

  1. In order not to have to bring your body to a state where treatment is inevitable, learn to stop. I do not urge you not to strive for success or stop investing all your strength for a certain result, just learn to notice yourself in a whirlwind of events and stress. Be sure to organize breaks and vacations in your activities, get enough sleep and find time for simple pleasures. Give yourself the opportunity to recover, then the chance to cope with stress increases.
  2. Energy does not arise for what we do not want, there is a lot of it in the excitement that appears in desire. I’m not only about sexual arousal, but in general, excitement, interest, excitement. If your day has become similar to another and has ceased to surprise and delight — do not be lazy, think about how to diversify your life. Do something that has not been done before, even if resistance arises, overcome it, try it, this is very necessary for your soul and body.
  3. If you have at least half of the symptoms, then this is already a pronounced astheno-depressive syndrome, which is not recommended to be treated on your own, be sure to contact a specialist who can diagnose and choose the most appropriate, comprehensive method of rehabilitation. The longer this condition lasts, the more difficult it will be to cope with it.
  4. Healthy lifestyle. Try, if not eliminate, then at least significantly reduce the amount of alcohol or nicotine consumed. Your diet should contain only healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Walks in the fresh air, even through the “I don’t want to, I can’t” should be every day, despite the weather and mood. Regarding alcohol, I want to recommend an article, here is the link.
  5. Physical exercise. I will not get tired of repeating about the usefulness of training, exercises. This is a great way to discharge, distract from disturbing thoughts, and also replenish the level of happiness hormones, which are sorely lacking during a period of depression. And do not be fooled by excuses that there is no time or energy directly to the gym, if you do daily exercises on your own for at least 10 minutes, this will help a lot.
  6. To have a good sleep, if you have problems with it, try a method such as aromatherapy, take a course of massage, do yoga in the evening, read a book, a glass of warm milk helps some. You must do everything in your power to regain the opportunity to recover. In the most difficult and protracted case, a specialist can prescribe sedatives that will relieve the level of anxiety and help improve sleep.


In order not to think about how to treat asthenia, pay attention to the listed symptoms in time, value yourself and take care of yourself. And in the event of its occurrence, let me remind you again, be sure to contact a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Take care of yourself, see you soon.

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